

Amenorrhea can happen for many reasons. The most common cause is pregnancy. However, amenorrhea may also be caused by various lifestyle factors, including body weight and exercise levels.


You should see your doctor if you’re experiencing amenorrhea. The underlying cause of your missed periods may require treatment.

The two types of amenorrhea are referred to as primary and secondary.


Secondary amenorrheais when a woman has stopped menstruating for at least three months. This is the more common form of amenorrhea.

In most cases, both types can be treated effectively.


  • 最有可能引起闭经的天然原因包括怀孕哺乳那andmenopause
  • Lifestyle factors may include excessive exercise and stress. Also, having too little body fat or too much body fat may also delay or stop menstruation.
  • Hormonal imbalances可能导致闭经。它们通常被触发tumors在这方面pituitary gland或者thyroid glandLow estrogen levelsorhigh testosterone levelscan also cause them.
  • Genetic disorders or chromosomal disorders, such as特纳综合征and Sawyer syndrome, can sometimes cause late menstruation.
  • 药物会导致一些女性的闭经。
  • 抗精神病学和antidepressantsare often involved.
  • Chemotherapydrugs and medications that treat高血压也会导致月经出现问题。
  • 突然停下来避孕药在循环恢复正常之前,也可能导致几个月的缺席期。
  • 身体缺陷such as structural problems in thefemale reproductive organs可能对缺席或延迟月经负责。
  • These issues can result from birth defects, tumors, or infections that occurred in the womb or shortly after birth.
  • In rare cases, missed periods could be a symptom of Asherman’s syndrome. This occurs due to scarring in the uterus after surgery, which can prevent menstruation.




  1. Thelarche(乳房芽开发)
  2. 普博尔德(耻骨发型)
  3. menarche (onset of menstrual periods)

Menstruating women and teens should see their doctor if they have missed three or more periods in a row.

When you see your doctor about amenorrhea, your doctor will perform aphysical exam并问你一系列问题。准备谈谈您正常的月经周期,您的生活方式以及您正在遇到的任何其他症状。


  • 血液测试那which will allow your doctor to check hormone levels in your body.催乳素那luteinizing hormone, andfollicle stimulating hormoneare all related to menstruation. Determining these levels can help your doctor determine or rule out the cause of your absent periods.
  • Ultrasound是一种使用高频声波的成像测试,以创建身体内部的详细照片。它使医生能够查看各种器官,例如卵巢和子宫,并检查异常的生长。
  • CT扫描is another type of imaging test that uses computers and rotatingX-raymachines to create cross-sectional images of the body. These images allow your doctor to look for masses and tumors in your glands and organs.


Your doctor may also want to remove ovarian cysts, scar tissue, or子宫病变that are causing you to miss your menstrual periods.



Schedule an appointment with your doctor so they can determine the cause of your amenorrhea. Make sure you stick with your treatment plan and attend all follow-up appointments.

