A guide to visualizing your way to calm.


But prescription antianxiety medication tends to make me groggy, and I’m wary of theiraddictiveproperties. When possible, I try to do without them.


The term “催眠“ may conjure up images of quackery, with audience members barking like dogs or convinced they’ve turned into Kermit the Frog.

When done appropriately, however, hypnosis is actually a gentle means of guiding the mind that’s used as a complementary therapy for anxiety (andnumerous other conditions) by many legitimate medical professionals.

有趣的是,训练有素的催眠医生经常说所有催眠是自我催眠,这意味着受试者真的是从业者。自我催眠与引导图像相似 - a认知行为治疗(CBT)technique — combined with positive affirmations.


  1. 坐在一个安静的地方。知道你能够use self-hypnosis anywhere, but distraction-free surroundings certainly help with focus, especially if you’re new to the practice.
  2. For a few moments, breathe deeply, rhythmically, and slowly.你可能想要吸气和呼气到四的数量。或呼吸,持续一下,并释放更长的呼气。找到对你最平息的任何感觉。如果你还没有,闭上眼睛。
  3. Picture yourself in a place that brings you comfort and peace.It doesn’t have to be anywhere you’ve ever been or even a real location. You could be riding a unicorn on Jupiter if it soothes you. Or you might choose somewhere more everyday, like your bathtub or the beach. You can even return to a happy memory. Just isolate a pleasant environment where you’d like to spend some time.
  4. 将所有的感官与您的新心理环境中的所有感官接触。闻到你的祖母的家庭食谱苹果派,如果你选择返回童年内存。当你想象在海滩上时,感觉你脸上的海风和脚趾之间的沙子。在放松的泡泡浴中观看烛光的闪烁。
  5. Choose an affirmation you feel you need at this moment.肯定可以根据任何情况的具体细节量身定制,或者简单地像几个小词一样,“我是安全的”或“我很强大”。

On planes, I opt for a mantra that reminds me that air travel is temporary, such as “I will be home soon.”

Play the words of your affirmation in your mind on repeat, allowing them to sink in deeply. Focus your attention on believing them. Stay in this meditative state for as long as you like or as long as time allows.

Cost-free, side-effect-free, and available at any time, self-hypnosis is a remedy for anxiety that it certainly can’t hurt to try.

And now that my flight is getting pretty bumpy, I’m off to find my happy place.

Sarah Garone, NDTR, is a nutritionist, freelance health writer, and food blogger. She lives with her husband and three children in Mesa, Arizona. Find her sharing down-to-earth health and nutrition info and (mostly) healthy recipes atA Love Letter to Food.