
François Béthoux, MD, the Director of Rehabilitation Services at the Cleveland Clinic Mellen Center, spoke by phone to explain how picking up a paintbrush or marker and working through an activity with a trained therapist can benefit people with MS.

There are multiple modalities that fall under the umbrella of art therapy, including music therapy, and what we call the “therapeutic cues of the visual arts” — the display of art on the walls of a hospital — that can influence a person’s mood.

最常见的是艺术治疗的人是董事会认证治疗师提供创意活动 - 绘画,雕塑或基于患者的东西的局势,以及对具有咨询凭证的治疗师的互动。

没有关于艺术治疗的效果,特别是在MS上的效果。但是,我共同撰写了一个reviewof studies that found an expected effect from art modalities on emotional issues and on self-confidence from feeling empowered in doing something through your body.


在一个创造性的模式下,我们经常说人们进入“flow,” where they are captivated by what they are doing. Being very focused, they hopefully forget a lot of their stressors, and by the end, they have results — the artwork.

The piece can be shared with others, generate a discussion, and maybe allow them to unleash some emotions, which is where a trained counselor comes in.


越来越明白的是MS 影响 认知性能。即使是医疗保健专业人员也可能无法在MS的人中认识到这一点,因为我们的标准,他们的注意力,记忆和认知技能相当保存得很好。


MS alters a person’s life in so many ways. I often comment that many of our patients have to stop working due to disability, though often their disability is not due to a single issue, but rather small or moderate effects that can alter a person’s ability to function.


Art therapy is a very accessible, low-cost intervention. It’s something that could have profound outcomes when other healthcare resources are limited.


在MS中,我们将治疗分类为疾病修饰的疗法 - 阻止免疫系统攻击脑和脊髓的那些 - 或试图恢复神经和突触的人,称为症状或康复治疗。这些涉及适应限制或试图限制损害神经系统的后果。我会在后一种类别中放置艺术治疗。

In art therapy with those with MS, we should never forget we’re working with an individual with a history and personality. People react differently to changes in neurological function and changes in how their body functions.

The literature about art therapy’s impact on self-esteem and empowerment, and how it can impact quality of life, would lead me to believe that we could initiate positive feedback loops. Anecdotally, in interacting with patients, that is a given.






We have interventions that tend to be either short-term or episodic. We can’t generally give access to an art therapist every week, so the hope is that it will inspire the person to continue the activity at home and touch base with a therapist on an intermittent basis. The ongoing activity is also driven by the person’s interest.

We did some research on a “tasting menu” of different activities for people with different conditions, including MS. One of these activities was art therapy. We had positive feedback from people, such as, “I was doing art on my own and you gave me a new incentive to resume,” or, “I never thought of doing it and now I do it on a regular basis.”

As MS is a condition that tends to be progressive, a long-term plan can be worked out with a person’s consent and engagement.

专业组织can help you find a provider in your area. It’s also good to check with hospital systems. Healthcare organizations also often partner up with community centers.

MDFrançoisBéthoux是克利夫兰诊所Mellen Centre的康复服务主任,作为克利夫兰诊所艺术和医学计划的医务总监。他出生在法国巴黎。他在法国里昂的身体医学和康复中完成了他的医学和居留权。在向美国搬到美国梅伦中心完成多发性硬化治疗和研究的神经免疫学奖学金后,今天是物理医学和康复部主席。

Dr. Béthoux’s research interests include outcomes measurements in both general and multiple sclerosis-specific neurorehabilitation, gait analysis, and evaluation of symptomatic therapies and rehabilitative interventions for spasticity in MS and other disorders of the central nervous system.