These five myths about ADHD need to go now.




It wasn’t until she sought the help of a psychiatrist while at college and was diagnosed with ADHD that she understood why this was happening to her.

Had Vanessa been diagnosed at an earlier age, she may have been given the适当的工具to help her through school.

According to theNational Alliance of Mental Illness (NAMI), about 9 percent of children have ADHD, while around 4 percent of adults have it. Chances are you know someone with the condition.


In general, young girls aren’t as likely to be as hyperactive as young boys or display as many behavioral issues compared to boys, so people often don’t recognize多动症in girls

结果,女孩是 less likely to be referred for an evaluation of ADHD.


  • mood
  • anxiety
  • 反社会个性
  • other comorbid disorders in adulthood

It’s for this reason that it’s really important to improve our ability to identify girls with ADHD and provide them with the support they need.

Some of my adult patients with ADHD will bring their parents into their appointments. During these sessions, I often find that the parents will share their guilt of wishing they could’ve done more to help their kid succeed and control their symptoms.

This often stems from the myth that “poor parenting” causes ADHD.



This is why professional interventions such as psychotherapy and medications are often required.

Many of my patients with ADHD explain that they’re often accused of being lazy, which leaves them feeling guilty for not being as productive and motivated as others expect them to be.

Folks with ADHD tend to need more structure and reminders to get things done — especially activities that require sustained mental effort.

但是因为symptoms of ADHDmay manifest as disinterest, disorganization, and a lack of motivation unless it’s related to an activity they truly enjoy, this may be mistaken for laziness.



This myth can be especially harmful as these judgments can leave people with a sense of failure, which can progress to poor self-esteem and lacking confidence to pursue ventures in life.




人患有ADHD可能需要更多的时间来完成tasks in order to thrive. Unfortunately, while these sorts of accommodations may be available in educational settings — think longer test-taking time or quiet exam rooms — employers may not be as willing to accommodate.

Research has demonstrated differences between a brain with ADHD and one without it, in addition to differences in how brain chemicals such as多巴胺, norepinephrine, and glutamate operate.


  • 规划
  • 组织
  • initiating tasks

双研究 also suggest that ADHD has a genetic component, where in identical twins, if one twin has ADHD, the other is likely to have it as well.


  • accommodations aren’t made in order for them to be successful
  • 他们没有足够早期诊断
  • 他们与那些不相信多动症的社会上的人抗衡



Dr. Vania Manipod, DO, is a board-certified psychiatrist, an assistant clinical professor of psychiatry at Western University of Health Sciences, and currently in private practice in Ventura, California. She believes in a holistic approach to psychiatry that incorporates psychotherapeutic techniques, diet, and lifestyle, in addition to medication management when indicated. Dr. Manipod has built an international following on social media based on her work to reduce the stigma of mental health, particularly through herInstagram/a>和博客,Freud & Fashion。Moreover, she has spoken nationwide on topics such as burnout, traumatic brain injury, and social media.