Estera Luba / Eyeem / Getty Images

When you think of Botox, you probably imagine cosmetic injections meant to smooth fine lines and wrinkles. While that is the primary use for Botox, it’s also become a popular treatment for chronic migraine.

If you have migraine attacks for 15 days or more every month, your doctor may have suggestedBotox as a treatment。然而,对偏头痛的肉毒杆菌注射有一些副作用,包括颈部刚度和肌肉无力。其他副作用不太常见,但可能发生。

This article discusses possible side effects of Botox for treatment of chronic migraine.

肉毒杆菌毒素被大多数人妥善耐受,被认为是 very safe 如果你去一位经验丰富的从业者。仍然,如果您开始使用Botox治疗偏头痛,您应该了解一些可能的副作用。

Common side effects

Common side effects偏头痛的Botox包括:

  • redness, soreness, or swelling at the injection site
  • 瘀血
  • 寒冷
  • 疲劳
  • dry mouth
  • neck stiffness

2014年 学习 表明颈部疼痛是最常见的副作用,影响了4.3%的研究参与者。据报道,注射部位疼痛,下垂的眼睑和肌肉弱点。

In general, these side effects are simply the effect of injecting a foreign substance into your body. They typically go away after a day or two.

Longer-term side effects

However, there’s also the possibility of longer-term side effects. These may include:

  • 肌肉无力
  • 看起来“下垂”或看起来不均匀的眉毛


Serious side effects

在里面 学习 noted above, serious side effects from Botox for migraine were uncommon, and were rarely severe enough for people to stop treatment.


  • 视力模糊
  • swelling of your tongue or throat
  • difficulty speaking or swallowing

OnaboTulinumtoxin A,也称为Botox-A,是approved in 2010由FDA治疗chronic migraine


Botox injections were developed to block neurotransmitters that tell your muscles to contract. By blocking these signals between your body and your brain, Botox diminishes the appearance of wrinkles.

However, blocking neurotransmitters is also a way to prevent migraine attacks. Botox blocks the release of these chemicals from reaching your nerve endings and causing pain.

偏头痛attacks are typically best treated right at the very beginning of an attack — but it can really difficult to do that.




  • Are your migraine attacks chronic?慢性偏头痛定义为15天(或更多),平均每月占外。如果你的偏头痛攻击并不慢,还不清楚Botox是否对你有所帮助。
  • Are you okay with multiple treatments?Botox might not be effective to treat migraine after your first treatment, and even when it works, it isn’t permanent. You’ll need to plan to get regular Botox treatments every 3 months if Botox becomes your long-term treatment plan.
  • Will your insurance cover it?如果您可以记录您已经尝试过其他治疗,您的保险只能覆盖偏头痛的Botox。即便如此,您也可能很难从某些保险提供商获得批准。如果您没有保险,Botox会变得昂贵,特别是当您增加多种治疗费用时。

Who is not a good candidate for Botox treatment?


You aren’t a good candidate for Botox if any of the following apply to you:


通过经验丰富的提供者,肉毒杆菌毒素将采取20 minutes。Your first treatment might take a little longer to fill out paperwork and to speak with your provider about concerns and questions.

How many injections will I have to get?

More than you might think. If you’re getting Botox for migraine treatment, expect to get 30 or so injections, all in targeted areas in your forehead and neck. These areas are different than the targeted areas where you’d have Botox for a cosmetic treatment, like smoothing out your forehead.


有不同痛苦耐受性的人(和different expectations) may answer this question differently. Botox needles hurt as much as any injection would, and the experience is over quickly. Be prepared for it to feel a little uncomfortable, and have an ice pack on hand to soothe inflammation or pain afterward.


Treatments are recommended每12周一次。Botox的效果可能在此之前开始磨损,但更频繁地通过不推荐的处理。

Will Botox work to treat my migraines?

Individual results may vary, so there’s no way to know for sure. But there’s强烈的理由相信它可能。

多项研究 have shown that treating chronic migraines with Botox means fewer headache days each month when compared with placebo. It may take 10 to 14 days for the result of the Botox to start to take effect.


Botox for migraine can cause some uncomfortable side effects, like muscle weakness and a stiff neck. Fortunately, most of these side effects are mild and temporary.

Severe side effects are extremely rare, but they can happen. Only you can decide if the risk of these side effects is worth it to treat your chronic migraine.
