偏头痛is more than a headache. It often lasts longer (up to 72 hours) and is more severe.

There are many症状of migraine, including nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light and sound. The major symptom is moderate to severe pain that typically occurs on one side of your head.




You take migraine prevention drugs on a scheduled basis. They help reduce the number of migraine attacks that you have and also help make them less severe.





TopaMax.is taken orally. Topamax is the brand name for the generic drug topiramate.


Dosage is目前可用in the following forms:

Topomax. 通用拓扑酸盐
Oral capsule: 15 mg and 25 mg Oral capsule: 15 mg and 25 mg
口服片剂:25毫克,50毫克,100毫克,200毫克 口服片剂:25毫克,50毫克,100毫克,200毫克

帮助防止偏头痛,达到100毫克TopAxax每天教养le over the age of 12, administered in two doses.

The recommended starting dosage is 25 mg of Topamax taken once each evening.

After 1 week, the dosage may be increased to 25 mg twice daily. After 2 weeks, 25 mg in the morning and 50 mg in the evening is recommended.


以下是average retail costs托贝克的1个月供应(60片或胶囊)。请注意,这些价格通常会发生变化,差异化,不包括您的保险公司可能提供的折扣。

开始剂量 FORM 每月成本
每天两次25毫克 Brand-name tablet 465美元
每天两次25毫克 Brand-name capsule 568美元
每天两次25毫克 泛型平板电脑 $71
每天两次25毫克 通用胶囊 $146
50 mg twice daily Brand-name tablet 749美元
50 mg twice daily 泛型平板电脑 116美元

You’ll likely not notice Topamax working right away when you first start using it.

It may take 1 month for your migraine attacks to become less frequent and 2 to 3 months for Topamax to become fully effective.


As with any drug, Topamax can cause side effects. The lists below highlight the more common and the more severe side effects that are possible when taking this drug.


  • 记忆和认知问题,例如难以集中和语言问题
  • tingling in your arms and legs
  • 胃口减少
  • weight loss
  • 变化味道的味道
  • kidney stones
  • nausea, stomach pain, and diarrhea
  • 疲劳
  • trouble sleeping
  • 头晕
  • 鼻子和喉咙(上气道)感染


  • 眼睛问题,包括视力丧失
  • decreased sweating that can lead to increased body temperature (may feel like a fever that doesn’t go away)
  • 自杀的念头。如果你有自杀的想法,有帮助

几个随机,控制审判have shown that Topamax减少频率成人偏头痛攻击的强度和持续时间。

TopaMax.has been found to be a cost-effective treatment that helps improve the quality of life for people who live with migraine.


偏头痛is also underreported, underdiagnosed, a 主要贡献者 to disability in those under age 50.



If you’re pregnant, talk with your doctor about additional risks of taking Topamax during pregnancy.
