What is a hypertensive emergency?

Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is a common condition. It affects 1 in 3 American adults , according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Guidelinesfor diagnosing and treating high blood pressure from the American College of Cardiology and American Heart Association have recently changed. Experts now predict that nearly half of American adults will have high blood pressure.

High blood pressureis diagnosed if one or both of the following occur:

  • Your systolic blood pressure is consistently over 130.
  • Your diastolic blood pressure is consistently over 80.

High blood pressure is generally manageable if you follow your doctor’s advice.

Although it’s not common, some people with high blood pressure may have a rapid rise in blood pressure above 180/120 millimeters of mercury (mm Hg). This is known as a hypertensive crisis.

If a person with a blood pressure of 180/120 mm Hg or higher also has new symptoms — especially those related to the eye, brain, heart, or kidney — this is known as a hypertensive emergency. Hypertensive emergencies were previously known, in some cases, as malignant hypertension.

高血压紧急需要立即》l attention. Symptoms indicate that organ damage is occurring. If you don’t get emergency treatment, you may develop serious health problems, such as:

A hypertensive emergency can also be life-threatening.

High blood pressure is commonly referred to as the “silent killer.” This is because it doesn’t always have obvious signs or symptoms. Unlike moderate high blood pressure, a hypertensive emergency has very noticeable symptoms. Symptoms can include:

A hypertensive emergency can also result in a condition known as hypertensiveencephalopathy. This directly affects the brain. The symptoms of this disorder include:

  • severe headache
  • blurry vision
  • confusion or mental slowness
  • lethargy
  • seizure

Hypertensive emergencies mostly occur in people with a history of high blood pressure. It’s also more common in African-Americans, males, and people whosmoke. It’s especially common in people whose blood pressure is already above 140/90 mm Hg. According to a2012 clinical review, about 1 to 2 percent of people with high blood pressure develop hypertensive emergencies.

Some health conditions increase your chances of having a hypertensive emergency. These include:

If you have high blood pressure and develop any changes in your normal symptoms, seek immediate medical attention. Also seek immediate medical attention if you develop new symptoms related to a hypertensive emergency.

你的医生会问你关于你的健康的历史, including any treatments you’re on for high blood pressure. They’ll also measure your blood pressure and discuss any symptoms you’re currently having, such as changes in vision, chest pain, or shortness of breath. This will help your doctor determine whether or not emergency treatment is needed.

Determining organ damage

Other tests may be used to see if your condition is causing organ damage. For instance, blood tests measuringblood urea nitrogen (BUN)andcreatininelevels may be ordered.

The BUN test measures the amount of waste product from the breakdown of protein in the body. Creatinine is a chemical produced by the breakdown of muscles. Your kidneys clear it from your blood. When the kidneys aren’t functioning normally, these tests will have abnormal results.

Your doctor may also order the following:

A hypertension emergency can be life-threatening and requires immediate medical attention. You need to get treatment for it immediately in order to safely lower your blood pressure and avoid dangerous complications.

Treatment typically includes using high blood pressure medications, or antihypertensive medications, givenintravenously, or through an IV. This allows for immediate action. You’ll typically require treatment in the emergency room and intensive care unit.

Once your blood pressure stabilizes, your doctor will prescribe oral blood pressure medications. These medications will enable you to control your blood pressureat home.

If you receive a diagnosis of a hypertensive emergency, you’ll need to follow your doctor’s recommendations. This will include having regular checkups to monitor your blood pressure and continuing to take your medications on a regular basis.

Some cases of hypertensive emergencies can be prevented. If you have high blood pressure, it’s important for you tocheck your blood pressureregularly. It’s also important for you to take all prescribed medications without missing any doses. Try to also maintain a healthy lifestyle and follow your doctor’s advice.

Make sure to treat any ongoing health conditions that may put you at risk for a hypertensive emergency. Seek immediate treatment if you develop any symptoms. You’ll need urgent care to help reduce organ damage.

Tips to lower your blood pressure

Tolower your blood pressure, follow these tips: