• Medicare isn’t mandatory. You may defer Medicare coverage if you feel it’s in your best interest to do so.
  • If you or your spouse have health insurance coverage through a large group employer or union, you may defer Medicare coverage.
  • Another reason for deferring Medicare is if you want to keep your health savings account (HSA).
  • If you lose your current coverage, you must sign up for Medicare within a certain time frame. If you don’t, you’ll incur penalties that may last your whole life.

Like many people, you or a loved one might not be ready to take the plunge into Medicare coverage, despite being eligible. In some instances, it might make sense to defer coverage. In others, it may wind up costing you long-lasting or even permanent penalties.

To defer Medicare, you must have qualifying health insurance, such as through a large group plan that covers 20 or more employees.

This article will provide more information to consider before you decide whether to defer Medicare. It’ll also cover how to enroll in Medicare when you’re ready.

Medicare isn’t mandatory。You can defer Medicare coverage if you feel it’s in your best interest to do so.

Keep in mind, though, that most people who are eligible for Medicare do benefit from enrolling in both Part A and Part B (original Medicare) during their initial enrollment period.

Medicare Part A

Medicare Part Acovers hospital expenses. If you or your spouse worked for at least 10 years (40 quarters), you will most likely be eligible for premium-free Part A when you turn 65 years old.

You can defer Medicare Part A. Since there’s typically no cost associated with signing up, you mind find that it’s in your best interest to sign up when first eligible.

Medicare Part B

Medicare Part Bcovers outpatient medical costs and comes with a monthly premium for all Medicare beneficiaries. The standard premium is$148.50per month in 2021, but this rate could be higherbased on your income

You can also defer Part B coverage. However, if you defer Medicare Part B coverage, you may receive significant financial penalties that will last throughout your Medicare coverage when you do sign up. In some situations, you may be able to defer without penalties — we’ll review those situations later.

If you’re thinking about deferring Medicare, discuss the pros and cons with your current insurer, union representative, or employer. It’s important to know how or if your current plan will work with Medicare, so you can choose the most comprehensive overage possible.

No matter your reasons for deferring, you must enroll in Medicare within 8 months of losing your current coverage. If you delay, you will incur penalties that may last for the entire duration of your Medicare coverage.

Next, we’ll discuss some of the common reasons you may be thinking about deferring Medicare.

You have health insurance you want to keep

If you currently have a health insurance plan that you love – either through a job, your spouse, a union, or other source – you may wish to continue your current coverage.

Deferring Medicare may save you money on monthly premiums, especially if you’re a high-wage earner. If your current insurance is provided through a large group insurer and covers everything that Medicare parts B and D cover,you won’t be hit with a penalty if you defer for this reason.

You want to keep contributing to an HSA

You may also want to defer signing up for original Medicare if you currently have ahealth savings account (HSA)。Once you’re enrolled in original Medicare, you’re no longer able to contribute funds to an HSA.

The money you put in an HSA increases on a tax-free basis and can be used to pay for many healthcare expenses.

HSAs are available to people with high-deductible health insurance plans. If your current health insurance meets Medicare’s requirements for creditable coverage,你不会招致罚款如果you defer for this reason.

You want to use your current Veterans Affairs benefits

If you’re amilitary veteranand have benefits through the Department of Veterans Affairs, you’re covered only for services provided at VA facilities. VA benefits typically won’t cover services you get at outside facilities, unless specifically authorized by the VA.

In this instance, it makes sense to enroll in Medicare Part A, so you can access services you may need at non-VA hospitals.

You might be better off getting Part B during initial enrollment as well, even though you have to pay a monthly Part B premium. If you defer enrollment, long-term penalties will raise your rates.

If you do enroll in Part B, your VA benefits will continue to pay for things that Medicare doesn’t cover, such as hearing aids and over-the-counter medications. You may also qualify for help paying your premiums through aMedicare savings program

For flexibility, you might also want to enroll in a MedicarePart D(prescription drug) plan or aMedicare Advantage (Part C)plan that covers medications.

VA benefits include prescription drug coverage that’s considered to be at least as good as Medicare coverage. But it requires you to use a VA medical provider and pharmacy.

If you lose your VA benefits or decide you want a Part D plan,you may enroll without penalty,even after your initial enrollment period expires.

You currently have TRICARE or CHAMPVA coverage

Active duty and retired military members and their families are typically eligible forTRICAREhealth insurance through the Department of Defense. Those who aren’t eligible, such as surviving spouses and children, may be eligible forCHAMPVA (Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Department of Veterans Affairs)coverage.

If you have TRICARE or CHAMPVA coverage and are eligible for premium-free Part A, you must also enroll in Part B to keep your current coverage.

If you aren’t eligible for premium-free Part A, you’re not required to sign up for Part A or Part B. If you don’t sign up during initial enrollment, though,you will incur a lifetime late enrollment penalty whenever you do sign up.

If you want to defer Medicare coverage, you don’t need to inform Medicare. It’s simple: Just don’t sign up when you become eligible.

You can also sign up for Part A but not Part B during initial enrollment.

Special enrollment periods

To avoid penalties, you must enroll within 8 months of when your current coverage ends. This is known as aspecial enrollment period

Certain events can trigger special enrollment periods, such as losing your current health insurance. If this happens, don’t wait for the next Medicare open enrollment period, otherwise you may have a lapse in coverage and owe penalty fees.

The 8-month special enrollment period does not include any months that you’re covered byCOBRA。例如,如果您的就业终止March but you continue to pay for your own coverage through COBRA for April and May, your 8-month special enrollment period begins in March and ends in October.

Late enrollment penalties

If you miss both initial enrollment and special enrollment, yourlate enrollment penaltiesmay be steep and may last a long time.

If you’re not eligible for premium-free Part A and buy it late, your monthly premium will rise by10 percentfor double the number of years you didn’t sign up. For example, if you deferred coverage for 5 years, you’ll pay the higher premium amount for 10 years.

If you sign up late for Part B, you’ll pay a lifelong late penalty fee every month on top of your regular Part B premium. The added fee is10 percentof the Part B premium for each 12-month period you were eligible but didn’t sign up.

For example, if you were eligible for Part B but didn’t enroll until 2 years later, your premium will be increased by an extra 20 percent for as long as you have a Part B plan.

Declining all Medicare coverage

In some cases, you may wish to completely decline Medicare. This could either be because you have other health insurance or for religious or philosophical reasons.

If you do this, you will forfeit all Social Security benefits or Railroad Retirement Board benefits. You will also be required to return any payments you’ve already received through these programs.

  • Most people benefit by signing up for original Medicare when they first become eligible.
  • In some situations, though, it may make sense for you to wait.
  • Talk to your current employer or plan administrator to determine how you can best coordinate your current plan with Medicare.
  • Don’t let your healthcare coverage lapse. This not only puts you in a tight position if you suddenly fall ill, but it also may cost you more money in penalties and late fees once you do sign up for Medicare.