
Researchers aren’t 100 percent certain what causes anxiety disorders. Each anxiety disorder has its own risk factors, but according to the National Institute of Mental Health 如果:

  • you’ve had traumatic life experiences
  • 你有一个与焦虑相关的身体状况,如甲状腺障碍
  • 您的生物亲属患有焦虑症或其他精神疾病


What does the research say?

几十年的研究已经探索了焦虑的遗传联系。例如, 2002年的研究 注意到某些染色体特征与恐惧症和恐慌症相关。

一种 2015年研究 看着精神疾病和双胞胎,发现RBFOX1基因可能让人更容易发生焦虑症。一种 2016年评论 showed that social anxiety disorder, panic disorder, and generalized anxiety disorder are all linked to specific genes.

More recently, a 2017 review of studies 得出的结论是,广泛性焦虑障碍(广泛性焦虑症)can be inherited, with GAD and associated conditions being linked to a number of different genes.

Most researchers conclude that anxiety is genetic but can also be influenced by environmental factors. In other words, it’s possible to have anxiety without it running in your family. There is a lot about the link between genes and anxiety disorders that we don’t understand, and more research is needed.

一种nxiety itself is a feeling and not a mental illness, but there are many conditions classified as anxiety disorders. These include:

一种ccording to the美国精神病学会, there are other mental health conditions that, while not technically anxiety disorders, still include anxiety as a symptom, such as:

一种nxiety is a feeling of worry or apprehension. While everyone feels anxious from time to time, some people have anxiety disorders. Anxiety disorders usually involve intense, debilitating anxiety, even about things that don’t typically cause anxiety.

symptoms of anxiety disorders

The symptoms of anxiety disorders differ depending on which anxiety disorder you have. In general, the symptoms of anxiety disorders include:

  • excessive worrying
  • 焦虑发作
  • difficulty concentrating
  • 记忆问题
  • irritability
  • 努力睡觉
  • 肌肉肌肉


You’ll discuss your thoughts, feelings, and behavior. They’ll also speak to you about your symptoms and compare your symptoms to those outlined in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5).


Therapy can be helpful for those who have anxiety disorders. Therapy can teach you useful tools and insights, help you explore your feelings, and help you understand the impact of experiences you may have had.

焦虑最常见的治疗方法之一是cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT),这涉及与您的心理学家或精神科医生有关您的经历。通过CBT,您学会注意到和改变思想和行为模式。

一种ccording to the一种merican Psychological Assocation, about 75 percent of people who try talk therapy find it beneficial in some way.



一种nxiety can also be treated by medication, which your doctor may prescribe to you. There are manytypes of anxiety medication,每个都有自己的好处和缺点。药物治疗并不总是对焦虑有必要的,但它可能有助于缓解一些症状。


Certain lifestyle changes can also help you manage anxiety. These changes include:

  • getting more exercise
  • 减少你的摄入咖啡因
  • 避免娱乐药物和酒精
  • 吃均衡的饮食
  • getting adequate sleep
  • 使用瑜伽和冥想等放松技术
  • 管理你的时间来减轻压力
  • 社交和与支持性的人交谈你的焦虑
  • 保持期刊,以便您能够表达并理解您的感受

See a doctor or therapist if you feel that your anxiety is unmanageable or if it prevents you from functioning in your daily life.


There are a number of possible causes for anxiety. Mental conditions involving anxiety can be genetic, but they also are influenced by other factors.
