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LetsGetCheckedis a health and diagnostics company that began in 2014 and offers home laboratory testing services. These biomarker tests can screen for a variety of conditions, such as fertility, heart health, digestive health, sexually transmitted infections (STIs), and certain cancers. The company offers an alternative to going into a clinic for diagnostic testing.

Read on to learn more about how LetsGetChecked can help you take certain health tests conveniently and affordably, without taking a single trip to a clinic.

网站和应用程序直接使用d there’s a frequently asked questions, or FAQs, page if you need more information on how to use the site. As soon as you create an account, you can begin ordering tests.

Sign-up process

  1. You can order a test directly from the website, the LetsGetChecked app, or Amazon.
  2. These tests are anonymous and come in unmarked boxes. Each test contains a unique bar code that’s tracked by the company.
  3. To register your test kit, create an account, then go to the “Activate Test” link on the website or app.
  4. A numeric code is sent to your phone number, which you can then enter into your account, along with two codes that are located on the inside of the testing box.
  5. After answering a few health-related questions, registration is complete.


Samples are provided by swab, urine, stool, or blood. Oftentimes, you’ll be required to collect these samples before eating in the morning.

The test kit comes with everything you’ll need to collect your sample. The site also provides videos with instructions on how to collect each sample to make sure tests are as accurate as possible.


After collecting your sample, you’ll place it in the provided biohazard bag and return it to the box it came in. Then, you’ll put the box in a prepaid shipping envelope and mail it back the same day. You’ll be notified once your sample has been received.

The sample will be processed, and the medical team will review the results. After the sample is received, you’ll be notified of the results within 2 to 5 business days.

Test results are stored on the LetsGetChecked dashboard, and users can monitor test result changes over time, or use the results to actively improve their health. The app, which is available through Google Play or the Apple App Store, can also be accessed on other third-party tools such as Garmin or Fitbit trackers.

Nurse consultation

If needed, a nurse will reach out by phone for a free consultation if certain results come back positive. The nurse will provide information about the results and is available to answer any questions. In some cases, medication is prescribed free of charge.

LetsGetChecked offers 34 different tests, which are broken down into four main categories: cancer screening, sexual health, fertility and hormone, and general wellness. Their most popular tests are:

Coronavirus test

Price:$89, only available in the United States

LetsGetChecked’s coronavirus test is approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and is solely intended for people withmild COVID-19 symptoms— including fever, sore throat, mild or worsening cough, diarrhea, andloss of taste and smell— or those exposed to someone with COVID-19.

Before getting this test, you’ll need to answer a few questions about your health to determine your eligibility.

The test requires a lower nasal swab to test for SARS-COV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. The kit also comes with a UPS next-day air return shipping label to send your sample back to a partner lab.

An official lab report is provided with results, and the test takes about 24 to 72 hours to get back.

Those with severe symptoms of COVID-19 won’t be able to purchase a test, as it’s intended for those with mild symptoms. There are also certain health conditions — such as weakenedimmune system conditions,type 2 diabetes, or moderate to severeasthma——这可能阻止你使用这个服务,就像我t’s recommended to talk with a doctor before ordering this test.

Compare top home coronavirus tests.

Male hormone tests


LetsGetChecked’s male hormone tests are for people who experience any of the following symptoms:

The company also recommends these tests for men undergoing chemotherapy or radiation therapy, as well as those with type 1 or type 2 diabetes, chronicstress,thyroid issues, and more.

This testing group contains several separate blood test kits:

  • Testosterone test ($69):checkstestosteronelevels only
  • Male hormone test ($139):tests for testosterone along withsex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG)和free androgen index (FAI)
  • Male hormone plus ($159):tests for testosterone, SHBG, FAI, and oestradiol
  • Male hormone advanced ($179):includes the biomarkers in the male hormone plus test, as well asprolactin

Female hormone tests


LetsGetChecked’s female hormone tests are designed for people who want to find out more about their fertility status. The blood tests are collected by a finger prick.

The comprehensive female hormone test is $129 and checks for four different biomarkers:

These tests can help you determine signs ofpolycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS),low ovarian reserve,early menopause, and ovulation function. For more accurate results, the company says to collect a sample on day three of yourmenstrual cycle.

If you prefer, you can opt for the progesterone only test, which can help you determine if you’re ovulating normally. Or, if you only want to know approximately how many eggs you have left, you can choose the ovarian reserve test.

Whichever test you choose, the sample needs to be returned the same day. The results come back in 5 days.

Compare top home hormone tests.

Colon cancer screening test


LetsGetChecked screens for invisible or tiny amounts of blood in your stool, which can indicate if you have a higher risk of cancerous or precancerous growths in your colon. If you test positive, LetsGetChecked may suggest that you see a gastroenterologist or primary care doctor for further testing.

The company’s colon cancer screening test includes thefecal immunochemical test (FIT). Receiving a positive result from the FIT doesn’t necessarily mean you have cancer, as some injuries can cause small amounts of blood in the stool. A follow-up visit with your primary care doctor is encouraged.

This test is particularly relevant for those over 50, and for those with a close relative who has had any form ofcolorectal cancer.

