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一个romatherapy can be a natural remedy for stress relief. The practice involves inhaling the scent of essential oils, which are extracted from plants, in order to promote health and well-being.

Your olfactory system directly affects the part of your brain that regulates emotion. That’s why smells can trigger memories and elicit feelings — both negative and positive. Aromatherapy can help in reducing stress and anxiety to engage a general state of calm.

一个 2016 review even found that aromatherapy was effective at reducing pain, when combined with conventional treatments.

Essential oils are highly concentrated, which means you should exercise caution when trying them for the first time. They should also be used in moderation, especially if being applied topically, since they’re absorbed into the skin.

There are several ways to use essential oils for stress, from applying topically to inhaling the scent after diluting with water. A general rule of thumb is to follow the specific instructions for each essential oil you try. If you’re going to apply it topically, it’s best to test the oil on a small area of skin first to identify a potential reaction.


Essential oils are generally consideredsafe to usewhen used properly.


Pay attention to dosage, purity, application method, and any possible drug interactions. Some oils are considered safe if inhaled, but they may be irritating if applied to the skin in concentrations as low as 3 to 5 percent.

When diffusing oils, use these safety precautions:

  • 遵循适当的稀释指南。
  • Make sure you diffuse in a well-ventilated area.
  • Diffuse intermittently, typically 30 to 60 minutes on, then 30 to 60 minutes off.



Lavender is one of the most popular essential oils for beginners and aromatherapy experts alike. As one of the several essential oils with anxiolytic , or anti-anxiety, properties, lavender can create an overall calming effect.

在一个 2013 study , aromatherapy using a 3 percent lavender oil spray on clothing was shown to reduce workplace stress.

Lavender emits a floral, aromatic scent and has many uses. You can add a few drops to a diffuser, apply it directly to your skin, or combine it with other products or oils.


Best for sleep


一个popular ingredient in tea, the chamomile plant is known to have sedative effects. Chamomile essential oil is no different and has relaxation properties that can aid with sleep.

Chamomile essential oil has some solid research behind it. Over the years, it’s been used for a variety of ailments and conditions, such as digestive upset, anxiety, wounds, pain, and sleep problems.

一个 2017年研究 发现使用洋甘菊提取物时,有8周后,有58.1%的参与者出现了中度至重度全身焦虑症的症状。

一个小的 2018年研究 found that chamomile therapy helped reduce anxiety symptoms and increased morning cortisol levels.

尝试扩散或施加几滴Roman chamomile睡觉前的精油以体验平静的效果。


Best for meditation


一个nother essential oil with anxiolytic properties, orange essential oil is a citrus-based oil that can create a relaxing state.

一个2012年研究found that participants who inhaled sweet orange essential oil didn’t have an increase in anxiety or tension during an anxiety-inducing situation, unlike those who inhaled a control aroma (tea tree oil) or a placebo.






檀香油来自木头和根源Santalum album, or the East Indian sandalwood tree. This is one of the most valuable trees in the world.

Earthy and warm, sandalwood essential oil also features anxiolytic properties, which make it great for reducing anxiety.

一个小的 2006年研究 found that sandalwood oil was effective at reducing anxiety among participants. The sample size was too small to draw conclusive findings, but the results were promising.

The gentle and woodsy essential oil can be diffused, applied topically, or directly inhaled.


Best for stress

Clary sage

Clary sage (Salvia sclarea) is a flowering herb that’s native to the Mediterranean basin. It’s best suited to address stress, because it can have an effect on cortisol, the stress hormone.

根据 2014 study ,Clary Sage可有效降低皮质醇水平,并在吸入时对绝经妇女产生抗抑郁样作用。

Consider diffusing this essential oil to create a calming effect throughout a room, or inhale it directly when applied to a cotton ball or tissue. It can also be applied directly onto your skin when diluted.


Best mood lifter



Lemon essential oil is a natural mood lifter and stress-reducing oil with a bright aroma and many properties that can contribute to a positive mood.

根据 2018年研究 , lemon essential oil had an effect on dopamine activities in mice. A2005年研究also found that lemon oil significantly enhanced the attention level, concentration, cognitive performance, and mood of students during the learning process.




佛手柑是另一种具有柑橘香气的抗焦虑精油。它来自称为柑橘类水果的果皮Citrus bergamia

While research on the effects of bergamot essential oil is fairly limited, some studies show that the oil may help reduce stress and promote relaxation.

一个 2017年研究 发现吸入佛手柑精油15分钟可改善心理健康治疗中心候诊室的积极感觉。





Distilled from the flower, rose essential oil not only creates a gentle floral aroma, but it also carries stress-reducing properties.

一个 2009 study found that rose oil caused a significant decrease of breathing rate, blood oxygen saturation, and systolic blood pressure when applied topically. The study participants also reported feeling much more relaxed after the oil treatment.

一个 2014 study involving over 100 pregnant women found that rose oil lowered their anxiety levels during delivery.




Jasmine oil is an essential oil derived from the white flowers of the jasmine plant, also known asJasminun officinale。Jasmine essential oil is popular for its calming and uplifting properties.

一个2013 study当参与者吸入茉莉花油时,检查了对脑活动的影响。参与者报告说,负面情绪的大幅下降和整体情绪的增加。

一个2010 study从茉莉花精油(Jasmine Pensition Oil)发现,与安慰剂相比,茉莉花油会增加血氧饱和度,呼吸速度和血压。茉莉石油集团的参与者还报告说更加机敏。

研究人员得出的结论是,茉莉油的刺激和激活作用可用于缓解沮丧and improving mood.



Ylang ylang

Ylang ylang is a yellow, star-shaped flower that grows on the Cananga tree (Cananga odorata). The tree grows in countries like India, Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia and parts of Australia.

源自Ylang Ylang花, preliminary research from 2006 suggested that ylang ylang can help decrease blood pressure and create a relaxing effect.




If you’re experiencing severe stress or physical symptoms related to stress, it’s always best to consult a healthcare professional.

萨姆·劳伦(Sam Lauron)是位于德克萨斯州奥斯汀的自由生活方式作家。当她没有写关于健康,创造力或个人发展的文章时,她会花时间阅读,听真正的犯罪播客,并与伴侣和他们的狗一起浸透了阳光明媚的奥斯丁天气。与她联系Instagram或者Twitter, or by visiting her网站