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Magnetic resonance imaging(MRIs) andX-raysare two types of imaging tests a medical professional can order to help diagnose and treat various conditions. In some cases, your doctor may require multiple types of imaging tests for better accuracy.

Both MRIs and X-rays produce images of tissues and other structures inside of your body. But there are key differences in uses, benefits, and risks to consider. Read on to learn more about how the two compare so that you can discuss your options with a doctor before undergoing any imaging procedure.

用途 Pros Cons 成本
MRIs Brain diseases; blood vessels; disorders and injuries of the nerves, muscles, tendons, and spine Provides clearer images than X-rays or CT scans; safer for frequent imaging tests Noisy; takes 30 minutes or more to conduct; may be uncomfortable for people with claustrophobia; magnetic field can affect certain medical devices or implants $ 1,200至4,000美元
X-rays Bone fractures and other injuries; some tumors; dental issues; lung diseases; cancer treatment Are processed quickly; most medical professionals have them on hand 公开用户辐射;只生成单个平面图像 $100 and $1,000


To conduct an MRI, you lie flat inside a large, cylindrical chamber for 30 minutes or more while detailed images are generated of specific areas of your body. A technician monitors you from another room.


To conduct an X-ray, you’ll typically wear a lead apron to protect you from radiation while a technician uses a machine to produce radiation that passes through your body and generates an image of the area that it passed through.


MRI uses

Your doctor may order an MRI for a more detailed look at:

This type of imaging test is suited for various body tissues as well as non-bony areas.

X-ray uses

X-rays are commonly used to help detect:

An X-ray may sometimes be used in certain cases of cancer treatment. Known as放射治疗, this method is used to help destroy DNA inside cancer cells.

X-rays are more rapidly accessible than MRI images and may be used to quickly diagnose injuries and masses inside the body. MRIs may offer clearer, more detailed images of tissues and organs, such as the brain.

Take a look at a few examples of X-rays and MRIs to see how they compare.





X-rays are among the most affordable and accessible forms of imaging. An X-ray usually only requires a few minutes to both take the image and view the image to diagnose an issue. A typical X-ray takes between 5 and 10 minutes to complete.

You will likely need to go to a hospital or outpatient facility for an MRI. But many doctors, dentists, and urgent care centers offer X-rays to help make quick diagnoses.


Some of the main disadvantages and risks of an MRI include:

  • excessive noise during the test
  • 机器里面的小空间可能会触发claustrophobia
  • size of testing chamber may be too small for some body types
  • 如果您使用某些磁性植入物或医疗设备,可能无法正常工作
  • often the most expensive option
  • 可能会介在30 and 60 minutesto perform
  • 可能涉及使用叫做对比的可注射染料,其中一些可能是过敏的


X-rays may be quicker and less expensive than MRIs. But some of the disadvantages include:

  • possible long-term risks from radiation exposure, particularly in children and those who get frequent X-rays
  • 缺少详细的图像,作为X射线是单个,平面图像而不是不同角度的多个图像
  • may not be safe to use during pregnancy, particularly around the abdominal and pelvic areas

The exact cost of your imaging test will depend on the type of imaging you’re receiving and whether your insurance covers any of the cost.

Below are average costs for both an MRI and X-ray. Research imaging centers near you for multiple cost estimates, and consult with your health insurance plan to learn how much your insurance will cover.

MRI costs

An MRI is one of the most expensive type of imaging tests, with an average cost of$ 1,200至4,000美元.

The price can vary depending on the amount of time it takes to do the test as well as where it’s conducted, such as a hospital or a radiology center.

X-ray costs

The price for X-rays varies widely, with an average cost between$100 and $1,000each. More specialized X-rays can cost$20,000 or more.

Due to the wide availability of the technology and accessibility, X-rays tend to be more affordable compared to other types of imaging tests.

Acomputed tomography (CT) scanis another type of imaging test that uses X-rays in conjunction with computer technology. The result is a series of image that a traditional X-ray can’t produce alone.

CT扫描typically take longer and can cost more than an X-ray imaging test. Like X-rays, CT scans may also not be safe for frequent use due to ionizing radiation exposure.

As with all imaging tests, a doctor should determine which is most appropriate and when the benefits of any of these imaging tests outweigh any potential risks.

A polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test remains standard in thedetection of COVID-19. But researchers are studying whether different imaging tests can also help diagnose the presence of the SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes theCOVID-19疾病。

A2021 reviewin the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews found that imaging tests — particularly X-rays — may help rule outCOVID-19作为某些疾病的诊断,但不一定提供准确的诊断。迄今为止,目前认为胸部的CT扫描被认为排除COVID-19more accurately than other imaging tests.

Despite these possibilities, imaging tests may be best used to examine damage fromCOVID-19. A chest X-ray for the lungs is one relevant example.

A 2020 study in BMC Pulmonary Medicinefound that half of people withCOVID-19presented with abnormal chest X-rays after a confirmed infection.

Imaging tests are just some of the diagnostic tools available to help detect certain injuries and diseases. But see a doctor right away if:

In addition to an MRI or X-ray, a doctor may also order lab tests likeurinalysisand blood work to confirm a diagnosis or gather more information about a possible diagnosis. Depending on the results, you may need more frequent imaging tests in the future to help manage your condition.

MRIs and X-rays are two types of imaging tests used to help diagnose illnesses, chronic diseases, and injuries.

MRIs offer multiple images across different angles to help diagnose problems in muscles, tendons, and other tissues. But these tests are also more time-consuming and cost more.

X-rays are quicker and more affordable for images of the chest and bones, but only offer single, flat images. X-rays also expose you to small amounts of radiation, so they aren’t ideal for long-term use.
