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Isaiah & Taylor Photography/Stocksy United


Unwarranted suspicion, fear, and even hatred of Asian people has been on the rise ever since word of the pandemic began to reach U.S. shores.

28岁的你们将尝试访问她的父母在中国e January 2020 for Chinese New Year. She recalls being stared at while wearing a mask on the train when she returned to New York City a month later.

“I was very scared,” she says. “Especially in March and April, people started being really against Asians, especially Chinese people. I tried to cover my face as much as possible when I went out, with sunglasses and a hat, because I saw more and more scary news about Asians being attacked.”


COVID-19 has already put an unrecognized burden on the Asian American/Pacific Islander (AAPI) community even without acts of discrimination and violence.

To make matters worse,讨厌对亚裔美国人的罪行havebeen increasing。The recentincidents in Atlantaand针对老年人的暴力行为只是成为头条新闻的人。

Even among those who aren’t subject to acts of violence, daily racism and discrimination creates精神疲劳和疲惫,,,,compounding the stress and anxiety caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

目前正在等待出版的最新研究Gloria Wong-Padoongpatt博士发现在Covid-19期间,针对美国亚洲人民的微屁股有所增加。

The studies conclude that consistent experience witheveryday racism可能导致亚裔美国人相信一种自卑感,导致内在的种族主义和低估的自我价值感,从而促进了损失。

根据Mental Health America,AAPI社区比任何其他种族群体都不太可能寻求心理健康服务。

还有一个亚洲文化的强烈污名surrounding mental and emotional well-being.

根据一项精神卫生服务的访问,这尤其令人担忧。 World Health Organization (WHO) survey


Leela R. Magavi博士是约翰·霍普金斯(John Hopkins)训练有素的精神科医生,也是加利福尼亚州最大的门诊精神卫生组织社区精神病学区域医学主任。

Magavi has evaluated multiple Asian American children and adolescents who conveyed that they’ve experienced increased bullying at school this past year, along with Asian American adults facing discrimination at work.

“Some children have shared things such as ‘They tell me to go back to my country, but this is my country’ or ‘They said I ruined our country,’” Magavi says.

Her adult patients have experienced colleagues making derogatory jokes about Chinese people eating bats.


More subtle显微攻击,,,,such as people avoiding eye contact and moving away when you walk past on the street, can be just as painful to endure.

“Therapy is not a thing in China,” Ye says. “If you tell your parents you’re going to see a therapist, they might think you are psycho.”

你们很难找到双语therapist她感到自在,负担得起的人。她尝试了几个应用程序和虚拟疗法计划,包括谈话空间and a mindset training program onWeChat

“I had zero experience in seeing a therapist,” Ye says. “But I did try to download some apps to try and help track my mood. I tried to domeditationin the morning, record my mood, and write about what motivates me at night.”

你们说她现在在精神上处于更好的位置,但这并不容易。脱离社交媒体and the overwhelmingly negative news has been key to finding peace.


For example, within the realm of traditional Chinese medicine,gua sha,,,,acupuncture,,,,andcupping值得注意的是帮助减轻压力。

AAPI拥有和管理的水疗总监Tysan​​ DuttaYuan Spa在西雅图,建议autonomous sensory meridian response (ASMR)治疗以帮助放松以及头皮按摩和acupressure


There are plenty of ways that non-AAPI people can help ease the burden on Asian Americans.

Get educated

Magavi recommends that non-AAPI people can educate themselves by reading Asian American news sources likeNBC Asian AmericaandNext Shark


跟随亚裔美国激进主义者喜欢Amanda Nguyen,,,,珍妮·王博士,,,,and米歇尔·金在Instagram上了解亚裔美国种族主义的历史。


Call it out

召集任何做可恨或不敏感的笑话的人。报告仇恨事件在Stop AAPI Hate并介入以帮助任何可能需要它的人。


Don’t be a bystander.Sign up for free bystander intervention training阻止反亚洲和仇外骚扰。陌生人的友善有能力挽救生命。

Connect with care

Make a point of smiling and greeting AAPI people you see in your day-to-day life, especially elders and strangers. With minimal effort, you can brighten somebody’s day and help heal the damage of glares, avoidance, and racial slurs that many silently endure.




从您社区中的亚裔美国人拥有的独立企业购买。您可以找到亚裔美国人拥有的企业列表on Finder

Racism against the AAPI community is killing us, from senseless murders to the insidious microaggressions we face daily.


Non-AAPI people can be better allies by educating themselves, being kind and compassionate to AAPI people you encounter in your daily life, and supporting Asian American businesses and community development organizations.

Amber Gibson is a freelance journalist specializing in luxury travel, food, wine, and wellness. Her work appears in Condé Nast Traveler, Robb Report, Departures, Bon Appétit, and Travel + Leisure.