

男人逐渐产生较少的睾丸激素,因为它们的年龄段。睾酮在身体中努力工作,从骨密度到肌肉质量和超越的肌肉质量保持一切。一个重要的drop in testosterone levels可以导致减少的性行为,增加体脂,减少动机,以及失眠等睡眠问题。这些症状可以增加慢性低能量,心理和身体疲劳。



Symptoms of hypothyroidism include:

  • 疲劳
  • 对寒冷的敏感性
  • 便秘
  • 体重增加
  • muscle aches
  • 皮肤干燥
  • 头发稀疏
  • depression


Hyperthyroidism, or an overactive thyroid, can also cause fatigue due to a racing heart, high blood pressure, sleep troubles, and an overtaxed system.

Your fatigue may be due to a lack of sleep or poor sleep quality. You may feel tired if you don’t have good sleep habits, work at night and sleep during the day, or simply skip sleep altogether to get more done.

然而,you may suffer from a睡眠障碍that prevents quality sleep even if you allow enough time for it. Sleep-disordered breathing and睡眠呼吸暂停可以通过不断扰乱呼吸来抢劫您的品质睡眠。不安的腿综合征是另一种可能对睡眠产生负面影响的疾病。

National Institute of Mental Health reports that six million men havedepression每年。抑郁是一种可能影响任何人的心理和生理条件。抑郁症的症状包括:

  • 感到悲伤,空虚或绝望
  • loss of interest in the world
  • 难以集中
  • trouble sleeping
  • decreased energy
  • 疲劳
  • 感觉“减慢了”
  • 重量变化

Depression is a treatable condition. Counseling and medication are widely available and effective. It’s dangerous to ignore symptoms of depression. Severe untreated depression can potentially result in self-harm or even suicide.

缺铁性贫血通常是在女性中比在男性中更为常见。然而,all types of anemia can be a cause of chronic low energy and fatigue. Low iron levels in men can result from a poorly balanced vegetarian diet, frequent blood donation, or internal bleeding from, for example, the stomach or intestinal tract. Other forms of anemia can be caused by vitamin deficiencies such as low levels of vitamin B-12 or folate.

Depending on the cause, anemia symptoms can include:

  • 极度疲劳
  • 苍白的肤色
  • shortness of breath
  • headache
  • 头晕
  • tingling in the hands and feet


Fatigue can be an important symptom of deeper health issues. Conditions that can cause fatigue include:


Fatigue may result from poor diet and a lack of exercise. Exercise might be the last thing you want to do with low energy. But getting the blood pumping with just a 30-minute walk, at least 5 times a week, can put a spring in your step. Regular exercise can decrease fatigue and improve the quality of your sleep.

Diet is a big factor in fighting fatigue. Eating portion-controlled meals and healthful snacks throughout the day can be beneficial in fueling your system. A diet of fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds, whole grains, lean protein, and plenty of water can give you much more energy. Fried food, high-fat foods, and highly processed foods like candy, chips, and soda should be limited. These foods can drain energy levels and give you sugar highs and lows that result in fatigue.
