Of over 200 differenttypes of cancersthat have been identified, the cancer diagnosed with the greatest frequency in the United States (excluding nonmelanoma skin cancers) isbreast cancer.

下一个最常见的 - “常见”每年衡量为40,000例或更多(2018) - 是肺癌前列腺癌.


皮肤癌后,breast cancer是美国女性最常见的癌症。

Estimated yearly new cases:

  • Female: 268,600
  • Male: 2,670

Estimated yearly deaths:

  • 女性:41,760.
  • 男:500.


  • 女:90% (2008 - 2014)



  • estimated yearly new cases:228,150
  • estimated yearly deaths:142,670
  • 5年生存率:23%(2008-2014)

通常缓慢生长,前列腺癌是the most common cancer and second leading cause of cancer death among American men.

  • estimated yearly new cases:164,690
  • estimated yearly deaths:29,430
  • 5年生存率:98%(2008-2014)

结肠直肠癌是指发现的癌症colon要么直肠. Together they make up the large intestine.

  • estimated yearly new cases:145,600
  • estimated yearly deaths:51,020
  • 5年survival rate:64%(2008-2014)


尽管more common on the skin, melanomas can also form on the eye and in other pigmented tissues.

  • estimated yearly new cases:96,480
  • estimated yearly deaths:7230年
  • 5年survival rate:92%(2008-2014)

Bladder cancer通常会影响老年人,并且在男性中更频繁地发生而不是女人。

  • estimated yearly new cases:80,470
  • estimated yearly deaths:17,670
  • 5年生存率:77percent (2008–2014)

非霍奇金的淋巴瘤是cancer that begins in the lymphatic system. It’s characterized by tumors developing from a type of white blood cell known as alymphocytes.

  • estimated yearly new cases:74,200
  • estimated yearly deaths:19,970
  • 5年生存率:71%(2008-2014)

The most common type of肾癌renal cell carcinomawhich commonly develops in one kidney as a single tumor.

Renal pelvis cancer forms in the kidney’s pelvis or the ureter, the tube that carries urine to the bladder from the kidney.

  • estimated yearly new cases:73,820
  • estimated yearly deaths:14,770
  • 5年生存率:75 percent (2008–2014)

There are two types of uterine cancer.子宫内膜癌在子宫肉瘤是罕见的。

  • estimated yearly new cases:61,880
  • estimated yearly deaths:12,160
  • 5年生存率:84 percent (2008–2014)

白血病are cancers that begin in the blood-forming tissue of thebone marrow.


  • estimated yearly new cases:61,780
  • estimated yearly deaths:22,840.
  • 5年生存率:61.4%(2008-2014)

Pancreatic cancer从胰腺开始,通常迅速传播到附近的其他器官。

  • estimated yearly new cases:56,770
  • estimated yearly deaths:45,750
  • 5年生存率:9 percent (2008–2014)

尽管anaplastic thyroid cancer是difficult to cure, follicular,medullary, and the most common type of thyroid cancer, papillary, can usually be treated effectively with positive outcomes.

  • estimated yearly new cases:52,070
  • estimated yearly deaths:2,170
  • 5年生存率:近100%(2008-2014)

Liver cancer包括肝细胞癌- 最常见的类型 -胆管癌(胆管癌)和肝细胞瘤。

肝细胞癌的危险因素包括cirrhosis of the liver和慢性感染hepatitis B要么C.

  • estimated yearly new cases:42,030
  • estimated yearly deaths:31,780
  • 5年生存率:18 percent (2008–2014)


Keep in mind that no two people are exactly alike. Treatment and response to treatment can vary greatly by individual.

Survival statistics are based on large groups of people, so they can’t be used to make exact predictions on what will specifically happen to an individual.


If you or a loved one is concerned about symptoms that may indicate the presence of cancer, make an appointment to see your doctor.

根据这一点 World Health Organization , detecting cancer early can greatly increase chances for successful treatment.