Low testosterone: Everything you need to know

Testosteroneis a hormone made by the bodies of both people assigned male at birth, and people assigned female at birth. Testosterone plays a role in puberty and fertility, as well as libido — or sexual desire. In people assigned male at birth, most testosterone is made in the testes. In people assigned female at birth, most testosterone is made in the ovaries.

People assigned male at birth have higher levels of testosterone than people assigned female at birth. Testosterone influences the development of many physical characteristics. It helps increase muscle bulk, bone mass, physical strength, and body hair.


Typically, testosterone decreases as you age — particularly in people assigned male at birth. For some people, these levels can become too low and cause unwanted effects that have them looking for ways to increase their testosterone levels.

There may be certainlifestyle changes to help increase testosterone levels, like adding resistance exercise and losing weight.


Anolder 1999 studysuggests that testosterone increases after heavy resistance training are typically much higher in younger men than older men — and overall don’t appear to greatly increase your overall testosterone levels.

Exercise, especially心血管锻炼, can contribute to weight loss, which canhelp to increase levels of testosterone.


However, there isn’t enough research to support their effectiveness, and these products 可能不是 have ingredients that support their claims.

In fact, a 2020 study 评估50个宣传的补充剂作为“睾酮提升”和“性欲改进”,发现,超过25%的人有资料基于其成分来支持他们的索赔。此外,根据该研究,10%的补充剂含有对睾酮产生负面影响的成分。

此外,这些产品不受美国食品和药物管理局的密切调节。你可能会发现更多natural stepsthat may help to boost your testosterone level.

Some foods may play a role in helping your body moderate your testosterone levels.

确保你得到足够的食物是丰富的zinc and vitamin Dmay help to keep your testosterone at a normal level.

这里有八个testosterone-boosting食品有限公司uld help you get the vitamins and minerals you need to keep your testosterone levels healthy.

A 2018 animal study, as well as an older 1996 study on healthy adult men, suggests that zinc supplementation increases testosterone and fertility in those with marginal zinc deficiency.

Testosterone replacement therapyis used to help treat people with abnormally low levels of testosterone.

Abnormally low levels of testosteronecan affectnormal body functions and may contribute to decreased muscle mass, a reduced sex drive, erectile dysfunction, and mood changes like irritability and depression.

Testosterone replacement therapy involves taking prescribed testosterone medication in the form of pills, patches, and gel that you apply to your skin. Testosterone therapy can also come in the form of injections.

睾酮注射are one of the more common forms of testosterone replacement therapy. They are typically given by a doctor. You need them less frequently than other forms.


  • fluid retainment
  • 粉刺
  • 前列腺扩大
  • reduced fertility
  • sleep apnea
  • 血块
  • increased red blood cells


In order to know whether睾酮水平太低了,必须建立正常水平。这对临床医生来说是一项挑战。但是,根据一个press releasefrom the Endocrine Society in January 2017, results from arecent studyhave helped to define the normal ranges for testosterone levels in men:264–916 nanograms per deciliter (ng/dL). This range is for men between the ages of 19 years and 39 years who don’t have obesity.

Testosterone levels in people assigned male at birth remain fairly constant from the start of puberty — when levels spike — until a person’s 30s when they slowly begin to decline.

For some people, testosterone levels may become abnormally low.

Symptoms of abnormally low testosteronecan be bothersome and may impact your quality of life. These symptoms can include:

  • decreased body hair
  • decreased muscle mass
  • low sex drive
  • erectile dysfunction
  • 乳腺组织的生长



Your doctor may ask you to stop taking certain drugs before your test, as they could affect your testosterone levels. It’s important to tell your doctor about all medications you’re taking, include both over-the-counter and prescription drugs.

睾酮家庭测试套件也可从公司等公司提供LetsGetChecked. They use your saliva to test your hormone levels. After taking the test, you’ll send your sample to a lab for testing.

Causes of low testosterone levelsinclude:

  • aging
  • delayed puberty
  • 睾丸损伤(由创伤,酒精中毒或腮腺炎引起)
  • 下丘脑疾病
  • pituitary disease
  • noncancerous pituitary tumor
  • chemotherapy


Testosterone plays an important role in people assigned female at birth. However, testosterone levels are naturally lower in these individuals than in people assigned male at birth.

Usually, low levels of testosterone in people assigned female at birth aren’t problematic. However, levels that are too high may cause unwanted symptoms. Theseinclude:

  • irregular or absent menstrual periods
  • infertility
  • development of facial and body hair
  • deepened voice

High testosterone levels in people assigned female at birth may be caused by:

根据美国泌尿理性协会,你应该see a healthcare professionalif you have any of the following symptoms of low testosterone, including:

  • reduced sex drive
  • 减少勃起功能
  • fatigue
  • reduced lean muscle mass
  • 易怒
  • symptoms of depression

Here are answers to the most common questions about low testosterone.


Potential benefitsof testosterone therapy for people with low testosterone include:

  • 增加性欲
  • 改善性功能
  • improved mood and wellbeing
  • 增加肌肉质量
  • increased bone density

Does testosterone replacement therapy work?

There isconflicting evidence关于男性睾丸激素therap的好处y for age-related declines in testosterone, according to a2017 clinical review.

Some studies show improvement in erectile dysfunction in older men, while others do not. There is no evidence that testosterone therapy improves erectile dysfunction in men with normal testosterone levels.

Testosterone therapy does appear to increase bone density in the lumbar spine in middle-aged men with testosterone deficiency.

It also consistently increases lean mass while decreasing fat mass, but the effect sizes are small.

Are there different adverse effects of testosterone replacement therapy for people assigned male at birth versus people assigned female at birth?

副作用of testosterone therapy can vary for people based on their sex assigned at birth. Adverse effects of testosterone replacement therapy in people assigned male at birth可能包括:

  • 粉刺
  • erythrocytosis (when you have more red blood cells than normal)
  • growth of metastatic prostate cancer
  • reduced sperm production
  • increased risk of detecting subclinical prostate cancer

Adverse effects of testosterone therapy in people assigned female at birth可能包括:

  • 粉刺
  • extra hair growth
  • weight gain
  • fluid retention
  • mood swings
  • anger or hostility

In rare circumstances, adverse effects may include:

  • voice deepening
  • 秃头
  • clitoral enlargement

Are there cardiovascular risks to testosterone therapy?

In a 2015 advisory, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) warned that testosterone use is possibly associated with increased cardiovascular risk. However,其他Meta分析没有发现风险增加。目前,睾酮治疗对心血管健康的影响仍然不清楚,但研究正在进行中。

Testosterone levels in people assigned male at birth decrease a little naturally with age. However, in some people, these levels can be too low and cause unwanted symptoms. Treatment is available, but it’s important for your doctor to confirm your low testosterone levels with one or more blood tests. Your doctor may also do other tests to help determine what’s causing your low testosterone.

For people assigned female at birth, levels of testosterone that are too high, rather than too low, are more concerning. Symptoms of high testosterone may be an indication of an underlying condition that needs to be treated.