
A multiple-gated acquisition (MUGA) scan is an outpatient imaging test that looks at how well the bottom chambers of your heart (ventricles) are pumping blood out into your body.


  • equilibrium radionuclide angiogram
  • 血液池扫描
  • 放射性核素脑室(RVG或RNV)
  • radionuclide angiography (RNA)

The MUGA scan uses a chemical compound called a tracer and an imaging device called a gamma camera to provide your doctor with images of your heart.


测试也经常用于看你的心脏足够健康chemotherapytreatments for cancer. If this is the case, it’ll be performed before and during chemo treatments to keep an eye on your heart.

Let’s learn more about what exactly happens during a MUGA scan and how to understand what its results mean.

这是您需要做的是准备Muga Scan:

  • Stop taking any medicationsor using any supplements your doctor instructs you to stop.
  • 不要喝任何咖啡因或酒精for a few hours before a resting scan that’s done while you’re sitting or lying down.
  • Don’t eat or drink anything except waterfor a few hours before an exercise (stress) scan that’s done while you’re doing light activity.
  • 穿宽松,舒适的衣服和鞋子。
  • 让你的医生知道你怀孕了吗?, as the chemical tracer can harm the fetus.

Here’s how the procedure itself will likely go:

  1. Your doctor or a technician places small, circular objects called electrodes on your body. These electrodes are hooked up to an心电图仪(ECG或EKG)测量您的心率。
  2. If you’re doing a resting test, you’ll lie down on a table or special bed.
  3. An intravenous (IV) line is inserted into an arm vein.
  4. A medication is injected into your arm to increase your red blood cells’ ability to absorb the tracer material.
  5. 将被称为放射性核素的化学示踪剂通过IV线注入臂中。
  6. A gamma camera is placed above your chest to capture various images of the heart from different angles so that every part is fully visible on the final images. The camera takes a picture every time your heart pumps blood so that your doctor can see how blood is pumping over time at the same stage in your heartbeat in each image.
  7. 如果您正在进行运动测试,您将被要求使用跑步机或骑自行车机,直到您的心脏达到典型运动的最高速度。然后,你会躺在桌子上完成扫描。在某些情况下,您可以在躺下时循环。

A MUGA scan takes about one to two hours.


There aren’t many risks associated with a MUGA scan. The level of radioactivity produced by the tracer material and the camera is extremely low and isn’t known to cause any short-term or long-term damage to your body. In fact, a MUGA scan produces减少放射性than a typical X-ray scan.

It’s possible to have anallergic reactionto the radioactive tracer material. Symptoms can vary based on the type of tracer material used, and may include:

  • 感到恶心
  • throwing up
  • having diarrhea
  • having an irregular heartbeat
  • developing a rash or redness on skin
  • experiencing visible swelling from fluid buildup (edema)
  • 感到疲倦或迷失方向
  • 传出

你也可能麻烦冲洗示踪剂fluid if you have any kidney, liver, or heart conditions that require you to limit your fluid intake. Talk to your doctor before your test to see if any of these conditions will affect the rate at which the tracer will leave your body.

You’ll receive your results in a few days in the form of a percentage. This percentage is known as the left ventricle ejection fraction (LVEF).



<40% 40–55 percent 55–70 percent > 75 percent
left ventricular systolic dysfunction 心肌损伤 普通的 肥厚性心肌病
冠状动脉疾病 心肌梗塞 普通的 肥厚性心肌病
轻度到严重的心力衰竭或心脏病发作风险 化疗损伤 普通的 肥厚性心肌病


  • 心阀条件
  • 心脏泵送机制的功能障碍
  • 心室不同时抽水(Desynchrony)
  • 动脉堵塞

穆巴扫描成本$ 400和1200美元, depending on your particular health insurance plan or the area you live in.

这种扫描通常封面ed by your health insurance plan.


  • A MUGA scan is a nuclear medicine test that usesgamma rays and a chemical tracerto generate images of your heart.
  • 超声心动图使用高频声波和具有特殊凝胶的换能器生成心脏的超声图像。它们可以通过将换能器放在胸部或轻轻沿着薄的柔性管上轻轻沿着喉咙来完成。

Your heart function is vital to your health and quality of life, and many of the conditions that cause an abnormal MUGA scan result can have significant complications if left untreated.
