
Even though thinking about getting one might make you uncomfortable, annual mammograms are important after age 40. According to the National Cancer Institute , breast cancer is the second most common cancer for women in the United States, after skin cancer.

In 2021, it’s predicted that there will be 大约281,550例新案例 of breast cancer in women, according to Breastcancer.org. Learn about how mammograms work, who should get them, and more.

Main uses of mammograms


If you have a lump or any other symptom ofbreast cancer,您的医生将订购诊断乳房X XMIMP照片。如果您有乳房植入物,您可能需要一个诊断乳房X光检查。

Diagnostic mammograms are more extensive than screening mammograms. They typically require moreX-raysto get views of the breast from multiple positions. Your radiologist may also magnify any areas of concern.

一些专家,包括美国产科医生和妇科医生and the National Comprehensive Cancer Network , recommend that women who are age 40 and older should have a mammogram every 1 to 2 years. The 美国癌症学会 recommends regular screening beginning at age 45.



  • breast size
  • 与预期即将到期的期间相关的乳房压痛
  • 技术人员的技能集

您觉得的任何疼痛或不适应该是短暂的。该程序提出了 20 minutes ,但导致疼痛或不适的部件一次只持续几秒钟。


  • deodorants
  • body powders
  • perfumes
  • ointments or creams on your breasts or underarms



Each breast fits onto a flat X-ray plate. A compressor will then push the breast down to flatten the tissue. This provides a clearer picture of the breast. You might have to hold your breath for each picture. You may feel a small amount of pressure or discomfort, but it’s usually very brief.

During the process, your doctor will review the images as they are made. They may order additional images that show different views if something’s unclear or needs further attention. This happens quite frequently and is considered routine.

Digital mammograms



The computer can also help your doctor see images that might not have been very visible on a regular mammogram.

Yes, mammograms are safe.

与任何类型的x光,你收到exposure to a very small amount of radiation during mammography. However, the risk from this exposure is extremely low.

If a person is pregnant and absolutely needs a mammogram before their delivery date, they’ll typically wear a lead apron during the procedure.

If you’re over age 40, your health insurance will likely cover the cost of a mammogram. Contact your insurance provider to learn which types of mammograms are covered and whether you’ll need to pay any out-of-pocket costs.

If you don’t have health insurance or your coverage does not include mammograms, you can access free or low-cost mammograms through services like the National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program . You can also find discounted mammograms every October in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month through the 食品和药物管理局的网站 .

如果可能的话,最好在专门从事乳房X光线照片的设施中获得这种类型的筛选。被那些认可的人American College of Radiologyhave technicians who are specially trained in mammography. These facilities use equipment that meets specific standards and is inspected regularly.

Consider finding a facility that also does additional testing, such as MRI, ultrasound, or other imaging procedures in case you need further screening.


Images from a mammogram can help findcalcifications, or calcium deposits, in your breasts. The test can also findcysts— which may come and go normally during some people’s menstrual cycles — and any cancerous or noncancerous lumps.

有一个国家诊断系统,用于阅读哺乳动线照片Breast Imaging Reporting and Database System (BI-RADS).

In this system, there are seven categories, ranging from zero to six. Each category describes whether additional images are necessary and whether an area is more likely to have abenign(noncancerous) or cancerous lump.


  • gathering additional images
  • 找到以前的乳房图像图像以进行比较
  • 继续常规放映
  • making an appointment for follow-up in 6 months
  • performing a biopsy
