肺癌是从肺部开始的癌症。有两个主要肺癌类型:non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), which makes up 80 to 85 percent of lung cancers; and small cell lung cancer (SCLC). Each of these types of lung cancer has several subtypes.

According to the 美国癌症协会 , most people diagnosed withlung cancerare 65 years old and older, with the average age at diagnosis being 70. Only a small number of people are diagnosed at the age of 45 or younger.




Median survival rates

当看着年龄和生存, one study found that the median survival time of elderly patients, which were considered people over the age of 60 in this study, was significantly lower compared to that of younger patients (37.8 weeks versus 57 weeks, respectively).

年龄was found to be one of the main prognostic factors in survival in those with lung cancer.



The case counts per 100,000 people are如下

年龄 案件计数每10万人
15至19 22
20 to 24 66
25 to 29 129
30至34 278
35至39 551
40 to 44 1,280
45 to 49 3,457
50 to 54 9,479
55至59 21,103
60至64 29,736
65 to 69 37,623
70 to 74 40,968
75至79 34,154
80至84 23,556
85+ 18,679



全面的, the chance 您一生中患肺癌的15分之一,女性为17。这包括吸烟者和非吸烟者。

吸烟者的风险更高,而非吸烟者的风险更低。非吸烟者确实有一个20 to 30 percent greater chanceof developing lung cancer if they are exposed to secondhand smoke at home or work.


  • Black men are about 15 percent more likely to develop lung cancer than white men.
  • 黑人妇女的肺癌发生率比白人妇女低约14%。
  • 尽管黑人比白人更有可能发展肺癌,但黑人与白人相比,黑人患SCLC的可能性较小。

A note about race and statistics


各种各样的things can affect diagnosis, especially risk factors for lung cancer. If someone has multiple risk factors for lung cancer, their risk of developing lung cancer may be higher than that of someone who has no risk factors.

If someone has symptoms but doesn’t go to the doctor until they get much worse, they may be diagnosed at a later stage, making treatment more difficult.


  • cigarette smoking
    • 这是最大的危险因素, 链接 到80%至90%的肺癌死亡
  • 暴露于二手烟
  • ra暴露
  • 暴露于石棉,砷和柴油排气管
  • radiation therapy to the chest
  • personal or family history of lung cancer
  • advancing age

The majority of lung cancers do not produce symptoms until they have spread, although some people with early lung cancer may have symptoms. Knowing the possible symptoms of lung cancer can help you be aware of them. Treatment is most effective with early diagnosis.

常见的early symptoms肺癌可能包括:

  • lingering or worsening cough
  • 咳嗽粘液或血液
  • chest pain that gets worse when you breathe deeply, laugh, or cough
  • hoarseness
  • shortness of breath
  • 喘息
  • weakness and fatigue
  • 食欲减轻和减肥
  • frequent respiratory infections

As the cancer spreads, other symptoms can develop based on where the cancer has spread.

Talk with a health professional about your risk factors for lung cancer if you are worried. Knowing your risk factors as well as the symptoms can help you recognize potential issues earlier.


Although lung cancer is primarily a disease affecting people over the age of 60, it does get diagnosed in younger people as well. Various factors can affect the risk of developing lung cancer and interact with age. It is important to know the risk factors and signs and symptoms so you can see a doctor as soon as possible if need be.

If you have concerns about your risk for lung cancer, talk with a health professional. They can go over your medical history and your personal risk factors and talk with you about your health behaviors and ways to help lower your risk.