Thyroid tests


These tests can indicate how well the thyroid is functioning. If you suspect that you have anoveractive thyroid, anunderactive thyroid自身免疫性疾病如celiac diseaseor type 1 diabetes, or have a family history of thyroid conditions, this test may be right for you.

Symptoms of a thyroid disorder include suddenweight gain, fatigue,hair lossor thinning,constipation,cold intolerance,tingling or pain in the hands, weight loss, heat intolerance, and more.

There are two tests available to check for thyroid concerns:

  • Thyroid test ($99):checksthyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), free thyroxine (FT4), and free triiodothyronine (FT3)
  • Thyroid antibody test ($119):tests for TSH, FT4, and FT3, and also checks thyroglobulin antibodies and thyroid peroxidase antibodies

Results are sent in 2 to 5 days.


Diabetes and heart test


This test kit may help you identify diabetes or monitor your diabetes status. People with diabetes orpre-diabetesare more likely to developcardiovascular disease.

One of the best ways to prevent diabetes is to manage yourcholesterol levels和keep them within a healthy range. This test can help you detect any changes to your cholesterol levels.

The biomarkers for testing are:

Consider taking this test if you:

  • have a family history of diabetes
  • have a close relative who has experienced aheart attackorstroke
  • have overweight or obesity
  • drink alcohol or smoke tobacco regularly
  • have asedentarylifestyle
  • have type 1 or type 2 diabetes
  • have diabetes symptoms

Sexual health tests


If you’re concerned about or experiencing symptoms of a particular STI, LetsGetChecked offers four types of STI testing via a urine sample. The Basic 3 or Standard 5 packages are the most common choices for routine STI testing.

  • Simple 2 ($99):checks forchlamydiagonorrhea, the two most common bacterial STIs
  • Basic 3 ($119):also checks fortrichomoniasis, as well as chlamydia and gonorrhea
  • Standard 5 ($149):also includes the tests for Basic 3, as well asHIVsyphilis. This is LetsGetChecked’s most popular STI test and uses a finger prick and urine sample.
  • Complete 8 ($249):checks for everything in the Standard 5, in addition to Gardnerella, mycoplasma, and ureaplasma. This test uses finger prick and urine testing methods.

Compare top home STI tests.

Simple 2 Basic 3 Standard 5 Complete 8
Price $99 $119 $149 $249

Cortisol test


This finger prick test checks your stress hormone, orcortisol, production levels. If your cortisol levels are too high, you may developCushing syndrome(too much cortisol) orAddison’s disease(too little cortisol).

Consider taking the test if you constantly feel run down, arebodybuildingcompetitively, have or are presenting symptoms of Cushing syndrome or Addison’s disease, or if you have been taking testosterone.

Results come back in 5 days.

Compare top home cortisol tests.

LetsGetChecked is an option if you want to use biomarker tests to help manage certain health conditions. Results should be shared with your primary care doctor in order to ensure continuous care.

LetsGetChecked isn’t a replacement for getting a diagnosis or receiving regular care from a healthcare professional. The service also doesn’t replace care in emergencies.

If you use LetsGetChecked, be sure to consider the time it can take to receive test results, as there can be delays in shipping.

Overall, users describe LetsGetChecked as affordable and convenient, with the added perk of a free consultation with a nurse who has reviewed your results.

One user states, “The test is so easy to do by yourself and the results are returned efficiently. LetsGetChecked is helping to drive easier access to better health solutions.”

Another user described it as the “perfect alternative” for putting their health first when they didn’t have time to visit the clinic.

However, one user on Google Play says they never received an itemized receipt for services for reimbursement and had to pay out of pocket. Another user states they never received their test kit. Several other users report similar delays in shipping, whether for test kits or results.

Research from 2018 suggests that home test kits are beneficial, as they’re likely to generate additional visits to primary care doctors, but cautions that regulations are needed to ensure accuracy.

The company doesn’t appear to have any pending lawsuits.

Privacy policy

LetsGetChecked states they’re committed to protecting their customer’s privacy and data. Payment is encrypted with SSL technology. The testing process is confidential and can only be accessed by the user, but LetsGetChecked encourages users to share their results with their primary care doctors.

Personal data is kept confidential. But the company does collect and store personal information, such as your contact information, name, and addresses.

As a customer, you can request personal data be deleted from the site. However, this request can take 45 days to be addressed, and the company may need an extension of another 45 days before data is deleted.

You can sign up on the company website or download the app to create a confidential account. LetsGetChecked can be contacted by email, phone, or mail.

You can also contact LetsGetChecked through theircontact page.

You can use a debit or credit card, Apple Pay, or PayPal to pay for your LetsGetChecked tests. You can also use a flexible spending account orhealth savings account.

At this time, LetsGetChecked doesn’t accept insurance.

Overall, LetsGetChecked might be a great option for getting lab tests done. Results that are out of the normal range are addressed by LetsGetChecked’s medical team, and test kits are confidential.

If you’re concerned about LetsGetChecked’s privacy policy on storing and using personal information, consider contacting the company to have your questions answered.

Risa Kerslake is a registered nurse, freelance writer, and mom of two from the Midwest. She specializes in topics related to women’s health, mental health, oncology, postpartum, and fertility content. She enjoys collecting coffee mugs, crocheting, and attempting to write her memoir. Read more about her work at herwebsite.