
This technique is used to diagnose an irregular area of tissue in your lungs. A needle biopsy is also called percutaneous needle aspiration.

Your doctor may perform a lung needle biopsy to investigate an abnormality found during achest X-ray, aCT scan, oranother imaging test.

Your doctor can use this procedure to:

A lung needle biopsy may be performed on its own or with other tests, such as:

  • 支气管镜检查。In a支气管镜检查, an instrument with a camera on its end is inserted into your throat through your mouth, and then into the airways in your lungs. This allows your doctor to view various parts of your lungs.
  • Mediastinoscopy.In a纵隔镜检查,通过胸部的切口插入带有光线的仪器。您的医生使用纵隔镜来查看肺之间的区域。之后,他们收集淋巴结组织用于检测。


Also tell your doctor about all of the medications you’re taking, both over the counter and prescription. You may be told to avoid taking some medications for a period of time before your procedure, including:

  • 非甾体类抗炎药(NSAID),例如布洛芬(Advil,Motrin IB)和阿司匹林
  • some blood thinners, such as warfarin (Coumadin)


A specialist known as an interventional radiologist usually performs the biopsy with the aid of a CT or other type of scan.


The radiologist indicates the exact spot where the needle should be placed by drawing on your skin with a marker.




Your radiologist will generally use a biopsy needle that’s several inches in length. The design of the needle — hollow and wider than those used for regular shots — is what allows them to obtain a tissue sample.


You’ll be asked to remain still and avoid coughing during the biopsy. When your radiologist is ready to remove a tissue sample, you’ll need to hold your breath. Several samples may be required.


Once the biopsy is done, the needle is removed. Pressure is applied to the insertion site to help control any bleeding. When the bleeding has stopped, the site is bandaged. Sometimes one or more stitches are required if an incision is made. A typical lung needle biopsy is usually completed in less than 60 minutes.

The tissue samples will be sent to a laboratory for testing.




If you were sedated

If you were sedated, it may take a day or so to recover from the medication. In this case, plan to have a friend or relative drive you home. Once you’re home, they should also stay with you until you’re fully awake.




Your doctor may also order a prescription pain reliever.




  • 活检部位出血
  • 活检部位的发红或排水
  • 咳嗽超过少量血液
  • difficulty breathing
  • 胸痛
  • fever

Once the tissue samples are examined, a report will be sent to your doctor, who will contact you with the results. They may receive the report quickly, or it may take a few days. Results are typically ready in 2 or 3 days, though.

Depending on the findings, your doctor may order additional tests. Once they determine a diagnosis, they may suggest a treatment plan or refer you to other specialists.





一般人able to return to normal activity within 24 to 48 hours after the procedure.

Fred Aleskerov, MD 答案代表我们的医学专家的意见。所有内容都是严格的信息,不应被视为医疗建议。