Neoplasms are abnormal growths of tissue. They can occur in almost any area of the body. They’re also called tumors and are most often linked withcancer。纵隔肿瘤在纵隔中发展。
The媒介物is the area in the middle of the chest that lies between thesternum(breastbone) and spinal column. The area contains vital organs, including the heart, esophagus, and trachea.
Mediastinal tumors develop in one of three areas of the mediastinum: the anterior (front), the middle, or the posterior (back). The position of the tumor in the mediastinum typically depends on the patient’s age.
Children aremore likely在纵隔的后面发展它们。这些通常是良性的或非癌的。成年人更有可能在纵隔的前面发展它们。
In the front of the mediastinum, tumors can be
- lymphoma, 包含霍奇金氏病和non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma
- thymoma and thymic cyst (a百里香的肿瘤)
- thyroid mass mediastinal(generally a benign growth, but can sometimes be cancerous)
In the middle of the mediastinum, tumors can be caused by:
- 支气管囊肿(一个良性增长,明星ts in the respiratory system)
- lymphadenopathy淋巴结的纵隔或扩大
- pericardial cyst(a benign growth on the heart lining)
- thyroid mass mediastinal
- tracheal tumors(usually benign growths)
- 血管并发症,例如肿胀aorta
In the back of the mediastinum, tumors can be caused by:
- extramedullary hematopoiesis (rare growths that start in the bone marrow and are related to severe anemia)
- 淋巴结瘤纵隔(淋巴结肿大)
- 神经囊肿纵隔(涉及神经和胃肠系统的罕见生长)
- neurogenic neoplasm mediastinal (cancerous cells of the nerves)
Tumors that form in the mediastinum are also known as primary tumors. Sometimes mediastinal tumors will develop because cancer from another part of the body has spread.
If symptoms develop, it’s often because the tumor is pushing on surrounding organs. Symptoms can包括:
- 咳嗽
- 呼吸急促
- 胸痛
- fever/chills
- night sweats
- 咳嗽ing up blood
- 无法解释的体重减轻
- 淋巴结肿大
- respiratory blockage
- 嘶哑
- achest X-ray
- aCT扫描of the chest
- 胸部的MRI
- amediastinoscopy with biopsy
They’ll remove a sample of tissue and have it analyzed to see if cancer is present. This procedure will help your doctor accurately diagnose the type of tumor you have.
Tumors may also invade the spinal column. This may result in脊髓压缩。
治疗involving chemotherapy and radiation can have serious side effects,
- 食欲的变化
- bleeding problems
- anemia
- constipation
- 腹泻
- fatigue
- 脱发
- 感染
- nausea/vomiting
- pain
- 肿胀
- 干燥
- itching
- 脱皮
- 起泡