
  1. 躁狂和躁狂症的症状相似,但躁狂症的症状更加强烈。
  2. If you experience mania or hypomania, you may have bipolar disorder.
  3. 心理疗法和抗精神病药可用于治疗躁狂和躁狂症。单独改变生活方式可能有助于治疗低狂热。




躁狂症发生在双极I障碍。在许多双极I的情况下,躁狂发作与periods of depression。但是,患有双相情感障碍的人并不总是有抑郁症。

What is hypomania?


People with bipolar II disorder may experience hypomania that alternates with depression.

The main difference between mania and hypomania is the intensity of the symptoms. Symptoms of mania are much more intense than those of hypomania.



  • 具有高于正常的能量水平
  • 不安或无法坐着
  • 有一个decreased need for sleep
  • having increased self-esteem or confidence, or grandiosity
  • 非常健谈
  • 有一个racing mind, or having lots of new ideas and plans
  • 很容易分心
  • 进行多个项目,无法完成它们
  • 抑制作用减少
  • having increased sexual desire
  • engaging in risky behavior, such as havingimpulsive sex,赌博储蓄或进行大笔支出

During a manic or hypomanic phase, you may not be able to recognize these changes in yourself. If others mention that you’re not acting like yourself, you’re not likely to think that anything’s wrong.

The more severe symptoms of mania


有了躁狂,您也可能与现实有所休息。Psychotic symptoms可以包括:

Mania and hypomania are symptoms of bipolar disorder. However, they can also be brought on by:

最正确双相情感障碍的原因is unclear.Family historymay play a role. You’re more likely to develop bipolar disorder if you have a family history of the illness. Bipolar disorder may also involve a chemical imbalance in the brain.

You’re at increased risk of mania or hypomania if you’ve already had an episode. You may also increase your risk if you have bipolar disorder and don’t take your medications as your doctor prescribes.



此外,其他健康状况可能导致躁狂症和躁狂症。另外,一个过度活跃的甲状腺can cause symptoms that mimic hypomania or mania.

Diagnosing mania

In most cases, symptoms must last at least a week for your doctor to diagnose them as mania. However, if your symptoms are so severe that you’re hospitalized, a diagnosis can be made even if the symptoms last for a shorter time.

Diagnosing hypomania


Mania 躁狂症
causes more extreme symptoms 导致极端症状较少
通常涉及持续一周或更长时间的一集 typically involves an episode that lasts at least four days
may lead to hospitalization 不会导致住院
可能是双相情感障碍的症状 can be a symptom of bipolar II disorder

为了治疗躁狂症和躁狂症,您的医生可能会开处方心理治疗as well asmedication。The medication can include mood stabilizers and antipsychotics.

You may need to try several different medications before your doctor discovers the right combination to treat your symptoms effectively. It’s important that you take your medication as your doctor prescribes. Even if you have side effects from the drugs, it can be dangerous to stop taking your medication without your doctor’s supervision. If you have problems with side effects, talk to your doctor. They’ll be able to help.

For hypomania, it’s often possible to cope without medication. Healthy lifestyle habits can help. Maintain a healthy diet, get a little exercise every day, and go to bed on schedule every night. Not getting enough sleep can trigger hypomania. You might also want to avoid too muchcaffeine

These tips can help you cope with mania and hypomania:

Learn all you can about your condition

Mania and hypomania can be managed. Learn to recognize触发器这样您就可以避免它们。



Stay in treatment




Reach out to others for help


Mania and hypomania, as well as bipolar disorder itself, can’t be prevented. However, you can take steps to lessen the effects of an episode. Maintain your support systems and use the coping strategies listed above.

Above all, stick with your treatment plan. Take your medications as prescribed and keep an open line of communication with your doctor. Working together, you and your doctor can manage your symptoms and improve your quality of life.