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一种serum lipase test measures the amount of lipase in the body. Certain levels of lipase are necessary to maintain normal digestive and cell function. But unusually high levels of the enzyme in your blood may suggest a health problem, particularly in the pancreas.




一种lipase test can support the diagnosis of the following health problems:

Here are a few tips on preparing for the lipase test:

  • You don’t need to fast before a lipase urine test. If your doctor is administering a blood test, you might need to fast for 8 to 12 hours beforehand. Always double check with a healthcare professional whether you need to take any preparatory steps for the particular test.
  • 但是,您可能需要在测试前停止服用某些药物或草药补充剂。这些药物可能会干扰测试结果。
  • 与您的医生讨论您的药物。如果没有先和你的医生说话,不要停止服用任何药物。

Common medications that may affect the results of the lipase test include:

一种healthcare professional usually performs the lipase test on blood taken from a standard blood draw:

  1. 一种healthcare professional in a clinical setting will take the blood sample from an arm vein using a needle.
  2. They will collect the blood in a tube and send to a laboratory for analysis.
  3. Once the results are reported, your doctor will give you more information about the results and what they mean.
  4. 程序通常需要不到5分钟的管理。

The doctor can also measure your lipase levels from a urine sample.

The risks of a lipase test are minimal, even though you may feel brief, mild discomfort during the blood draw. These risks are common for most blood tests. Potential risks for the test include:

  • 难以获得样本,导致多个针头棒
  • 晕倒从血液的景象中,这被称为血管养护反应
  • 皮肤下的血液堆积,被称为血肿
  • the development ofinfectionwhere the needle has broken the skin
  • 在测试后,在血液绘制的部位疼痛或悸动
  • bruisingat the site of the test


脂肪酶测试的结果将根据完成分析的实验室而变化。16岁及以上的人的参考价值13 to 60 units per liter。Your doctor will explain if your results are within the typical range.




  • 胆结石。These are solid lumps of bile that clog your gallbladder.
  • 一种bowel obstruction.这is a severe health problem that occurs when something causes a blockage in your small or large intestine.
  • Celiac disease.这is一个自身免疫条件that causes damage to the small intestine when a person consumes gluten.
  • 胆囊炎。这is a胆囊炎炎症that causes redness and swelling in the area.
  • 溃疡。一种 stomach ulcer 也可能增加脂肪酶水平。
  • 胃肠炎。这refers to infection and inflammation 在消化系统中 。It’s usually short-lived.
  • 胰腺炎。这是个胰腺的炎症。效果范围从轻度到严重。
  • Pancreatic cancer.Cancer may develop in the pancreas. According to the胰腺癌行动网络, around 60,000 people per year receive a pancreatic cancer diagnosis in the United States.

Lower than normal lipase range


In particular, decreased levels of lipase may indicate the presence of:

  • 囊性纤维化。inherited disorder影响产生粘液和消化液,破坏肺,消化系统和其他器官的细胞。
  • Chronic pancreatitis.这发生在pancreatitis leaves damage on the gland thatdoes not get better。It might present as calcification, fibrosis, or inflamed ducts.

你的医生可以订购淀粉酶测试at the same time as the lipase test.


The lipase test can provide important health information. Your doctor will most likely order this test if they’re concerned about your pancreas or a digestive disorder.