


According to a 2014年研究 , both pumpkin seed oil and a combination of pumpkin seed oil and saw palmetto oil may improve benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) symptoms. Researchers concluded that pumpkin seed oil and saw palmetto oil are safe and effective alternative treatments for BPH.


One theory is that dihydrotestosterone, a powerful metabolite of testosterone, builds up in the prostate and causes it to grow. The phytochemicals in pumpkin seeds may reduce the effects of dihydrotestosterone on the prostate. They may also block the conversion of testosterone into dihydrotestosterone.

锌对正常前列腺功能至关重要。事实上,正常前列腺具有最高水平的身体锌。A.结果 2011年研究 表明,来自BPH的男性的恶性前列腺组织和前列腺组织比正常前列腺组织显着少于锌。该研究还发现尿锌排泄的增加。

南瓜子 富含锌。一杯提供了几乎一半的推荐每日津贴(RDA)。需要更多的研究来将南瓜种子与前列腺健康联系起来。但它认为每周几次吃一些种子可能有助于保持锌水平最佳。


Commercially prepared raw or roasted pumpkin seeds are available at most grocery stores or natural health food stores. Organic brands are grown without synthetic pesticides and fertilizers.


  • Remove the pumpkin seeds from the inside of the pumpkin. Be sure to rinse or wipe off any attached pumpkin pulp.
  • 将种子涂在纸袋或纸巾上的单层中。让种子干燥过夜。

如果你不想吃掉种子,你可以烹饪它们。将它们放在饼干上,并在170左右烤它们约20分钟°F (77°C).

For added flavor, toss the seeds with a little olive oil and sprinkle them with sea salt or your favorite seasonings.



Pumpkin seed shells are chewy. Their edges may also become sharp during chewing. If you have any difficulty chewing food or swallowing, you may want to stick to eating hulled varieties.


As you snack on pumpkin seeds, keep in mind they’re high in calories and fat. One cup contains around 285 calories and 12 grams of fat. Regularly eating too many may cause weight gain.

根据a 2014年研究 。该研究遵循76名男性,条件为24周。参与者每天或安慰剂给予400毫克的南瓜种子油。接受南瓜种子油的男人经历过 40% 增加头发生长。

南瓜子are a great source of magnesium. Eating just one ounce of pumpkin seeds can give you 74 percent RDA。镁有助于让您充满活力。它还有助于调节血压,支持肌肉和神经功能,有助于保持血糖水平稳定。

A 2015 study found that replacing dietary oils that are high in saturated fat with pumpkin seed oil improves cholesterol and triglycerides and their effects. Virgin pumpkin seed oil also showed anti-inflammatory abilities.

南瓜种子油也可能有助于过度活跃的膀胱。一个小的结果 2014年研究 showed pumpkin seed oil significantly reduced overactive bladder symptoms, such as urinary frequency, urgency, and urgency incontinence.


  • copper
  • manganese


  • vitamin A
  • 泰米尔
  • riboflavin
  • 烟酸
  • 叶子

南瓜子have the potential to be an effective treatment and preventative for prostate problems and other conditions. More research is needed before they become a mainstream complementary treatment.

If you choose to eat pumpkin seeds for prostate health, you may see benefits within a few weeks, but there are no guarantees. Results will depend on your health situation, how often you eat the seeds, and the quality of the seeds. At the very least, you can replace unhealthy snacks with pumpkin seeds and enjoy the bounty of nutrients they offer.
