
Mild cognitive impairment (MCI) is a slight decline in memory or the ability to think clearly. It’s noticeable to the person experiencing it and to their loved ones. It’s also measurable on cognitive tests.

Doctors don’t consider MCI a form of失智因为它不足以干扰您的日常生活或使用独立运作的能力。

一种lzheimer’s Associationclaims that 10 to 20 percent of people over the age of 65 may have MCI.

MCI has two broad categories of symptoms. The first category primarily affects memory. For example, forgetting certain details such as doctor’s appointments or not being able to recall the name of a good friend. This type of impairment is known as “amnestic MCI.”



根据梅奥诊所的说法,未清楚地理解MCI的原因。目前的证据表明,由于发现的相同类型的脑损伤的程度较小,MCI经常发生阿尔茨海默氏病and other forms of dementia. These changes include:

  • β-淀粉样蛋白斑块与蛋白质缠结
  • 失智with Lewy bodies
  • 降低血液流向大脑
  • damage caused by multiple small strokes
  • shrinkage of parts of the brain associated with memory
  • 肠道的扩大,是流体填充的空间
  • 在重点思维地区的使用较少使用葡萄糖

根据这一点一种lzheimer’s Association,MCI的医疗工作应包括至少七个核心区域。您的医生不应该诊断任何类型的认知障碍,直到执行以下所有人:

  • an assessment of your medical history, including your family history of dementia and any illnesses or medications that could be causing cognitive symptoms
  • 评估您独立运作的能力
  • 评估的输入从那些熟悉哟u to help catch symptoms you might miss
  • a series of simple mental status tests
  • a neurological exam in their office
  • a careful evaluation of your mood and behavior because mental illnesses like schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and major depression can cause symptoms that mimic dementia
  • 血液测试帮助您的医生排除感染
  • 脑成像测试以确定是否有任何其他疾病可能导致MCI或痴呆症

没有批准用于治疗MCI的药物,但一些生活方式的变化可能有助于缓慢甚至逆转疾病的进展。根据这一点一种lzheimer’s Association,这些变化包括:

  • exercising regularly
  • 通过停止吸烟控制心血管风险
  • 改变一个人的饮食,包括新鲜水果和蔬菜,全谷物和瘦蛋白
  • 参与精神和社会刺激的活动

一种 学习 在英国精神科学杂志中发表的表明,60%到65%的MCI人员将继续发展临床痴呆症。根据损害的原因,采取措施以所列出的方式修改您的生活方式可能会让您更加控制MCI进入全痴呆症。

这chief complication associated with MCI, according to the 国家老龄化研究所 , is developing Alzheimer’s disease or a related form of progressive dementia.

Because so little is known about the causes of MCI, definitive guidelines for prevention aren’t available. Some agencies suggest maintaining good cardiovascular health, but no evidence confirms that this prevents MCI.