It’s estimated that 1分之一 美国人经历了偏头痛。虽然无法治愈,但偏头痛经常受到治疗medications首先,这种缓解症状或有助于防止偏头痛攻击发生。


This article will take a closer look at what’s in a migraine cocktail, the possible side effects, and other migraine treatment options.



It’s important to note that the medications in a migraine cocktail can vary depending on other medical conditions and your previous response to migraine rescue treatments.

Some of the medications that may be included in a migraine cocktail include:

  • Triptans:这些药物有anti-inflammatory effects and are thought to narrow the blood vessels in your brain, helping to ease pain. An example of a triptan in a migraine cocktail is苏门普坦(imitrex)。
  • Antiemetics:这些药物can help with pain, too. Some may also relieve nausea and vomiting. Examples that may be used in a migraine cocktail include prochlorperazine (Compazine) and甲氧氯普胺(Reglan)。
  • 麦角生物碱:Ergot alkaloids work in a similar way to triptans. An example of an ergot alkaloid used in a migraine cocktail is dihydroergotamine.
  • 非甾体类抗炎药(NSAIDS):NSAIDSare a type of pain-relieving medication. One type of NSAID that may be present in a migraine cocktail is ketorolac (托拉多)。
  • IV steroids:IV steroids work to ease pain and inflammation. They may be given to help prevent your migraine from coming back in the next few days.
  • Intravenous (IV) fluids:IV fluids帮助更换您可能丢失的任何液体。这些液体还有助于防止偏头痛鸡尾酒中的药物副作用。
  • IV镁:是一种自然元素,通常用于防止偏头痛攻击。
  • IV valproic acid (Depakote):这是一种癫痫药,可用于治疗严重的偏头痛攻击。

The medications in a migraine cocktail are often given通过IV。一般来说,它需要about an hour或为此治疗的影响更长的时间开始工作并感到症状缓解。




This effect was observed in a 2005 study 。发现阿司匹林,对乙酰氨基酚和咖啡因的固定组合可与每种药物本身相比,可提供明显的缓解。

Excedrin偏头痛和Excedrin Extra Strength are two OTC medications that contain aspirin, acetaminophen, and caffeine.

However, doctors often advise patients to avoid Excedrin and its derivatives due to the risk for medication overuse headache.



OTC migraine medications that contain aspirin, acetaminophen, and caffeine may not be safe for everyone. This is especially the case for:

  • 有先验的人allergic reaction到这三个组件中的任何一个
  • 任何服用其他含有对乙酰氨基酚的药物的人
  • children under 12, due to the risk ofReye syndrome
  • 药物过度使用的风险



  • 腹痛
  • nausea or vomiting
  • 腹泻
  • 头晕
  • 睡眠困难
  • 药物过度使用头痛


  • OTC药物:这些包括药物,例如对乙酰氨基酚(泰诺)和NSAIDibuprofen(Advil, Motrin), and aspirin (Bayer).
  • Triptans:有几个triptans可能有助于缓解偏头痛症状。示例包括Sumatriptan(Imitrex),Rizatriptan(Maxalt)和Almotriptan(Axert)。
  • 麦角生物碱:当triptans无法缓解症状时,可以在情况下使用这些。一些例子包括二羟胺(迁移)和麦角胺tartrate(Ergomar)。
  • Gepants:这些药物通常用于治疗急性偏头痛疼痛,可能会针对无法服用triptans的患者开处方。示例包括Ubrogepant(Ubrelvy)和RimeGepant(Nurtec ODT)。
  • ditans:这些药物也可以用来代替曲坦。一个例子是Lasmiditan(雷沃)。

There are also medications that can be taken to help prevent a migraine attack from occurring. Some options include:



  • Relaxation techniques:Relaxation practices like生物反馈,呼吸运动, 和冥想may help reduce stress and tension, which can often trigger a migraine attack.
  • 定期练习:When you exercise, you release endorphins, which are natural pain relievers.Regular exercisemay also help lower your stress levels which, in turn, may prevent migraine onset.
  • 维生素和矿物质:有证据表明,各种维生素和矿物质可能与偏头痛有关。示例包括vitamin B-2,coenzyme Q10, 和
  • Acupuncture:This is a technique in which thin needles are inserted into specific pressure points on your body. It’s thought that针刺may help restore the flow of energy throughout your body. This may help ease migraine pain and limit the frequency of migraine attacks, although the research on this is inconclusive.



