
In 2022, an estimated 99,780 people will be diagnosed with melanoma, and more than 7,600 people are expected to die from it. Rates of melanoma are on the rise.


Most melanomas are brown and black, but they can also be pink, tan, or even white.


黑素瘤的厚度是称为 B.reslow measurement orB.reslow‘s depth。The amount of thickness can help determine the癌症

Melanomas can develop anywhere on the skin, but they are 更可能 to start on the trunk (chest and back) in men and on the legs in women. The neck and face are other common sites.

Most moles will never cause any problems, but someone who has many moles is 更可能 to develop melanoma. A warning sign of skin cancer is a change in size, shape, color, and irregular borders of a mole.

Superficial spreading melanoma

Superficial spreading melanoma是一种皮肤癌,在皮肤的上层水平生长,最终进入较深的皮肤层。

这是最常见的黑素瘤类型,会计70 percentof all diagnosed melanomas. Symptoms and traits to look out for include:

  • 凸起或扁平的形状,通常具有不规则的形状和边界,有时在现有或新的痣上
  • brown, black, tan, red, blue, and even white, often a darker shade of a person’s normal skin tone
  • slow changes, often over the course of months or years
Superficial spreading melanoma Share on Pinterest
Superficial melanoma is the most common type of melanoma (shown on a lighter skin tone).
Jaojormami / Adob​​e Stock
浅浅的黑色素瘤在较暗的皮肤上 Share on Pinterest
CDC / Carl华盛顿,M.D.,Emory Univ。医学院;Mona Saraiya,MD,MPH


结节黑色素瘤is one of the most aggressive forms of skin cancer. Symptoms and traits to look out for include:

  • 一个坚硬,凸起的凹凸
  • blackish-blue, dark brown, or reddish-blue in color (sometimes the same tone as the skin)
  • continuously growing in size and shape, especially after 2 to 3 weeks
结节黑色素瘤 Share on Pinterest
结节黑色素瘤is an invasive type of skin cancer where cancer cells grow inward (shown on a darker skin tone).
Padilla-EspañaL,Fernández-canedo I,Blázquez-sánchezn.LesionesNodulares Pigmentadas deRápidocrecimiento。actas dermosifiliogr。2015年。
结节黑色素瘤shown on lighter skin. Share on Pinterest
结节黑色素瘤shown on lighter skin.

哈金森’s melanotic freckle (aka lentigo maligna melanoma)

哈金森’s melanotic freckle是一种侵入性皮肤癌,develops out of lentigo maligna, a type of melanoma in situ. This means that it’s not cancerous and isolated just to the upper layers of the skin. This type of melanoma 可以变得癌变 并变成了哈钦森的黑色雀斑,或劳里尼奥马拉尼亚黑色素瘤。在皮肤现场寻找症状和特质包括:

  • 一个大的平坦或略微凸起的棕色或黑色贴片,类似于年龄斑点或雀斑
  • having a smooth surface and irregular shape
  • 有一个棕色的色调,虽然它也可以是红色,粉红色或白色的场合,取决于肤色
  • a larger patch, usually at least 6 millimeters
Lentigo malignant melanoma Share on Pinterest
哈金森’s melanotic freckle shown on a lighter skin tone.
Photo: DermNet New Zealand

一种cral lentiginous melanoma

一种cral lentiginous melanomais themost common formof malignant melanoma in people with darker skin tones. Symptoms and traits to look out for include:

  • a discolored spot, often occurring on the palm, soles of the feet, fingers, toes, or nails, starting as an enlarging patch of discolored skin
  • similar in appearance to a stain or bruise
  • placement on a person’s hands and soles, and even occasionally in nail beds
一种cral lentiginous melanoma on darker skin Share on Pinterest
一种cral lentiginous melanoma is a type of skin cancer that presents on the hands or soles (shown on a darker skin tone).
Brazen B C,Gray T,Farsi M,等。(6月03日,2020年)Acral Lentigin Selanoma:一种罕见的变种,具有独特的诊断挑战。Cureus 12(6):E8424。DOI:10.7759 / Cureus.8424
一种cral lentiginous melanoma shown on a lighter skin tone. Share on Pinterest
一种cral lentiginous melanoma shown on a lighter skin tone.
Photo: DermNet New Zealand


