
Mononeuritis multiplex (MNM) is a disorder of the nervous system. It can result in severe pain, loss of motor ability, and loss of sensation in at least two separate areas of the body. The areas affected by MNM depend on the underlying cause of the condition.


MNM is a condition of the peripheral nervous system. This means it’s a group of symptoms associated with damaged peripheral nerves. The peripheral nerves lie outside the brand and spinal cord.

Several diseases can cause MNM. These include:



  • 四肢或多个弱点
  • loss of feeling in one or more areas of your body
  • incontinence
  • paralysis of part of your body
  • tingling or discomfort in one or more areas of your body


Additional tests may include:

  • blood chemistry tests
  • 成像扫描
  • rheumatoid factor test
  • thyroid tests
  • sedimentation rate
  • X-rays

Treatment of MNM depends on the disorder that’s causing your condition. First, your doctor must determine the underlying condition.


The aims of the treatment are to:

  • 解决问题的原因
  • 用药物或营养补充来控制症状
  • provide care and support to increase your independence

Occupational Therapy

Your doctor may suggest occupational therapy (OT) to help increase your mobility and independence. According to theAmerican Occupational Therapy Association(AOTA), the goal of OT is to help people with a disability or people recovering from an injury to regain the skills needed for their daily activities or occupations.

Your OT therapist will visit your home or work environment and suggest ways to accomplish activities safely. They may provide a plan of exercises to help you regain motor skills and strengthen muscles. Also, they may suggest using adaptive equipment to help you move through your house and keep you from falling. These items may include:

  • 台阶的栏杆
  • a bath or shower seat
  • adequate lighting
  • a stair lift



  • a wheelchair
  • braces
  • supports
  • 矫正鞋


Your doctor may recommend physical therapy as part of your treatment plan. This involves stretching and strengthening exercises and low-impact aerobics to strengthen your muscles, increase flexibility, and improve balance.

Vocational Therapy

Vocational therapy (VT) is a valuable part of a structured treatment program. The aim of VT is to help you resume employment. It can help you cope with the changes in your physical and mental functioning. It can also help you find an occupation that’s productive and matches your abilities.



  • 抗惊厥药物
  • 抗抑郁药(以减轻刺伤)


The extent of disability can range from none to a complete loss of movement or feeling.



A number of complications are related to MNM, including:

  • 肌肉质量或组织的损失
  • kidney disease
  • gastrointestinal disease
  • 肺病
  • corticosteroid-induced糖尿病
  • 阳ot


