
Many different DMTs are available, so it might be confusing to try and keep them all straight.

DMTs vary when it comes to how often you take them. They can be:

  • daily medications
  • taken a few times per week or month
  • taken even less often

The frequency depends on the type of DMT and its actions in your body.

The chart below covers approved DMTs, how they’re taken, and common side effects to be aware of.

DMT How it’s taken Most common side effects
interferon beta-1a (Avonex, Plegridy, Rebif) 每周一次自我注射一次(avonex),每2周一次(plegridy)或每周3次(rebif) flu-like symptoms, pain or reaction at injection site
interferon beta-1b (Betaseron, Extavia) self-injected every 2 days flu-like symptoms, reaction at injection site
glatiramer acetate (Copaxone, Glatopa, generic) self-injected daily or 3 times weekly reaction at injection site, dizziness or shortness of breath at time of injection
ofatumumab (Kesimpta) self-injected once per month respiratory infection, injection-site reactions, headache
alemtuzumab (Lemtrada) IV infusion daily for 5 days, then 1 year later, daily for 3 days 瘙痒,头痛,恶心,头晕,疼痛,感染
mitoxantrone (Novantrone) IV infusion every 3 months 恶心,感染,口腔疮
Ocrelizumab(Ocrevus) IV infusion every 2 weeks for first 2 doses, then every 6 months after that infections, reactions at infusion site
natalizumab (Tysabri) IV infusion every 4 weeks headaches, joint pain, fatigue
teriflunomide (Aubagio) oral once daily headaches, nausea, hair thinning
monomethyl fumarate (Bafiertam) oral twice daily itching, stomach problems, diarrhea
FTY720 (Gilenya)
oral once daily diarrhea, headaches, back pain
cladribine (Mavenclad) oral; taken over 4 to 5 days在2个治疗周期间s per year for 2 years upper respiratory infections, headaches
siponimod (Mayzent) oral once daily high blood pressure, headaches, abnormal liver function tests
dimethyl fumarate (Tecfidera) oral twice daily 胃部不适,白细胞计数下降,皮肤上的热或瘙痒感
diroximel fumarate (Vumerity) oral twice daily stomach upset, flushing, itching, rash
ozanimod (Zeposia) oral once daily back pain, blood pressure changes, upper respiratory infections, frequent and painful urination

Keeping in touch with your care team is an important part of taking care of yourself.

Regular appointments are an opportunity for you and your doctor to check in. You’ll discuss whether current treatments are working or a change in therapy is needed.

In the chart above, some of the most common side effects are listed; however, it’s possible you may experience others.

Some side effects are more common with certain types of medication. For example:

  • Injected medications.These can cause flu-like symptoms or changes in some blood work results.
  • 注入。These can cause headaches and nausea, and they can increase the risk of some infections.
  • Oral medications.These can cause stomach upset and headaches.


Talk with your doctor if you’re concerned about side effects or if you notice any changes in your health when starting a DMT.

There are no DMTs that are proven safe for pregnancy or breastfeeding. It’s important to let your doctor know if you think you’re pregnant or are considering a pregnancy.
