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Calmis a mindfulness app for both newcomers and meditation enthusiasts alike. It can help users find inner peace and navigate life’s stressors.

Read on for more about what Calm has to offer, and if it’s right for you.


该应用程序采用数百种平静的演习,有用的呼吸技巧以及由Matthew McConaughey和LeBron James等名人讲述的睡眠故事。



  • 易于使用的接口
  • 名人录制的睡眠故事,例如哈里·斯泰尔斯(Harry Styles),马修·麦康纳(Matthew McConaughey)和鲍勃·罗斯
  • 应用程序定期更新
  • ability to track basic statistics, like the number of consecutive days used, minutes meditated, and number of sessions
  • meditation reminders sent to your phone or tablet
  • mood tracking over time
  • kid-friendly interface
  • master classes taught by experts in the wellness field
  • 真实的视觉效果和自然声音


  • 无法在应用程序上添加“朋友”
  • nature sounds distracting to some
  • sleep stories too long for some users
  • 平静的身体有限的产品

Free version

Calm has the option for users to access either a 7-day free trial orthe free versionof the app without paying for premium contact. Calm is built on a “freemium” model. Without purchase, you get access to:

  • daily meditations
  • breathing exercises
  • mood tracker
  • select sleep stories
  • several music tracks
  • some guided meditations


Paid version

After the free trial ends, access to the full library is $14.99 per month or $69.99 per year. If you pay for the year in full, it comes out to $5.83 per month, which is more affordable than other meditation apps on the market.

对于5个或更多的团队,Calm可提供15%的折扣。和Calm family plans最多可容纳六个用户,每年$ 99.99。

学生可以通过Amazon Prime Student。这包括为期三个月的高级服务免费试用,然后每年折扣每年$ 8.99。


As soon as you open it, the app welcomes you to take a few deep breaths. Then, a pop-up menu asks you to select what brought you to the app so that it can tailor recommendations based on your goals.

You may receive questions like: Are you looking to increase your happiness or reduce stress? Do you want to get better sleep or reduce anxiety? All of the above?

The meditation section is organized into different categories, like stress, focus, anxiety, and relationships. Calm offers both guided and unguided meditations. The sessions can range anywhere from 3 to 30 minutes.

平静不专注于宗教或精神主题,而是mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR)。该计划教会人们利用他们的先天资源来帮助管理压力和痛苦。


  • body scans
  • L竞技
  • shifting from focus to awareness
  • breathing exercises


Calm is best known for its meditations. They’re divided up into different categories, such as sleep, beginners, work, inner peace, anxiety, emotions, and personal growth.


Beginners are encouraged to start off with the “7 Days of Calm” series, and then transition into “21 Days of Calm” to sharpen their skills.

Daily Calm



Although Daily Calm refreshes each meditation session every day, premium users get the ability to go back and listen to previous sessions that they’ve listened to. They can access them in the history section of their profile.


Calm features six types of audio breathing exercises, including:

  • 放松
  • Balance
  • 恢复
  • 重点
  • 通电
  • 放松

The app lets you customize the volume and speed of each breathing exercise. You can also customize the length of your breathing exercise, within a 1- to 60-minute timeframe.


If you miss being tucked in at night with a sweet bedtime story and a glass of warm milk, then you’re in luck. The sleep stories section on Calm is full of stories, ranging from fairy tales to nonfiction. You can even get stores that activate your autonomous sensory meridian response, orASMR

The app is constantly being updated with new stories. They’re often narrated by A-list celebrities, like Harry Styles, Scottie Pippen, and Kelly Rowland. There are even a few nap sessions for those looking for a quick snooze.


The music section of Calm contains hundreds of curated soundtracks to put you at ease while working, walking, or falling asleep. The app has everything organized into six categories: focus, lullabies, relax, sleep, soundscapes, and nature melodies.

Calm also plays background music as you scroll through the app or start a session. It’s customizable, so you can choose between a calming aquascape, rain on a window, a campfire, and more. You’re able to easily adjust the sound level.

Calm Masterclass

Calm’s Masterclasses are short courses taught by mindfulness experts and esteemed professionals, like Shawn Achor, Elizabeth Gilbert, and Ryan Holiday.


