• Mobility scooters may be partially covered under Medicare Part B.
  • Eligibility requirements include being enrolled in original Medicare and having medical need for an in-home scooter.
  • The mobility scooter must be purchased or rented from a Medicare-approved supplier within 45 days of seeing your doctor.

如果您或亲人发现很难在家中四处走动,那么您会处于良好的陪伴状态。至少 24 percent of Medicare recipients over 65 报告需要和使用移动设备,例如动员踏板车。

如果您已注册Medicare并满足特定要求,则购买或租金的部分成本can be covered由Medicare B部分。

Medicare is made up of parts A, B, C, D, and Medigap.

  • Medicare A部分is part of original Medicare. It covers inpatient hospital services, hospice care, nursing facility care, and home health care services.
  • Medicare部分bis also part of original Medicare. It covers medically necessary services and supplies. It also covers preventive care.
  • Medicare Part c也称为Medicare Advantage。C部分是从私人保险公司购买的。它涵盖了A和B部分所做的一切,但通常包括处方药,牙科,听力和视觉的其他覆盖范围。C部分计划在其覆盖和成本方面有所不同。
  • Medicare部分d是处方药覆盖范围。私人保险公司有多种计划。计划提供了覆盖药物的清单及其成本,称为配方。
  • Medigap(Medicare补充保险)is supplemental insurance sold by private insurers. Medigap helps pay for some of the out-of-pocket costs from parts A and B, such as deductibles, copays, and coinsurance.

Medicare B部分的踏板车覆盖范围

Medicare部分bcovers the partial cost or rental fee for power mobility devices (PMDs), such as mobilized scooters, and other types ofdurable medical equipment (DME),包括手动轮椅。

Part B pays for 80 percent of the Medicare-approved portion of the cost of a scooter, after you meet your annual Part B deductible.

Medicare Part ccoverage for scooters

Medicare Part cplans also covers DME. Some plans also cover motorized wheelchairs. The level of DME coverage you get with a Part C plan can vary. Some plans offer significant discounts, but others don’t. It’s important to check your plan to determine what you can expect to pay out of your pocket for a scooter.

Medigap coverage for scooters

Medigap plans may also help with coverage of out-of-pocket costs, such as your Medicare Part B deductible. Individual plans vary, so be sure to check first.


For the cost of your scooter to be covered, you must get it from a Medicare-approved supplier who accepts assignment. A list of Medicare-approved suppliers can be foundhere.


Scooters are only approved by Medicare if you need a scooter to ambulate in your home. Medicare won’t pay for a power wheelchair or scooter that is only needed for outside activities.

Getting a scooter prescription


At the visit, your doctor will evaluate your medical condition and prescribe a DME for you, if needed. Your doctor’s prescription is referred to as a seven-element order, which tells Medicare that a scooter is medically necessary.

Your doctor will submit the seven-element order to Medicare for approval.

Criteria you must meet

It should say that a scooter is medically necessary for use in your home, because you have limited mobility and meet all of the following标准:

  • you have a health condition that makes it extremely hard for you to get around within your own home
  • 您不能进行日常生活活动,例如使用浴室,洗澡和穿衣,即使是助行器,拐杖或拐杖
  • you can safely operate a mobilized device and are strong enough to sit up on it and use its controls
  • you are able to get on and off the scooter safely: if not, you must always have someone with you who can assist you and ensure your safety
  • your home can accommodate scooter use: for example, a scooter will fit in your bathroom, through your doors, and in hallways

You must go to a DME supplier who accepts Medicare. The approved seven-element order must be sent to your supplier within 45 days of your face-to-face doctor’s visit.

在2020年支付B部分的$ 198 $ 198之后,Medicare将覆盖出租或购买踏板车的80%。剩余的20%是您的责任,尽管某些C部分或Medigap计划可能涵盖了它。

To keep costs down and make sure that Medicare pays its part for your scooter, you must use a Medicare-approved supplier who accepts assignment. If you don’t, the supplier may charge you a much higher amount, which you will be responsible for.

Ask about Medicare participation before you commit to purchasing a scooter.

A Medicare-approved supplier will send the bill for your scooter directly to Medicare. However, you may be required to pay the entire cost upfront and wait for Medicare to reimburse you for 80 percent of the scooter’s cost.

If you decide to rent a scooter, Medicare will make monthly payments on your behalf for as long as the scooter is medically necessary. The supplier should come to your home to pick the scooter up when the rental period ends.


Here is a list of steps to help you get your scooter covered and in your home:

  1. Apply for and enroll in original Medicare (parts A and B).
  2. Make an appointment with a Medicare-approved doctor for a face-to-face visit to confirm your eligibility for a scooter.
  3. Have your doctor send a written order to Medicare indicating your eligibility and need for a scooter.
  4. 确定您需要哪种类型的踏板车,以及您是否希望出租或购买。
  5. Look for a Medicare-approved DME supplier who accepts assignmenthere.
  6. If you cannot afford the cost of the scooter, call your local Medicare or Medicaid office to determine your eligibility forMedicare储蓄计划这可能会有所帮助。


Medicare B部分只要您满足某些特定要求,就可以覆盖80%的移动踏板车成本。


你必须使用Medicare-approved doctor and a Medicare-approved supplier that accept assignment to have your scooter approved and covered by Medicare.