

Researchers do agree that the睡眠的质量和数量很重要对你的健康。从新陈代谢到免疫功能,睡眠几乎影响您体内的每个系统。


REM sleep

Typically, REM sleep takes place about 90 minutes after you fall asleep. This stage is when most of your梦想发生。在REM睡觉期间

  • 眼睛从一侧迅速移动
  • breathing is fast and irregular
  • heart rate increases
  • blood pressure increases

Non-REM sleep

The difference between a light sleeper and a heavy sleeper might be the amount of time each spends in thedeep sleep stageof their sleep cycle. Here’s a breakdown of the non-REM stages:

  • Stage 1.As you go from awake to sleeping, your breathing slows as well as your heartbeat, eye movement, and brain wave activity. Your muscles begin to relax.
  • Stage 2.您的呼吸,心跳和脑波活动继续放慢。眼动停止。您的肌肉放松更多。
  • Stage 3.您现在睡着了。一切都会进一步减慢。

一个小的2010 studyfound it’s possible to predict a person’s ability to stay asleep during noise by measuring sleep spindles on anEEG test.

睡眠主轴are a type of brain wave. Researchers believe they may be able to dilute the effects of noise in the brain.


These findings set the stage for studies focused on increasing spindle production so people can stay asleep through noisy interruptions.

得到足够的睡眠is crucial for keeping your body and mind healthy. Sleep needs vary according to age. The美国卫生与公共服务部recommends the following sleep guidelines:

  • 成人需要7到8个小时。
  • 青少年需要8到10个小时。
  • School-aged children need 9 to 12 hours.
  • Preschoolers need 10 to 13 hours (including naps).
  • Toddlers need 11 to 14 hours (including naps).
  • Babies need 12 to 16 hours (including naps).

A good night’s sleep can be described as:

If you’re a light sleeper, there are some habits you can develop to ensure the best possible sleep every night. Try the following:

  • 遵循时间表。尝试每天睡觉并同时起床,包括休假的日子。
  • 制定一致的就寝时间。洗个澡或读书。
  • Make your bedroom relaxing, quiet, and dark.
  • Keep all screens, including televisions, computers, and cell phones, out of the bedroom.
  • 保持卧室凉爽。
  • 避免下午或晚上小睡。
  • Exercise at regular times every day and make sure to stop at least three hours before bedtime.
  • 避免当天晚些时候,包括在巧克力等食物中发现的咖啡因。
  • Avoid eating large meals close to bedtime.
  • 避免在就寝时间附近喝含酒精的饮料。

If trouble sleeping has you feeling tired and affects your ability to do your daily activities for more than a few weeks, talk to your doctor. They may have some suggestions on getting a better night’s sleep. Your doctor might also recommend testing for a potential sleep disorder.


If you consider yourself a light sleeper and it’s interfering with your ability to get a good, refreshing night’s sleep, there are some lifestyle changes you can make to encourage better sleep habits.

If poor sleep is interfering with your daily activities, consider a visit with your doctor. They may have thoughts on how you can improve your sleep, or they might suggest testing for a possible sleep disorder.