这个offering is great for anyone looking to dive deeper into the world of mindfulness. This educational component is what sets Calm apart from their competitors.


平静了冥想,睡眠的故事,和音乐designed for children of all ages. Kids can learn to meditate with Thomas the Tank Engine, listen to soothing lullabies, or fall asleep to classic stories, like “Peter Pan” or “The Velveteen Rabbit.”

Calm为3岁以下的孩子提供儿童提供的儿童供应。他们说,他们的会议为孩子们提供了适当的工具来处理任何生活。此外,2016 researchsuggests that mindfulness instruction can improve psychological functioning, lower some of the negative effects of stress, and reduce trauma-associated symptoms in some children.

Calm Body

根据心理和身体健康是本质上联系的2018 research。平静的身体可能对您的整体健康有益。


  • “早上醒来”
  • “重置”
  • “Mindful Warm Up”
  • “Mindful Cool Down”
  • “Evening Wind Down”
  • “Morning Stretch”
  • “Evening Stretch”
  • “返回护理”

Calm offers a ton of meditations and sleep stories narrated by a variety of people. Some instructors include mental health and mindfulness advocates like Tamara Levitt, Calm’s Head of Mindfulness, and Jay Shetty, a popular podcast host and New York Times best-selling author.

Calm also has mental fitness, masterclass, and sleep stories instructed by well-known celebrities, such as:

  • 勒布朗·詹姆斯
  • 哈利风格
  • 马修·麦康纳
  • 伊德里斯·埃尔巴(Idris Elba)
  • 索菲亚·布什


Calm may benefit individuals looking to gain the skills and knowledge to deal with daily stress or anxiety.




Statistics on time spent meditating can help you track your progress on the app.

平静的睡眠故事是可能有一个可能有一个的人的最爱很难入睡或无法入睡。睡眠故事功能对有孩子的父母特别有用。在一个2020 survey, 97 percent of the parents surveyed found that Calm’s sleep stories helped improved their kids’ sleeping patterns.

Calm is also a great platform if you’re new to meditation. Many of the app’s features aim to teach others about mindfulness and how to start accessible meditation practices.


Calm can help soothe negative thoughts and emotions and can be used to help lower stress, anxiety, or chronic pain.

这个 2019 study involving 153 adults showed that mindfulness training done through a meditation app for 2 weeks reduced loneliness and increased social contact for its users compared with those in a control group.

A2020研究that analyzed the perceptions of parents of children using Calm found that nearly all parents thought the app was helpful for their child’s sleep.

其他2020研究found that, although intermittent use of the app can improve a person’s well-being, it also promoted feelings of failure if they don’t use it daily.

对于任何经历抑郁症状或中度至严重焦虑症状的人来说,镇定不是一个替代品。但是,它可以与心理治疗and prescribed medication.


Calm isn’t a substitute for emergency services. In the event of a mental health emergency — if you’re thinking about harming yourself or someone else — call theNational Suicide Prevention Lifelineat 800-273-8255.

有许多不同类型的冥想,平静的主要重点是引导冥想。通常,冥想的活动非常有益 - 它是被发现至:

  • reduce stress
  • 减轻焦虑感
  • promote emotional health
  • 增强自我意识
  • 延长注意力跨度
  • help control pain

It may even do things such as:

  • help fight addictions
  • reduce age-related memory loss

另外,2014年研究found that people who meditate before bed stay asleep longer. These people experienced improved insomnia, as opposed to those who didn’t meditate before going to sleep.

冷静和顶空are both apps designed to help you learn meditation methods, practice guided mental exercises, and improve sleep quality.

他们的价格也几乎相同。冷静提供7天的免费试用期。当该应用程序到期时,该应用程序每月费用为14.99美元或每年69.99美元。HeadSpace还提供7天的免费试用版和订阅,每月$ 12.99或每年69.99美元。

If you’re looking to decide between the two apps, you may want to consider that Calm:

  • may be better for those who have some meditation experience
  • 具有更长的引导冥想和故事
  • offers less structured meditation sessions
Price(每月和每年) 特征 iPhone rating 免费试用?
Calm $ 14.99;$ 69.99 每天平静,快速轻松,心理健身,睡眠故事,音乐 4.8 7 days
顶空 $ 12.99;$ 69.99 主题的冥想,SOS部分,时间冥想, group meditations, techniques and support, sleep section, movement, focus activities 4.8 7 days

How we researched Calm

Before recommending the Calm app, we looked at the brand’s reputation, transparency, policy, and customer reviews to make sure it’s an app that our readers would find useful.

