Osteoporosis is a chronic condition caused by the loss of bone density. You can reverse the loss of bone density with medical therapies that may slow, maintain, or even increase your bone density.

Your doctor may recommend taking certain medications to prevent or treat bone loss, and some may even help you rebuild bone density.


  • 营养饮食
  • 定期运动
  • 健康习惯
  • 补充剂的使用(可能)

A serious complication of osteoporosis is breaking a bone, which can lead to:

  • chronic pain
  • 有限的移动性
  • a loss of independence

It’s important to avoid falls as much as possible.


You cannot reverse bone loss on your own. But there are a lot of ways you can stop further bone loss.

如果您被诊断出骨质疏松症or at a greater risk for developing it, your doctor may recommend certain medications to take. Your risk for the condition may increase due to:

  • age
  • prior health conditions
  • certain medication use

Treatment with medication aims to prevent the condition from getting worse and reduce your risk for fracturing bones.

Two types of medications can help treat osteoporosis.

  • Antiresorptive medications.他们减缓骨质密度的崩溃。你可以不ake them as oral tablets, nasal sprays, injections, and intravenous administrations. The most common drugs prescribed are bisphosphonates like alendronate, risedronate, and zoledronic acid. Other options are estrogen-like medicines, such as denosumab and calcitonin.
  • 合成代谢。They generate more bone than you are losing. This helps to rebuild your bone density. They are only available through injection. They include parathyroid hormone (PTH), parathyroid hormone-related protein (PTHrP), and romosozumab-aqqg.

You cannot reverse bone loss on your own without medications, but there are many lifestyle modifications you can make to stop more bone loss from occurring.


Eating a diet that isnutrient-rich and diverse保持骨骼坚固很重要。食用这些食物可以使您的骨骼提升:

  • fruits
  • 蔬菜
  • 乳制品
  • certain proteins

Here are some of the vitamins and minerals you want to incorporate into your diet for bone health.

  • 钙。It’s an important mineral for骨骼健康。乳制品和许多深层绿叶蔬菜是钙的良好来源。但是过多的钙也可能是有问题的。查看食品标签,以确定每份钙多少。
  • 维生素D。It helps your body过程钙, among other health benefits. Fish with lots of fat, like tuna and salmon, contain this vitamin. Other foods like milk and orange juice may be fortified with it. You can get vitamin D by going out in the sun, but be mindful of prolonged exposure to ultraviolet rays.

There are also drinks and ingredients you should avoid or reduce consumption of to help your bone health.

  • 酒精。大量饮酒会促进骨质流失。每天不超过两三杯饮料是一个好主意。
  • Caffeine.Beverages and foods containing caffeine can also affect the way your body processes calcium.
  • 苏打。Certain soft drinks, specifically cola, may be associated with bone loss. More research is needed to understand exactly what causes this.



These benefits can also help you prevent falls or bumps into objects that might lead to broken bones with osteoporosis.

You should engage in several运动类型定期帮助您的骨头:

  • 减肥运动。其中包括有氧活动,例如步行,舞蹈和网球,这些活动在运动过程中与重力作斗争。
  • 抵抗运动。These are movements that use weights, bands, body weight, or other equipment to build strength.
  • 伸展。它们是可以使您的身体保持灵活并更轻松移动的动作。




  • drinking too much alcohol
  • 抽烟
  • 吃不健康的食物


  • 避免吸烟
  • 减少或消除每周喝多少酒精
  • eat a healthy diet with limited sugars, salts, and processed foods






  • a healthy, robust, and diverse diet
  • a regular variety of exercise
  • 补充,如果需要

Your doctor may also recommend taking medications to prevent osteoporosis from developing.

A diagnosis of osteoporosis comes when your bone mass is low. You may find out you have osteoporosis from a bone scan or after you experience a broken bone.

Osteoporosis is often a condition associated with aging, and women can be especially vulnerable to it.


But delaying or neglecting treatment for osteoporosis can lead to bone breaks and other symptoms like:

  • 身高萎缩
  • 姿势不佳
  • discomfort

There are a variety of medications to treat osteoporosis, so you and your doctor can determine the best option for you. For example, some medications you may need to take daily.



Your doctor may recommend a change in treatment if you experience worsening symptoms or if your medication is only helpful for a certain period of time.

There may be instances where you take a break from medication. You may need to take medication again at some point. Your doctor will monitor your condition to determine what type of treatment you need.


Your doctor may even suggest a different type of treatment if your current plan does not adhere to your lifestyle.

Discuss ways to incorporate healthy lifestyle habits to stop bone density loss and prevent the condition from getting worse.
