
Testosteroneis a powerful hormone in both men and women. It has the ability to controlsex drive, regulate精子的产生, promotemuscle mass, and increaseenergy. It can even influence human behavior, such asaggressionand competitiveness.

As you grow older, the level of testosterone in your body graduallydecreases. This can lead to a variety of changes such as reduced sex drive. While lower testosterone levels may be concerning, it’s a natural part of aging.

The “normal” or healthy level of testosterone in the bloodstream varies widely, depending on thyroid function, protein status, and other factors.

According to recent guidelines from theAmerican Urological Association (AUA), a testosterone level of at least 300 nanograms per deciliter (ng/dL) is normal for a man. A man with a testosterone level below 300 ng/dL should be diagnosed with low testosterone.

For women ages 19 and up,normal testosterone levelsrange from 8 to 60 ng/dL, according to Mayo Clinic Laboratories.

18岁左右睾丸激素水平达到峰值or 19 before declining throughout the remainder of adulthood.

Testosterone is necessary fornormal fetal developmentduring pregnancy. It controls the development of themale reproductive system.

Testosterone levels in the womb may also affect how yourright and left brainfunction, according to onestudythat looked at 60 children.

Testosterone levels have to fall within a very narrow margin in order for the fetal brain to be healthy. High levels of fetal testosterone may belinkedto autism.

Testosterone levels are at their highest during adolescence and early adulthood.

In boys, the first physical signs of testosterone, or androgens, in the body are apparent duringpuberty. A boy’s voice changes, his shoulders broaden, and his facial structure becomes more masculine.

As men get older, their testosterone levels may decline about 1 percent per year after age 30.

In premenopausal women, testosterone is made mainly in theovaries. Levels will decline aftermenopause, which usually begins between ages 45 and 55.

Atestosterone testmeasures the level of the hormone in your blood.

Some people are born with conditions that cause low testosterone levels. You may have a low testosterone level if you have an illness that causes damage to yourtesticlesor ovaries, which make the hormone.

Levels may drop as you grow older. However, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) advises against gettingtestosterone replacement therapy (TRT)for low levels caused by aging alone.

Low testosterone levels can cause changes in sexual function, including:

Other signs of low testosterone levels include:

If you feel that you may have low testosterone levels, you should see your doctor andget a test.

Testosterone is the main male hormone, but women also need it for healthy body functioning. Testosterone is found in women at much lower levels than in men.

A woman’sestrogen level dropsafter she entersmenopause. This may make her levels of male hormones, also known as androgens, somewhat higher. Diseases such aspolycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)can also raise testosterone levels.

Excess testosterone in a woman’s bloodstream can cause:

Low testosterone in women can also cause fertility problems, in addition to weak bones andloss of libido.

The best way to diagnose low testosterone is to visit your doctor for aphysical examand a blood test.

你的医生会看t your physical appearance and性发展ment. Because testosterone levels are usually higher in the morning, the blood test should be performed before 10:00 a.m. in younger men.Men over 45can be tested until 2:00 p.m. and still receive accurate results.

Risks associated with the blood test are rare but may include bleeding, pain at the injection site, orinfection.

While symptoms of lowering testosterone may be a normal part of aging, they could also be signs of other underlying factors. These include:

Testosterone levels that are lower than the normal range could be caused by conditions such as:

Testosterone levels that are higher than the normal range may be caused by:

If your testosterone level is too low, your doctor may suggest TRT. Testosterone is available as:

Some medications used to treathigh testosterone levels in womeninclude:

It’s natural to be concerned about lower levels of testosterone. However, a gradual decrease is a normal part of aging. Talk to your doctor if you’re worried or experiencing abnormal symptoms.