  • Mucosal melanoma.一种form of melanomathat is found in moist areas of the body, such as the eyes, mouth, vagina, and vulva, among others.
  • D.esmoplastic melanoma.一种form of melanoma that is usually found on skin that contains high amounts of cumulative skin damage on the head and neck. It accounts for大约1%of all melanomas in the United States.
  • Uveal melanoma.一种黑色素瘤中发现的眼睛,可能作为原因的e vision impairment and loss, among other issues. Early symptoms of uveal melanoma are rare and often discovered during routine eye exams.后来的症状can include dark spots in the eyes, blurred vision, floaters, and changes to the eye shape and position.

several factors that can make you more likely to develop melanoma, some of which include:

  • getting晒伤frequently, especially if the sunburn was severe enough to cause your skin toblister
  • living in locations with more sunlight
  • 使用tanning beds
  • 拥有更公平或更多的雀斑皮肤
  • having a personal orfamilyhistory of melanoma
  • having a large amount ofmoles在你的身体上
  • having had skin cancer previously
  • having a weakened immune system

关于每个人都至少有一个mole- 皮肤上的平坦或凸起的斑点,可能是颜色的或与皮肤相同的色调。当称为黑色素细胞组装成簇的皮肤色素细胞时,导致这些斑点。

Moles often develop in childhood. By the time you reach adulthood, you may have 10 or more of them on your body.

Most moles are harmless and don’t change, but others can grow, change shape, or change color. A few can turn cancerous.

The biggest clue that a spot on the skin might be melanoma is if it’s changing. Acancerous mole通常随时间的大小,形状或颜色变化。

D.ermatologists use the一种B.CD.E.ruleto help people spot the signs of melanoma on their skin:

  • 一种symmetry
  • B.order
  • Color
  • D.iameter
  • E.volving



In an asymmetrical mole, the two sides won’t match in size or shape.Cancer cellstend to grow more quickly and more irregularly than noncancerous cells.



如果边界似乎模糊 - 就像有人在线之外彩色 - 它可能是痣是癌症的标志。


Moles can come in many different colors, including brown, black, or tan. If you’re seeing a variety of colors in the same mole, it could be cancerous.

一种melanoma mole will often have different shades of the same color, such as brown or black, or splotches of different colors (e.g., white, red, gray, black, or blue). This can vary on different skin tones.


Moles usually stay within certain size limits. Most normal moles measure about 6 millimeters (1/4 inch) 直径或更少的直径,这是铅笔橡皮擦的尺寸。

B.igger moles can indicate signs of trouble. Moles should also remain consistent in size. If you notice that one of your moles is growing over time, consider having it examined.



B.eyond the ABCDE signs, look out for any other differences in the mole, such as:

  • redness
  • 缩放
  • bleeding
  • oozing

一种lthough rare, melanoma can also develop under the nails. This is called汇总黑素瘤。发生这种情况时,它通常会在钉子上显示为一系列颜料,也可以:

  • cause thinning or cracking of the nail
  • develop nodules and bleeding
  • 变得更宽表皮

Melanoma doesn’t always cause pain when it’s under the nails. Talk with a doctor if you notice anychanges in your nails

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B.y doing常规皮肤检查, you can spot possible skin cancer early enough for it to be treated.

如果你找到任何东西new or unusualon your skin, see adermatologistfor a more thorough skin check.

People who have a lot of moles and a family history of skin cancer should try to see a dermatologist regularly. A dermatologist can map your moles and keep track of any changes.

They might take a sample of the mole, called abiopsy,检查癌症。如果痣是癌症,目标将是将它移除,然后有机会传播。