

口腔溃疡可以是一个常见的副作用的癌症treatment. The condition, known asstomatitisormucositis,是口腔内组织的炎症。


任何收到的人chemotherapy,,,,radiation therapy,,,,or a骨髓(干细胞)移植可以形成口腔疮作为这些治疗的副作用。

如果你有dry mouthorgum disease,或者,如果您的牙齿和牙龈无法很好地照顾,则在治疗过程中可能面临更高的风险。根据该妇女和吸烟或喝酒的人的风险也更高。Oral Cancer Foundation

If you’re receiving chemotherapy, the sores could begin forming anywhere from 5 days to 2 weeks after your treatment. Depending on the specific cause, the sores could go away on their own in a few weeks, or they could last longer.

It’s important to find ways to manage your pain and to watch for signs of an infection. Cancer-related mouth sores can lead to weight loss, dehydration, and other serious complications.


  • 红色或白色补丁
  • open sores (like ulcers or canker sores)
  • pain
  • 肿胀
  • bleeding
  • sore throat
  • 吃,喝或吞咽困难
  • 坏死(“死”组织)

You may notice that the sores become slightly crusty as they heal. It’s important to keep track of your symptoms and let your oncologist know if the sores aren’t healing on their own.

Contact a doctor right away if you:

  • develop a fever
  • 开始减肥,因为您无法正确进食或喝酒
  • 你的疮恶化或变得更加痛苦



The length of time your mouth sores may last depends on the specific cancer treatment you’ve had. Here are some 估计 broken down by treatment:

  • Chemotherapy.如果你有sores following chemotherapy, they will probably heal within 2 to 4 weeks, as long as an infection doesn’t develop.
  • 放射治疗。If your sores are related to radiation therapy, the healing process can take a little longer — generally 6 to 8 weeks.
  • 化学放疗。如果您对干细胞移植进行了化学放疗,则疮可能会在短短2周内消失。

There are a few different ways that you can help mouth sores heal and avoid prolonger pain or an infection.

Good dental hygiene

While the sores are healing, it’s very important to keep the inside of your mouth clean to prevent an infection from developing.

The National Cancer Institute recommends that you gently clean your teeth every 4 hours and just before you go to sleep at night. Here are a few tips to consider:

  • 使用牙刷,牙刷非常柔软,清洁牙齿。您可以通过在热水下运行牙刷来软化刷毛。
  • 用温和的漱口水冲洗,不含酒精。用白水冲洗很好。
  • 如果疮变成硬皮,您可以用相等的水或盐水和3%过氧化氢制成的溶液冲洗。将这种处理仅限于2天,因为使用时间更长,它可以减慢疮的愈合。
  • Keep up with a gentle daily flossing routine.
  • 为了减轻疼痛,请将局部口服止痛药(如苯佐果石(Orajel))上受影响区域。


If the pain from mouth sores is interfering with your ability to eat and drink, a doctor may treat the condition with a 阿片类药物漱口水 或一个包含 doxepin或Lidocaine


  • 盐水溶液。将1茶匙(5克)盐搅拌到4杯(1升)水中,直到溶解为止。
  • 小苏打溶液。将1茶匙(5克)小苏打加到8盎司(240毫升)的水中,并彻底混合。

Your cancer care team may recommend that you use a lubricating liquid (artificial saliva) to moisten the inside of your mouth if dryness is a problem. These liquids are usually gel-like. They coat your mouth with a thin film to help ease discomfort and promote healing.

有些人发现用称为The The The The The的药物混合在一起很有用magic mouthwash。这种漱口水的配方各不相同,但其中大多数包括治疗不同症状的药物组合,包括:

  • antihistamines
  • corticosteroids
  • 抗真菌
  • 麻醉药
  • 抗酸剂
  • 抗生素




Here are a few more things you can try at home that may help ease pain from mouth sores:

  • Chew ice chips to help numb painful areas.
  • Stop smoking or using tobacco products.
  • Dab on an over-the-counter oral pain medication to ease discomfort.
  • Limit or avoid spicy, salty, and acidic foods.
  • Choose soft foods that don’t require you to chew a lot.
  • 确保您的食物不会太热或太冷。
  • 用锋利的边缘(例如薯条)放弃食物,可能会很痛苦。
  • 经常用凉水,用药冲洗,盐水或小苏打溶液冲洗嘴。
  • Take care of your teeth and gums with good dental hygiene practices.
  • fruits, vegetables, and high-quality proteins促进您的整体健康。

癌症cells can grow very quickly. The aim of cancer treatment is to stop or slow down that growth. The cells in the mucous membranes lining your mouth are also fast-growing cells, so cancer treatments affect them, too.

癌症treatments also keep the cells in your mouth from being able to repair themselves efficiently when they’re damaged.

Dry mouth



Chemotherapy and radiation can both change the microbiome in your mouth, upsetting the balance between good and bad bacteria. The growth of harmful bacteria in your mouth can also lead to mouth sores.

有时,癌症治疗抑制了您的免疫系统,这可能会使您更有可能获得引起口腔疮的细菌,病毒或真菌感染。较旧的感染(例如单纯疱疹病毒) can also suddenly flare up again.


If you’ve had a bone marrow (stem cell) transplant, sores may be a sign that you’ve developed a condition known as移植抗宿主病(GVHD)

When this happens, the cells in your body are attacking the transplanted cells as though they were an unhealthy invader. According to research published in Journal of Clinical and Experimental Dentistry ,,,,short-term (acute) GVHD occurs in 50 to 70 percent of stem cell transplant cases and longer-term (chronic) GVHD is seen in 30 to 50 percent of cases.

The form of GVHD that causes mouth sores is usually mild, and doctors often treat it with corticosteroid medications.

It’s important to talk with a doctor if you develop mouth sores after a stem cell transplant, as some kinds of GVHD can turn serious if left untreated.

There is a good chance that you’ll experience mouth sores at some point during your cancer treatment. 研究人员估计 那些接受化学疗法的人中有20%至40%的人随后会出现高剂量化学疗法的80%。



About a month before your cancer treatment begins, schedule an appointment with a dentist to make sure your teeth and gums are healthy. If you have cavities, broken teeth, or gum disease, it’s important to come up with a dental treatment plan 照顾这些疾病,以便以后不会导致感染,当您的免疫系统易受伤害时。

If you wear braces or dentures, ask a dentist to check the fit and remove any part of the device you don’t need during your treatment.

It’s very important to maintain good oral hygiene practices throughout your treatment to lower your risk of infection. Brush and floss gently but regularly, avoiding any painful areas. You can also ask a dentist whether a mouth rinse with fluoride is advisable in your case.





During treatment of some血癌,医生可能会给您注射晶Califermin,也称为人角质形成细胞生长因子1(KGF-1),以防止口腔疮。

Low-level laser therapy




Mouth sores are one of the most common side effects of cancer treatment. Shortly after chemotherapy, radiation, or transplant treatments, painful, ulcer-like sores can form on the inside of your mouth.

These sores may go away on their own. If they don’t, it’s important to seek medical treatment for them because they can lead to very serious complications.


