多发性硬化(MS)是一个条件是影响s the central nervous system (CNS). MS can cause a wide range of symptoms, from numbness in your arms and legs to paralysis (in its most severe state).



  • an attack
  • 关于
  • an episode
  • 恶化
  • 复发


要了解MS Flare是什么,您首先需要了解MS的症状。MS最常见的症状之一是您的手臂或腿部麻木或刺痛感。


  • 四肢的疼痛或软弱
  • 视力问题,例如双视力
  • loss of coordination and balance
  • 头晕
  • 疲劳



Sometimes they’re mild. Other times, symptoms can be so severe they make it difficult to function. There can be one symptom or more than one, depending on how the CNS is affected and how many areas of the CNS are involved.

Symptoms of flare-ups include:

  • weakness in the legs or arms
  • blurred vision or eye pain due to optic neuritis, which is an inflammation of the optic nerve that affects and impairs vision
  • 平衡问题或头晕
  • 严重的疲劳
  • issues with memory or concentration
  • numbness
  • tingling or a feeling of pins and needles
  • slurred speech or trouble swallowing
  • 膀胱问题,包括尿失禁或经常需要小便



  • 发生 at least 30 days 较早的爆发之后
  • last for 24 hours or longer
  • aren’t related to infection or another medical cause
  • 在爆炸之间不存在


According to someresearch, most people withrrms在整个疾病过程中体验爆发。



There’s no way to completely cure MS, but MS disease-modifying therapies (DMTs) can help reduce or prevent flare-ups.

There are ways to avoid thetriggersthat may prompt them, too.


According to a2015年研究评论, stressful life events, like those with work or family life, can increase the occurrence of MS flare-ups. The review notes that the association between stress and flare-ups was strongest in studies using self-reported diaries.

Keep in mind that stress is a fact of life. But you can take steps to reduce it. You can help lower your stress levels by:


According to a2015年研究评论, common infections, such as theflu或acold,可以触发女士爆炸。




有些人担心手术和麻醉引起爆发。根据National MS Society,都不会带来爆发。

Anesthesia is generally considered safe for people who live with MS. People with advanced MS and respiratory problems have a higher risk of complications from anesthesia, but not flare-ups. (However, complications are rare.)

some studies 提出有可能的联系tonsillectomy和later getting an MS diagnosis, but it’s not certain that there’s any specific cause and effect.

It’s important to remember that this potential link involves risk of disease onset, not of a flare-up of symptoms.



研究表明,疫苗不会恶化MS。研究看了各种疫苗, from seasonal flu vaccines to hepatitis B and even the current COVID-19 vaccines.

国家MS协会有an entire page在其专门针对疫苗的网站上,包括在某些情况下采取的预防措施,包括:

  • 当您经历大火时,没有接种疫苗
  • 如果您要服用某些药物


Other risk factors

Older people may be more likely to experience flare-ups, according to a2019 research review.

Men and women are also prone to different types of flare-ups.

Other risk factors for flare-ups that researchers have identified include:

  • 不服用DMT
  • 热暴露
  • 疲劳
  • serum levels of vitamin D
  • 抽烟



  • 疾病或感染,尤其是尿路感染(UTI)
  • 抑郁或焦虑,通常是由压力带来的
  • 精疲力尽
  • 锻炼
  • an environment that’s too warm




Flare-ups can happen with little to no warning. However, there are important steps you can take that may help prevent them. Maintaining overall health is important for everyone, but it’s especially necessary for people living with MS.

Much of what you can do involves preventing infections. To do that, eat a nutrient-rich and balanced diet.

If you smoke, get help to quit. Smoking increases the chances of chest infections and respiratory infections, which can bring on flare-ups.

If you’re prescribed DMTs, be sure to take them as directed. Missing doses can cause problems. If you have concerns about your DMTs or any associated side effects associated, speak with your doctor to see what other options may be available.




  • 皮质类固醇。These medications can help bring down inflammation in the short term.
  • 生命值。acthar凝胶。This injectable medication is generally used only when corticosteroids haven’t been effective.
  • Plasma exchange.这种治疗方法用新的血浆代替了血浆。当其他疗法没有起作用时,它仅用于非常严重的爆发。

If your flare-up is very severe, your doctor may suggest restorative rehabilitation as you begin to regain strength. This treatment may involve:

  • physical therapy
  • 职业治疗
  • treatment for problems with speech, swallowing, or thinking

Since flare-ups can be different for each person, recovery will also be different.

Consider your lifestyle and how active it normally is. Things may need to change for you to recover well.




Your doctor will help determine the right kinds of specialists for you so that your recovery is as easy as possible.