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Rarely do our feelings hang neatly on fancy, perfectly spaced hangers. Instead — like our closets — we often hold a jumble of both new and outdated emotions.

But you can organize your feelings and deal with or discard ones that aren’t serving you, a la Marie Kondo. Sift through your emotions regularly to slay anxiety, stress, or frustration.


If we don’t take stock of our emotions or why we’re feeling them, they’ll likely continue to stuff our minds — even when they’re not necessary. That could have negative consequences for our success, health, and relationships.

If you’ve ever ran a red light while thinking about that fight you had with your significant other, you’re not alone.Studies表明我们的情绪会影响我们的逻辑和执行任务的能力。


Plus,studiesshow that the more emotionally intelligent we are, the better our romantic relationships will be — and that can likely be said for friendships and connections with family, too.

And we know how important thatinner circleor support network is to our well-being.

Organizing your feelings involves a light version ofcognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)that you can do on your own or with the help of a therapist. It can really help you grow as a person.

“Skipping over the nuts and bolts of CBT, the basic premise is that our thoughts influence our feelings, which then influence our actions,” saysCarolyn Robistow,是德克萨斯州伍德兰兹的Joy Effect咨询的执照专业顾问和创始人。

“An unhealthy thought, or being stuck in an unhealthy thought pattern, can lead to actions that just make the problem worse or keep us stuck in the same types of situations, basically spinning our wheels.”

The first step to organizing your feelings is to list your problems or worries.

That might sound like a negative thing to do, but sometimes just writing them down will ease anxiety, says a 2018 study focused on evaluating the positive effects of written expression.

“Identifying the underlying thought or belief, evaluating it for its helpfulness and truth, and then changing it if it’s not serving us well can be incredibly powerful,” Robistow explains.



The “So what” exercise example:

问题:Everyone expects me to rearrange my schedule to fit theirs.

Feelings or emotions:愤怒,怨恨,伤害

Ask: Answer (to find your underlying belief):
所以呢? So they think what they have going on is more important than what I have going on.
所以呢? 因此,他们甚至不考虑这使我不便。
所以呢? So if I want to see them or be part of the event, I just have to suck it up.
那是什么意思? It means that if I don’t make the effort, I’ll never get to spend time with them…

Possible conclusion:which means that I’ll be all alone, and they’ll eventually forget about me. I’m afraid I’m forgettable, or they don’t care about me.

The meaning we uncover in the exercise might feel brutal. But that’s when the true work of CBT, or organizing your feelings, comes into play.



Sometimes you have to decide if a feeling is necessary or if it’s just operating a gaming controller in your brain.

记住,我们的情感驱动我们的行为。我们把握现在ld check in with our emotions often because they can quickly become exaggerated. This eventually creates barriers to the goals we want to achieve and the people we want to be close to.

If you’re feeling negative, you could be experiencing a cognitive distortion.In short, that’s your brain telling you a lie based on old thought patterns.

Is your mind lying to you?


If we’re aware of the reasons behind our actions — and have a better understanding of our emotions — we can change our patterns. We can stop stress, worry, or frustration from taking over and making us behave in a way we’d like to avoid.

Here are common thought patterns that can negatively affect how we approach situations:

Distortion 概念
全有或全无的思维 There’s no middle ground. Anything short of perfection is failure.
过度概括 坏事的一个实例意味着它将继续发生。
精神过滤 You filter out all the positive and focus on the negative of a situation.
Jumping to conclusions You assume how someone feels toward you or assume negative outcomes about future events.
Magnification or minimization 您将一个小错误变成了巨大的想法,或者打折您的积极素质。
情绪推理 您假设,如果您对某事感到负面情绪,那一定是有关情况的真相。
“Should” statements 您使用“应该”或“不应该”的陈述来使自己或他人付诸行动。
Blame You blame yourself for things you had no control over or blame others wholly for negative situations.

Create lasting behavioral changes and make them stick

识别patte扭曲的思维或行为rn that’s messing with your life is the first step.


“写下您要更改的动作,然后向后工作以确定触发的操作。”劳伦·里尼(Lauren Rigney),位于曼哈顿的心理健康顾问和教练。

“Once you learn your triggers, you will have a better chance to intervene and change the thought or behavior.”

Rigney recommends making a journal ritual to stay motivated.



Questions to help you keep track

  • 发生了什么?
  • 什么是扳机或事件?
  • What emotion did you feel?
  • 您的确切想法是什么?
  • How did you react?
  • Could you, your thoughts, or your behaviors have been different? (Weigh the facts of the situation from a calmer mindset and determine what was unhealthy for you.)
  • 您如何为未来创造新的思想或行为?

You can even do it on the go withan app。Rigney建议,在您的应用商店中搜索“ CBT日记”或“思想日记”。

If you try at-home techniques and grow frustrated with the process, or you’re facing an urgent situation, don’t hesitate to seek help from a licensed mental health professional.

“Many issues that we believe are simple are actually quite complicated and confusing,” Rigney says.


You should seek help immediately if you feel your thoughts or behaviors are destructive or dangerous to yourself or others. If you or someone you know is contemplating suicide, help is available. Reach out to theNational Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255.



In keeping with our closet analogy, if you’ve got a nice dose of calm, joy, or confidence hanging in your mind, think of that as some classic denim you’ll want to hold on to.

詹妮弗·切萨克(Jennifer Chesak)是一位位于纳什维尔的自由书编辑和写作讲师。她也是几个国家出版物的冒险旅行,健身和卫生作家。她从西北的Medill赢得了新闻学硕士学位,并正在制作她的第一本小说小说,该小说位于北达科他州。