Medicareisn’t just for Americans age 65 and older. You can also be eligible for Medicare if you meet certain other criteria. You’re eligible for Part D if you’re eligible for Medicare.

In this article, we’ll go over the details you need to know about eligibility for Medicare Part D.

To be eligible for Medicare, you must qualify in one of the following ways:

  • You’re age 65 and you can enroll in Medicare parts A and B.
  • You’ve received Social Security disability payments for at least 2 years. The waiting period for Medicare is waived if you receive a diagnosis ofamyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)。在这种情况下,您有资格在第一个月获得残疾付款。
  • You receive a diagnosis ofend stage renal disease (ESRD)or kidney failure and you need to have dialysis or a kidney transplant. Railroad employees with ESRD can contact Social Security to find out about eligibility forMedicare在800-772-1213。
  • Children under age 20 with ESRD can qualify if they have at least one parent eligible for Social Security benefits.

Now let’s look at Medicare Part D eligibility in more detail. The main eligibility requirements for Medicare Part D include:

Age 65 or older

对大多数人来说,你第一次成为enro资格ll in Medicare Part D from 3 months before your 65thbirthday to 3 months after your birthday.

When you find a plan to join, you’ll need to provide your uniqueMedicarenumberand the date you became eligible. You can enrollonline, call the provider of the Part D Plan you want directly, or call 800-MEDICARE for help with a plan.

A qualifying disability

If you’re not 65 but have a disability that qualifies you to receive Social Security or Railroad Retirement Disability benefits, you’re eligible for Part D 3 months before the 25thmonth of benefit payments until 3 months after your 25thmonth of receiving benefits.

There are rules for when you can and can’t enroll in a Medicare Part D plan. There are入学日期,日期,您可能会更改计划,并丢弃覆盖范围的日期。

Here is a basic overview of important dates for adding or modifying your Medicare prescription drug coverage.

MedicarePart D enrollment

The Medicare Part D enrollment period takes place each year form April 1 to June 30. If you enrolled in coverage for Medicare parts A or B and want to add Part D, you can enroll during this period the first time. After this, to change Part D plans, you must wait for open enrollment to come around again.


Theopen enrollment periodis from October 15 to December 7. If you’re eligible, during this time you may:

  • enroll in a plan that provides prescription coverage
  • change Part D plans
  • drop Part D coverage, which may result in penalties if you have no prescription coverage


从1月1日到3月31日,您可以在此期间更改或删除使用D部分覆盖范围的Medicare Advantage计划,也可以加入原始Medicare(A和B部分)。

You不能join a Part D plan during this time if you have original Medicare.

如果您对Medicare D部分覆盖范围或入学期有疑问,请与您购买保险范围的保险公司联系,请联系国家健康保险援助计划国家网络(Ship)或致电800密歇根州。

即使您没有服用任何处方药,也可以在符合条件的情况下注册D部分计划。为什么?Medicare添加了permanent1 percentlate enrollment penaltyto your premiuif you don’t enroll within 63 days of yourinitial eligibility period

The penalty rate is calculated based on the national premium rate for the current year multiplied by the number of months you didn’t enroll when you were eligible. So, if you wait, your extra penalty payment will be based on how long you didn’t have PartD coverage. This can add up.

The base premium changes year to year. If the premium goes up or down, your penalty changes, too.

If you have aMedicareAdvantageplan, when you turn 65, you still need to have Part D coverage.

You can avoid the penalty if you have Medicare “creditable coverage” from another plan. This means you have drug coverage that’s at least equal to the basic Medicare Part D coverage from another source, like anemployer


AllPart Dand prescription drug plans are offered through private insurance. Availability varies by state.

适合您的正确计划取决于您的预算,药物费用以及您想要支付的保费和免赔额。Medicare有一个toolto help you compare plans in your area looking ahead to 2020.

  • Part D.这些计划涵盖了门诊服务的处方药。所有计划都必须根据Medicare规则提供一些基本的药物覆盖范围。具体计划覆盖范围是基于计划的配方或药物清单。如果您的医生想要一份不属于该计划清单的药物,他们需要写上诉信。每个非出色的药物覆盖范围决策都是个体。
  • Part C (Advantage plans).这种类型的计划可以照顾您的所有医疗需求(A,B和D部分),包括牙科和视力覆盖范围。保费可能更高,您可能必须去网络医生和药房。
  • Medicare补充(MEDIGAP)。Medigap plans帮助支付某些或全部自付费用,例如免赔额和销售费用。有10个计划。您可以将价格和覆盖范围与原始的Medicare覆盖范围和保费进行比较。选择最佳选择的最佳选择,以最低的价格为您提供最大收益。

新的Medigap计划不涵盖处方药的交流或自付额。另外,如果您有Medicare Advantage计划,则不能购买Medigap保险。

If you take specialty or expensive medications or have a chronic condition that requires medications, choose the plan based on what’s covered to give you the most benefit.


When using the Medicareplan finderto choose a Part D plan, enter your medications and doses, then select your pharmacy options. Of the available drug plans, you’ll see the lowest monthly premium plan displayed first. Keep in mind, the lowest premium plan may not fit your needs.

There’s a drop-down selection to the right of the screen listing three options: lowest monthly premium, lowest yearly drug deductible, and lowest drug plus premium cost. Click through all the options and look at your choices before making a final decision.

  • Choose a plan based on your overall health andmedicationneeds.
  • Where you live — such as if you live in multiple states during the year or a rural location — might affect available plans. Ask anavigatorfor help with the best option.
  • 您的自付费用,保费,免赔额和销售费用可能会随着计划而变化。查看未涵盖的内容。添加未覆盖项目的成本,然后将其比较降低保费,以查看哪个是更好的选择。
  • Medicarerates plans based on member surveys and other criteria from 1 to 5. Check the plan rating before making your decision. You can switch one time into afive-star plan从12月8日至11月3日之间的较低收益计划。
  • 如果您拥有D部分覆盖范围的原始Medicare,则可以为自付费用添加Medigap覆盖范围。
  • If you have doctors and pharmacies you like, make sure they’re listed in the network of your plan.

MedicarePart D is an important benefit that helps pay for prescription drugs not covered by original Medicare (parts A and B).

There are private medication plans that you can add to your original Medicare coverage, or you can choose a Medicare Advantage plan (Part C) with drug coverage. These plans may also provide dental and vision benefits. Keep in mind that premiums may be higher and you might have to go with in-network doctors and pharmacies.

If you have prescription drug coverage through your employer or union that’s at least as good as basic Medicare coverage, you can keep that plan. Go with what gives you the best coverage at the best rate.

Remember, there’s a permanent penalty added to your premium if you don’t choose a drug plan or have drug coverage when you’re eligible.
