


这se resources can be a great place to start with questions. You can also read stories from others with MS and research every element of the disease, from diagnosis and treatment to relapse and progression.


If you’ve recently been diagnosed with MS, you can connect with people who are living with the disease atMS连接。这re, you’ll also find individuals who are trained to answer your questions. These peer support connections can be a great resource soon after your diagnosis.

MS连接中的子组,例如Newly Diagnosed Group,旨在连接寻求支持或有关该疾病有关的特定主题的信息。如果您有一个正在帮助您或提供护理的亲人,他们可能会发现卡雷帕纳支持小组乐于助人和信息丰富。

要访问小组的页面和活动,您需要使用MS Connection创建一个帐户。论坛是私人的,您必须登录才能查看它们。

Msworldstarted in 1996 as a group of six people in a chat room. Today, the site is run by volunteers and serves more than 220,000 individuals with MS around the globe.


mymsteamis a social network for people with MS. You can ask questions in theirQ&A section,阅读帖子,并从其他患有这种疾病的人那里获得见解。您还可以找到与MS一起生活的其他人,并查看他们发布的日常更新。



For the most part, older discussion boards have given way to social networks. However, the discussion board这个Is MSremains very active and engaged within the MS community.

Sections dedicated to treatment and life allow you to ask questions and reply to others. If you hear of a new treatment or possible breakthrough, you can likely find a thread within this forum that will help you understand the news.

Many organizations and community groups host individual MS Facebook groups. Many are locked or private, and you must request to join and receive approval to comment and see other posts.




这不是不寻常的感到孤独在收到一个diagnosis of MS. There are thousands of people online you can connect with who are experiencing the same things as you and sharing their stories and advice. Bookmark these forums so that you can go back to them when you’re in need of support. Remember to always discuss anything you read online with your doctor before trying it.