It’s normal to cough when something tickles your throat or a piece of food “goes down the wrong pipe.” After all, coughing is your body’s way of clearing your throat and airways of mucus, fluids, irritants, or microbes. A dry cough, a cough that doesn’t help to expel any of these, is less common.



In nonsmokers, these are the causes for chronic coughs in nine out of 10 patients, according to哈佛健康。但是与其他症状相结合,慢性干咳嗽可能是一个更大,更严重的问题,包括:



  • 呼吸急促
  • high or prolonged fever
  • choking
  • 咳嗽up blood or bloody phlegm
  • 弱点,疲劳
  • 胃口损失
  • 喘息
  • 胸痛不
  • 夜汗
  • 腿部肿胀恶化

Often, it’s the combination of one or more of these symptoms along with dry cough that can be alarming, say experts, but it’s important not to jump to conclusions until a full workup has been done.

“A persistent dry cough is one common symptom of IPF. There are usually other symptoms of IPF as well, such as shortness of breath and a Velcro-like crackle in the lungs a doctor can hear through a stethoscope,” says Dr. Steven Nathan, medical director of theAdvanced Lung Disease and Transplant Programat Inova Fairfax Hospital.

“However, physicians generally try to rule out more common conditions causing a cough, such as postnasal drip, GERD, or a hyperactive airway. Once a physician determines a more common condition isn’t the issue and patients aren’t responding to therapies, then a physician focuses on more uncommon diagnoses, such as IPF.”


  • 胸部X射线
  • 血液样本
  • CT scan of your chest
  • throat swab
  • 痰样品
  • spirometry
  • 甲基酚挑战测试

Some of these will help your doctor get a closer look inside your chest as well and test your bodily fluids to check for infections or other health issues. Others will test for how well you can breathe. If these still aren’t enough to pinpoint an issue, you may be referred to a pulmonologist, a doctor who specializes in lung and respiratory diseases, who may order more tests.



  • cough drops or hard candy
  • 蜂蜜
  • vaporizer
  • steamy shower

A chronic dry cough can pose a threat to your overall health if it’s not treated. It can make any current conditions like IPF worse by scarring your lung tissue even more. It can also make your daily life more difficult and cause discomfort and potentially damage.

“No current evidence exists to suggest a dry cough is damaging. However, some physicians think it could be damaging due to the tremendous force and pressure to the airway that a cough generates,” says Dr. Nathan.


  • 精疲力尽
  • headaches, nausea, vomiting
  • 胸部和肌肉酸痛
  • sore throat and hoarseness
  • broken ribs
  • 失禁
