
Feelings of detachment and apathy can wreak havoc on all aspects of your personal and work life.

You may feel trapped in your situation and as if the power to do anything about it is out of your hands, but you can overcome mental exhaustion with some help.


Symptoms of mental exhaustion can vary from person to person and often begin to show gradually, creeping up on you during periods of extreme stress. If stress continues to weigh on you, you may reach a point when you feel as though you’re in a dark hole and can’t see your way out.



Emotional signs


  • depression
  • anxiety
  • 犬儒主义或悲观
  • apathy (feeling of not caring)
  • detachment
  • 愤怒
  • feelings of hopelessness
  • feeling of dread
  • 缺乏动力
  • decline in productivity
  • 难以集中

Physical signs

Physical signs of mental exhaustion may include:

  • headaches
  • upset stomach
  • 身体疼痛
  • 慢性疲劳
  • 胃口的变化
  • 失眠
  • weight gain or weight loss
  • increased illness, such as colds and flu


Your mental exhaustion can cause you to behave in ways that are out of character for you. Behavioral signs may include:

  • 工作表现不佳
  • social withdrawal or isolation
  • 无法保留个人或工作承诺
  • 呼唤生病或更频繁地学校

Stressis something everyone experiences from time to time. It’s our body’s natural response to positive and negative situations that are new, exciting, or scary.

This biological response results in a surge of stress hormones, including adrenaline and cortisol. This boost of hormones helps us react quickly to perceived threats and high-pressure situations that require quick thinking. Once the stressor has been removed, your body should go back to normal.

Mental exhaustion is usually the result of long-term stress. When you’re continually dealing with things that activate your body’s stress response, yourcortisol levels remain high。最终,这开始干扰正常的身体功能,例如消化,睡眠和免疫系统。

物理疲惫,这是一种极端的疲劳状态,使您的身体排出物理排出,是一种副作用,可以通过心理疲惫引起。一种2017 review of 11 studies注意到精神疲惫损害了物理性能,并且可以使甚至简单的任务或运动感到相当多的身体征税和要求。

The terms mental exhaustion and burnout are often used to refer to being overworked or related to stress in the workplace, but mental exhaustion can be caused by a long period of persistent stress in any area of your life.

While the triggers of mental exhaustion aren’t the same for everyone, some are more common than others.

Common causes of mental exhaustion include:

  • high-pressure occupations, such as emergency responders and teachers
  • 长时间工作
  • financial stress and poverty
  • job dissatisfaction
  • being a caregiver for an ill or aging loved one
  • living with a chronic illness
  • death of a loved one
  • 有一个孩子
  • poor work-life balance
  • lack of social support






Take a break

Time to rest and recharge is an important part of treating mental exhaustion. This can mean taking an extended vacation, clearing your schedule for a couple of days, or even just taking a bit of time for yourself each day.

Taking a walk on your lunch break or taking in a movie with a friend once a week can do wonders for your stress levels.


这不是容易找到锻炼的动力ven on a good day, but exercise has many proven benefits for your physical and mental health. You don’t need to engage in a complex or high-intensity activity to reap the benefits. Moderate exercise, such as a brisk walk, is enough.

2010年cross-sectional study在533个瑞士警察和应急响应服务公司发现,锻炼与增强的健康有关,并受到与压力相关的健康问题的影响。


Other proven benefits of exercise include:

  • lowered stress levels
  • 减少焦虑
  • improved mood
  • a stronger immune system


放松技术科学认识到压力和焦虑降低。一种2013 studyinvolving 30 medical students in Bangkok showed that mediation lowers cortisol levels in the blood, which may lower the risk of diseases associated with stress.

Examples of other relaxation techniques include:



确保良好的睡眠睡眠的最佳方法之一是避免全天在床上花太多时间 - 精神疲惫可能有贡献的东西。



Negative thoughts and feelings can consume you when you’re mentally exhausted. Keeping a journal to write down things that you’re thankful for every day can help you focus on the good in your life.

一种set ofthree studies published in 2017展示了练习感激和感激运动的人享受:

  • 更高的幸福
  • 较少的身体疾病症状
  • 减轻压力
  • happiness
  • higher relationship satisfaction
  • improved sleep
  • better physical health


Seeking professional help for mental exhaustion is important. A mental health professional, such as a therapist, can provide you with the tools you need to cope with stress and work through this difficult period.


Medications that may be used to treat mental exhaustion includeantidepressants,anti-anxiety medications, and sleep aids.