The Calm app has also been vetted by Healthline’s medical team to ensure that it meets our business standards.

Learn more about our product selection and vetting process here.

该应用程序在5星评级中有4.8个App Store。Many people express feelings of satisfaction with the app’s functionality, noting that new content is constantly being released.

应用程序用户say that the sleep stories are one of the most helpful features, especially for those who have difficulty falling asleep. Many reviewers say that they would fall asleep before the story finishes, usually within 5 to 10 minutes.

其他say that the mood check-in is a soothing way of helping them express and release any overwhelming thoughts and feelings. It also helps them enjoy positive feelings and reflect upon their mood.

Calm is an extremely popular app with超过150万5星评论在网络周围。Healthline和我们雷竞技app官网姐妹网站的员工心理中心甚至对其进行了测试,以查看其轻松的冥想,睡眠故事和大师班是否全是崩溃的 - 这就是他们要说的。

有些人喜欢高级功能,许多人指出,音景和音乐特别好。社论导演梅根·塞维尔斯(Megan Severs)说,该应用程序的睡眠冥想有助于平静自己的思想,以便她更快地入睡。

“I also tend to sleep longer when I’ve used the app to go to sleep,” she says. “Without the app, I often wake up in the middle of the night.”

Our reviewers also like the options available for kids. Sanna Arthur, a senior editor at Psych Central, said that she and her 9-year-old use the sleep stories “pretty much every night.” Meanwhile, Severs says that she uses the kids’ meditations when her 6-year-old is in a funk.

“I put it on in the car on our way to school,” Severs says. “Not only does he enjoy it, but it helps him reset his mood, setting him up for a better day at school.”

However, because there’s so much content available on the app, not everyone finds it to be overwhelmingly helpful.

Alina Sharon, an editor at Healthline, says that she “find[s] it a bit difficult to use because it’s just really cluttered,” noting that she doesn’t think the app is organized well.

Newsletter editor Lisa Tsering found a similar experience since you can’t sort or filter by the length of the meditation. She noted that she prefers明智的@工作,专门从事自我意识,解决问题,正念和应对焦虑的应用程序。


Although the Calm app may help improve insomnia or lessen feelings of anxiety or depression, it can’t substitute going to see a mental health professional.

您应该考虑going to see a doctor如果你是:

  • 经历巨大的生活变化,例如悲伤或家庭和关系问题
  • 养成不健康的生活习惯或吸烟,饮酒或吸毒之类的成瘾
  • experiencing symptoms of a恐怖症
  • experiencing overwhelming feelings of hopelessness, helplessness, sadness, stress, worry, or anxiety

A counselor may be able to help with family or marital/relationship issues, anger, low self-esteem, behavioral problems, loss, anxiety, or depression. A therapist (a licensed mental health professional) may provide help with similar issues via talk therapy.

您可能想考虑去看精神科医生(a mental health professional who can prescribe medications and provide diagnoses and treatments) if you feel you may need:

  • addiction medication
  • 儿童和青少年精神病学
  • 老年精神病学
  • 法医精神病学
  • 止痛药
  • 睡眠药物



Calm Science,the company’s scientific research branch, is incorporated across all of Calm’s offerings. They use evidence-based strategies to improve the app. Calm’s ongoing research continues to reinforce and strengthen Calm as an innovative and scientifically grounded product that improves mental and physical health.



Most of the members in the group are Calm subscribers who listen to the Daily Calm. However, they welcome anyone who would like to join, especially people who have yet to use Calm.

Is the Calm app worth it?





伊曼·巴拉甘(Iman Balagam)is a writer based in Houston, Texas. When she’s not laughing at her own jokes, or buying overpriced chia pudding, she can be found reading fiction novels, catching a spin class, doomscrolling through TikTok, or waiting for her delayed Spirit flight to board.你可以看到她的工作在她的website