Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a potentially disabling disease where the immune system attacks myelin in the central nervous system (spinal cord, brain, and optic nerve).


MScan affect anyone, but it historically was considered more prevalent among white females. Some newer research is challenging the assumptions that other groups are less affected.

尽管这种疾病已经知道appear in all racial and ethnic groups, it often presents itself differently in people of color, sometimes complicating diagnosis and treatment.


  • 疲劳
  • 麻木或刺痛
  • vision problems
  • 头晕
  • cognitive changes
  • depression
  • speech problems
  • seizures
  • weakness

But while these common symptoms affect most people with MS, some groups of people — more specifically people of color — can experience more severe or localized forms of the disease.

在a2016年研究, researchers sought to compare patients who were asked to self-identify as African American, Hispanic American, or Caucasian American. They found that on a scale from 0 to 10, the MS severity score for African American and Hispanic American patients was higher than that of Caucasian American patients.

This echoes prior2010年的研究that observed African American patients had higher scores on a severity scale than white American patients, even when adjusting for factors like age, gender, and treatment. This could possibly lead to more motor impairment, fatigue, and other debilitating symptoms.

其他研究 notes that African Americans are also more likely to have frequent relapses and faster progression of the disease, putting them at increased risk for disability.

Similarly, a2018年的研究在哪些患者被要求自我识别,因为非洲裔美国或高加索美国人发现脑组织中的萎缩发生在非洲裔以外的母语。这是脑细胞的逐渐丧失。



African Americans with MS also experience more balance, coordination, and walking problems, compared with other populations.

But symptoms aren’t only different for African Americans, though. It’s also different for other persons of color, such as Asian Americans or Hispanic Americans.

Like African Americans, Hispanic Americans aremore likely体验严重的疾病进展。

Additionally, some research on phenotypes indicates those with African or 亚洲 ancestry are more likely to have a type of MS known as opticospinal.

This is when the disease specifically affects the optic nerves and spinal cord. This can trigger vision problems, as well as problems with mobility.


The reason for differences in symptoms isn’t known, but scientists believe genetics and environment might play a role.

One 理论 suggests a vitamin D link, as a deficiency has been linked to a higher risk for MS. Vitamin D helps the body absorb calcium, and contributes to healthy immune function, bones, muscles, and heart.

Exposure to the sun’s ultraviolet light is a natural source of vitamin D, yet it is harder for darker skin to absorb enough sunlight.


No association has been found between African Americans, Asian Americans, or Hispanic Americans, prompting the need for follow-up studies.


The difference doesn’t only apply to symptoms — it also applies to the onset of symptoms.

The average onset of MS symptoms is between the ages of 20 and 50.

But according to research ,症状可能在以后为非洲裔美国人而言,与非西班牙裔美国人相比,西班牙裔美国人(早些时候3至5年来)发展。

People of color also face challenges when seeking a diagnosis.

MS is historically believed to primarily affect those who are white. As a result, some people of color live with the disease and symptoms for years before getting an accurate diagnosis.



According to theLupus Foundation of America, this disease is more prevalent in women of color, including those who are African American, Hispanic, Native American, or Asian.


But an MS diagnosis doesn’t only take longer because it’s harder to identify.


It’s also important to recognize the limitations resulting from a lack of culturally competent care that is free from bias due to systemic racism.


There’s no cure for MS, although treatment can slow disease progression and lead to remission. This is a period characterized by no symptoms.

First-line therapies for MS often include anti-inflammatory medication and immunosuppressant drugs to suppress the immune system, as well as disease-modifying drugs to stop inflammation. These help slow the progression of the disease.

But although these are standard courses of treatment for the disease, not all racial and ethnic groups respond the same to treatment. 过去的研究 已发现,对于一些非洲裔美国人来说,对疾病改性疗法的反应可能并不是有利。


2015年的研究 it was observed that of the 60,000 articles related to MS available through PubMed in 2014, only 113 focused on African American and Black populations and only 23 on Hispanic American and Latino populations.

Currently, the level of participation by racial and ethnic minorities is still low, and understanding how treatments affect these individuals will require changes to enrollment practices and study recruitment.


在addition, some people of color might not have access to or be referred to a neurologist for MS treatment, and as a result, they might not receive access to as many disease-modifying therapies or alternative therapies, which could reduce disability.

