谷氨酸钠(MSG) symptom complex refers to a group of symptoms some people experience after eating food containing MSG. These symptoms often include headache, skin flushing, and sweating.
The FDA categorizes MSG as “generally recognized as safe” (GRAS). The FDA also categorizes salt and sugar as GRAS. However, there’s controversy over the lack of oversight the FDA has in the introduction and use of additives by the food industry.
According to theCenter for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI),许多GRAS食品不会经历这种安全索赔所需的严格测试。例如,反式脂肪曾被识别为GRAS,直到足够的研究迫使FDA改变分类。
FDA要求公司添加味精ir foods to include the additive on the list of ingredients on the packaging. This is because some people identify themselves as sensitive to MSG. However, some ingredients naturally contain MSG, and food manufacturers may choose to use these ingredients to avoid disclosing the name MSG on the ingredient list.
If you intend to steer clear of MSG, exclude these main ingredients: autolyzed yeast, textured vegetable protein, yeast extract, glutamic acid, gelatin, soy protein isolate, and soy extracts.
- headache
- sweating
- skin flushing
- numbness or burning in the mouth
- numbness or burning in the throat
- nausea
- 疲劳
Less commonly, people can experience severe, life-threatening symptoms like those experienced during allergic reactions. Severe symptoms may include:
Minor symptoms don’t require treatment. But you should go to an emergency room or call 911 right away if you experience severe symptoms.
People think MSG is linked to the symptoms previously listed. But this hasn’t been proven.
You may be sensitive to MSG if you become ill after eating foods that contain it. It’s also possible to be sensitive to foods that naturally contain high amounts of glutamate.
您的医生将评估您的症状和膳食摄入量,以确定您是否对MSG敏感。如果您正在经历严重的症状,例如胸痛或呼吸困难,您的医生可以检查您的心率,请执行心电图to analyze your heart rhythm, and check your airway to see if it’s blocked.
Mild symptoms usually don’t require treatment. Taking over-the-counter (OCT) pain relievers may ease your headache. Drinking several glasses of water may help flush the MSG out of your system and shorten the duration of your symptoms.
Treatment for severe symptoms
Your doctor may prescribe抗组胺药药物为了缓解呼吸困难,喉咙肿胀或快速心跳等严重症状。
If your symptoms were minor, you don’t necessarily have to stop eating the foods you enjoy. You may be able to reduce your symptoms by eating only small amounts of foods that contain MSG.