When cancer starts in one place in your body and spreads to another, it’s calledmetastasis。When lung cancer metastasizes to the brain, it means the primary lung cancer has created a secondary cancer in the brain.
- 肾上腺
- brain and nervous system
- bones
- 肝
- 其他肺或呼吸系统
- 小细胞肺癌, which are about
10 to 15 percent 所有肺癌 - 非小细胞肺癌, which are about
80%至85% 所有肺癌
Lung cancers most typically spread to other parts of the body through the lymph vessels and blood vessels.
如果您被诊断出患有肺癌, it’s especially important to pay attention to symptoms of brain metastasis, including:
If you have any of these symptoms, report them to your doctor immediately.
To screen for metastatic brain cancer, doctors commonly use radiology tests such as:
Occasionally, a doctor may take a biopsy to determine if there’s脑癌礼物。
While sex, ethnicity, and age can affect survival, the life expectancy after a diagnosis of brain metastases from lung cancer is generally poor. Without treatment, the average survival rate is
When it comes to treatment of lung cancer brain metastases, the available options depend on several different factors, such as:
- the type of primary cancer that was diagnosed
- the number, size, and location of脑部肿瘤
- 癌细胞的遗传行为
- 年龄和健康
- 其他尝试的治疗
Treatment for metastatic brain cancer is dependent on the original type of lung cancer. When lung cancer spreads to the brain, it’s still considered lung cancer, not brain cancer.
- 肿瘤不多
- 该疾病受到控制
- 你身体健康
Whole brain radiation
Your doctor may recommend whole brain radiation if there are several tumors present. It can also follow surgery in some cases.
这个治疗is a high-dose radiation therapy that targets a specific part of the brain and is usually used in patients with fewer tumors.
免疫疗法和targeted therapies
较新的治疗方法,例如immunotherapyand targeted therapies that can cross the blood-brain barrier, may be recommended as complementary treatment options.
In the late stage of lung cancer that’s spread to brain, the most frequent complications include:
During the final states, palliative care professionals try to optimize quality of life with psychological, technological, medical, and sociological considerations.