
您的心脏左侧有两个腔室:左心房和左心室。您的二尖瓣, which is located between the two, is designed to allow blood flow from the left atrium into the left ventricle, but not back the other way.


Only about 2 percent 根据美国心脏协会的说法,美国人的二尖瓣脱垂。在这些情况下,严重的并发症并不常见。大多数情况下,MVP的人没有任何症状,也不会影响他们的日常生活。

Experts don’t know exactly what causes MVP. Most people are born with abnormalities that cause the condition. These may include mitral valve flaps that are too big, thick, or stretchy.

The Cleveland Clinicreports that MVP is most commonly found in females. It’s also found more often in people born with disorders of the connective tissue (collagen, ligaments, tendons, and so on).

MVP often runs in families, so you may be more likely to have it if your parents or other relatives do.

Certain conditions may lead to mitral valve prolapse. These include:

  • scoliosis, or curvature of the spine
  • adultpolycystic kidney disease,大囊肿干扰肾功能的遗传条件
  • 结缔组织问题,例如马凡氏综合症, a genetic condition that affects the connective tissue of the skeletal and cardiovascular systems, eyes, and skin

Because mitral valve prolapse often causes no symptoms, most people with this condition are unaware that they have heart problems.

If you do develop symptoms, they will generally be mild. The onset of symptoms is typically slow and gradual rather than abrupt.


  • cough
  • dizziness
  • 疲劳和疲倦
  • 气短,特别是在exercise or when lying flat


您的doctor will generally perform several tests to better understand your heart before making a diagnosis.

In most cases, your doctor will initially detect MVP when using a stethoscope to listen to your heart. If you have the condition, your heart may make a clicking sound when it beats. This sound is usually more noticeable when you are standing. Hearing this click might lead your doctor to order further tests.

您的doctor may order anX射线或一个超声心动图. Both of these tests provide images of your heart, but the echocardiogram shows more structural details. Your doctor can check the images to see if you have MVP or regurgitation. Depending on your condition, your doctor may also perform acardiac catheterization. In this procedure, dye (which is visible on X-rays) is injected into the arteries of your heart using a catheter (tube) that has been threaded through a blood vessel in your neck, arm, or upper thigh.

您的医生可能会要求您在跑步机上运动或进行其他一些体育活动,以了解您的心脏的反应。这称为stress test.

Anelectrocardiogram (ECG)是检查您的心跳的一种方式。这是您心脏电动活动几秒钟的记录。这可以帮助您的医生诊断二尖瓣脱垂或其他心脏病。


治疗often involves taking medications to help relieve any symptoms you’re experiencing. Possible medications your doctor might prescribe include:

  • aspirinto reduce the risk of blood clots
  • beta blockers为了防止心脏不规则地跳动并改善血液流动
  • blood thinnersto prevent blood clots
  • diuretics从肺部去除多余的液体
  • vasodilators扩大血管并改善血液流动


If repairing the valve isn’t possible, it may be replaced with either a man-made mechanical valve or a biological valve harvested from a cow or pig or created from human tissue. There are pros and cons to both kinds of valves, so your doctor will discuss your options with you before the procedure.