
做梦本身是在快速眼动(REM)睡眠期间发生的一种幻觉。梦想往往会与您的情感思想相关,而不是逻辑 - 这可以解释为什么您有时可能会从“奇怪”的梦中醒来。


Curious about what dreams about being pregnant could mean? Below are some of the most common pregnancy-related dream scenarios — and what they might mean.

One theory behind dreams about being pregnant is that the dreamer themself is pregnant. You might wake up from this type of dream either imagining your life during pregnancy, or even with feelings as if you’re pregnant, such as a fuller belly or morning sickness.

Whatever the exact meaning, pregnancy is likely on your mind in some way for this type of dream to occur.

做梦about pregnancy甚至可能超越自己。无论是您的伴侣,朋友还是家人,都有可能梦想别人怀孕。

Rather than a random dream, this type of dream content is more likely attributed to knowledge about you or another couple who may be trying to get pregnant.


Such interactions and thoughts that occur during your wakeful hours can enter your subconscious emotions. That may work its way into your dreams.

一个nother common pregnancy dream is one where a couple is pregnant with twins. Having such a dream doesn’t mean you will be pregnant with twins, but rather you are subconsciously considering the possibility of this scenario. Another explanation is that twins run in your (or your partner’s) family or that you have a friend with twins.



However, just like the other pregnancy-related dreams, simply dreaming about an unplanned pregnancy doesn’t mean it will come true.



It’s difficult to root pregnancy dreams as factual, as the research behind them is minimal. However, here are some facts about dreams that we currentlydo知道:

  • 你睡得越多,密苏里州re dreams you’re likely to have. This includes daytime naps.
  • If youare怀孕,由于与怀孕有关的疲劳的睡眠时间增加,您可能会梦想更多。
  • 一个n old study from 1993 also showed that the further along you are in your pregnancy, the more prominent your dreams may become.
  • 梦想可以成为创造力的机会。一个2005 study表明梦想家可能还记得他们睡眠中新形成的想法,否则逻辑会阻止他们在清醒数小时内思考。
  • 一个n occasional nightmare is normal, but frequent nightmares could indicate a sleep disorder that might be related to your mental health. These ought to be addressed with a professional.
  • 更常见not记住你的梦想,而不是生动地remember what you dreamed about the night before.


If you continue to have pregnancy dreams that you find bothersome, or if you’re having sleep disturbances, consider seeing a therapist to work through them. This could be a sign that you need to talk to someone to work through deep emotional thoughts.