Lupus is a type of autoimmune disease. This means it causes your body’s immune system to attack healthy tissues and organs instead of only attacking foreign substances that could harm your body. The disease can cause widespread damage to areas of the body, including the joints, skin, heart, blood vessels, brain, kidneys, bones, and lungs.






sjogren的综合症is common in people with autoimmune disorders, like lupus. It causes your mouth and eyes to feel very dry. You might experience trouble speaking or swallowing, or have itchy, burning eyes.


有些人狼疮可能会遇到脱发,或者脱发. Lupus can cause hair to be dry or more brittle. Hair may break or fall out, particularly at the front of the forehead. The hair may grow back, or you may have permanent bald spots.

The pancreas is a gland behind the stomach that controls digestion enzymes and hormones that regulate how your body processes sugar. If it can’t work properly, you’re at risk of infection, digestive problems, and diabetes.

Lupus can cause inflammation of the pancreas, called pancreatitis, either from inflamed blood vessels or medications, like steroids or immunosuppressants used to treat the disease.

狼疮可以影响你的心脏和血管。人们Systemic Lupus红斑(SLE)患心脏病的风险较高。事实上,心脏病是狼疮人民最常见的死亡原因之一。

You’ll need to take extra precautions, like eating an anti-inflammatory diet and staying physically active in order to maintain healthy blood pressure and cholesterol levels.


Although less common, anemia can also be caused by lupus. It happens when the body has less red blood cells. For people with lupus, this can be due to inflammation, bleeding, or the immune system attacking them.

Memory problems or trouble thinking, often called “brain fog” can happen when someone has had lupus for a few years. Inflammation or lack of oxygen to parts of the brain cause problems with cognitive function. You may also experience changes in behavior, hallucinations, or have a hard time expressing your thoughts.

慢性疼痛障碍,fibromyalgia, may co-occur with lupus and other autoimmune disorders. Fibromyalgia causes chronic pain, tenderness, fatigue, irritable bowels, and trouble sleeping. It can be responsible for the pain felt by people with lupus. It’s thought to be caused by changes in the pathways that lead to the brain and spinal cord, or the sensors for pain within the brain.

Headaches that feel like migraines, often called lupus headaches, can be caused by inflamed blood vessels around the brain.




Your digestive system moves food through the body, taking nutrients in, and getting rid of waste. This process starts at the mouth and goes through the intestines. Lupus, and some medications used to manage symptoms, can cause side effects in the digestive system.


消化系统的问题,如恶心,呕吐,腹泻和便秘通常是用于治疗狼疮的药物的症状。Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs),采取对狼疮和其他慢性病的人的疼痛,也可以增加胃衬里出血溃疡的风险。

Your liver helps with digestion and removes alcohol and other substances from the blood. Inflammation in the liver can stop it from working properly, causing blood clots in the vessels bringing blood to the liver, and resulting in an enlarged liver.

Lupus can also cause your immune system to attack joints, causing pain and arthritis. When joints become inflamed, it causes pain and long-term damage. Lupus arthritis can occasionally affect large joints, like knees and hips, but more commonly affects smaller joints, like in the hands and wrists.

Some medications used to treat lupus can cause bone loss or osteoporosis. This leaves you vulnerable to bone fractures and breaks.

Having lupus puts you at a higher risk of developing infections and getting pneumonia.

Inflammation and fluid buildup in or around the lungs can create a variety of different complications for people with lupus. It can also cause chest pain when you take a deep breath.

Lupus doesn’t directly affect your reproductive organs, but the disease can cause complications during pregnancy. A pregnancy with lupus is considered high risk and requires more frequent doctor’s visits for monitoring. Risks include:

  • 流产
  • premature deliver
  • preeclampsia


However, a woman with lupus most often gives birth to a healthy baby. She may just need additional care from her doctor during the pregnancy.

Your kidneys are extremely important for maintaining good health. They help remove waste from the blood, regulate blood volume and pressure, and filter waste out through urine.


  • blood in the urine
  • 腹部肿胀
  • 腿或脚踝肿胀
  • nausea and vomiting


你个人的症状及其严重程度将depend on the type of lupus you have and other factors. These include your genetics and how long you’ve had the disease. If your lupus is well-controlled, you may have very mild symptoms.