Medicare C部分(也称为Medicare Advantage)是有资格获得Medicare的人的保险选择。这些计划是通过私人保险公司提供的。

You don’t need to buy a Medicare Part C plan. It’s an alternative to original Medicare that offers additional items and services. Some of these include prescription drugs, dental, vision, and many others.

To be eligible for aMedicare Part C (Medicare Advantage)plan:

  • You must be enrolled in或者iginal Medicare(Medicare parts A and B).
  • 您必须居住在Medicare Advantage保险提供商的服务领域,该服务提供商提供所需的承保范围/价格,并且在您的入学期内接受新用户。


  • 年龄。You must be at least age 65 or older and a U.S. citizen or legal permanent resident for a minimum of 5 contiguous years.
  • 失能。如果您已经每月收到24个月的社会保障或铁路退休委员会(RRB)残疾福利,那么您有资格获得原始Medicare。如果您是残疾的联邦,州或地方政府雇员,没有资格获得每月社会保障或RRB福利,则可能被视为有权获得残疾福利,并在残疾29个月后自动有权获得A部分。
  • ALS。If you’ve received a diagnosis ofamyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), you become eligible for Medicare immediately upon collecting Social Security disability insurance (SSDI) benefits (5 months following the classification of “disabled”).
  • ESRD。如果你有end stage renal disease (ESRD), you’re eligible for Medicare with coverage that could start as soon as your first month of dialysis treatment.

Enrollmentinto Medicare is time-sensitive and should be started roughly 3 months before you turn age 65. You can also apply for Medicare on the month you turn age 65 and the 3 months following your 65th生日 - 尽管您的覆盖范围会延迟。


最后,还有Medicare Advantage公开入学期。这是每年1月1日至3月31日。但是,如果您已经参加了Medicare Advantage计划,则只有此期间才能更改计划。

A Medicare Advantage plan is offered by a private insurance company that’s been approved by Medicare.

These plans combine your originalMedicare Part A(hospital insurance) withMedicare Part B(医疗保险)。

通常,它们还包括Medicare Part D(prescription drug coverage) and other benefits, such asvisiondental覆盖范围。

There are many different companies offering Medicare Advantage plans. Each offers different levels of coverage and monthly premiums. Many arePreferred Provider Organizations (PPOs)或者Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs).

At a minimum, these plans will replace Medicare parts A and B, while offering a minimum of all of the benefits provided by parts A and B as required by law.

Medicare Part C (Medicare Advantage) plans are an optional alternative to original Medicare.

要获得Medicare C部分的资格,您必须参加Medicare A部分和B。您还必须居住在所需的Medicare Advantage Plan计划的服务区域中。
