
Our bodies function best when the acidic-alkaline balance of our blood is just slightly tilted toward the alkaline.

Alkalosis occurs when your body has either:

  • 太多碱产生的碳酸氢盐离子
  • too few acid-producing hydrogen ions


Metabolic alkalosis is one of thefour main types of alkalosis. There are two kinds of metabolic alkalosis:

  • 氯化物反应alkalosis氢离子的丧失,通常是由于呕吐或脱水而导致的。
  • Chloride-resistant alkalosis当你的身体保留太多bicarbonat结果e (alkaline) ions, or when there’s a shift of hydrogen ions from your blood to your cells.


Your body compensates for both alkalosis and acidosis mainly through your lungs. The lungs change the alkalinity of your blood by allowing more or less carbon dioxide to escape as you breathe. The kidneys also play a role by controlling the elimination of bicarbonate ions.





如果您的医生确定您的碱化症需要立即注意,它们可能会给您一个IV (intravenous drip)containing a saline solution (sodium chloride).

An IV is an almost painless procedure. It involves inserting a small needle into a vein in your arm. The needle is connected by a tube to a sterile bag containing salt dissolved in water. This is usually done in a hospital setting.


If you have chloride-resistant alkalosis, your body may be depleted of potassium. A sodium chloride solutionn‘t帮助you and can make things worse. Your doctor will instead look for ways to increase potassium.


  • taking pills containing potassium chloride two to four times a day (under a doctor’s direction)
  • 静脉注射氯化钾

Metabolic alkalosis may not show any symptoms. People with this type of alkalosis more often complain of the underlying conditions that are causing it. These can include:

  • 呕吐
  • diarrhea
  • 小腿肿胀(外围水肿)
  • 疲劳

Severe cases of metabolic alkalosis can cause:

  • agitation
  • disorientation
  • seizures
  • 昏迷

The severe symptoms are most common when the alkalosis is caused by chronic liver disease.

Two organs help to compensate for metabolic alkalosis — our lungs and our kidneys.


Our body produces carbon dioxide when we convert the food we eat into energy in our cells. The red blood cells in our veins take up the carbon dioxide and carry it to our lungs to be exhaled.


By changing the rate of breathing, we can raise or lower the concentration of alkaline bicarbonate ions that are retained in our blood. The body does this automatically in the process called respiratory compensation. This is the body’s first and fastest response.


Kidney compensation


Several different underlying conditions can cause metabolic alkalosis. These include:

Loss of stomach acids.这是代谢碱中毒的最常见原因。它通常是通过鼻子喂养管呕吐或吸入引起的。

The gastric juices have a high content of hydrochloric acid, a strong acid. Its loss causes an increase in the alkalinity of the blood.

呕吐可以由任意数量的胃disorders. By figuring out and treating the cause of the vomiting, your doctor will cure the metabolic alkalosis.


Diuretics.一些利尿剂(water pills) commonly prescribed for high blood pressure can cause increased urinary acid secretion. The increased secretion of acid in the urine can make your blood more alkaline.

If alkalosis shows up when you’re taking drugs such as thiazide or loop diuretics, your doctor may ask you to stop.

钾缺乏症(低钾血症)。Adeficiency of potassiumcan cause the hydrogen ions normally present in the fluid around your cells to shift inside the cells. The absence of acidic hydrogen ions causes your fluids and blood to become more alkaline.


心脏,肾脏或肝衰竭。Metabolic alkalosis can be caused by failure of a major organ, such as your heart, kidney, or liver. This leads to potassium depletion.



  • Bartter syndrome
  • 吉特曼综合症
  • Liddle综合征
  • glucocorticoid remediable aldosteronism
  • 明显的矿物皮质激素过量

To begin diagnosis, your doctor will take your medical history and give you a physical examination.


Understanding pH levels

The acidity or alkalinity of a liquid is measured on a scale calledpH. In metabolic alkalosis, the pH of your blood is high.



Urine analysis

Your doctor may also test for the concentrations of chloride and potassium ions in your urine.

When the chloride level is low, it indicates that you may respond to treatment with a saline solution. A low potassium concentration can indicate either potassium deficiency or overuse of laxatives.

Hypochloremiameans you have too little of the chloride ion in your blood.

Hypochloremic alkalosis is a serious condition that can put you into shock. It can result from dehydration and other causes.

Fortunately, it can be treated by a standard saline (salt) solution. This can be delivered by IV if you have a severe case, or by adjustments to your diet in mild cases.


It can also be the result of a potassium deficiency or a chloride deficiency. These deficiencies can be treated with intravenous fluids or, in mild cases, with a diet adjustment.

一些cases of alkalosis are caused by serious underlying heart, kidney, or liver conditions. While the alkalosis can often be reversed in the short term, the underlying condition has to be treated for a lasting cure.

See your doctor if you’re experiencing any new or enduring symptoms.