Do you have a leaky butt? Experiencing this is calledfecal incontinence, a loss of bowel control where fecal material involuntarily leaks from your butt.

According to the American College of Gastroenterology, fecal incontinence is common, affecting more than5.5 million Americans.


  • Withurge fecal incontinence, you feel the urge to poop but can’t control it before reaching a bathroom.
  • Withpassive fecal incontinence, you’re unaware of mucus or poop exiting your anus.

Some medical experts include soiling as a symptom of fecal incontinence.Soiling是当粘液或便便污渍出现在您的内衣上时。

A leaky butt can be caused by a number of digestive tract disorders and chronic diseases, including:


Because loose and watery poop is more difficult to hold in than solid poop,diarrheais a common risk for leaky butt.

Diarrhea can be triggered by viruses, bacteria, parasites, certain medications, and a number of other causes.

当每个人都不时腹泻时,如果您有chronic diarrhea.


Constipationcan result in large, hard poop that’s tough to pass and can stretch and eventually weaken your rectum muscles. Then those muscles can have trouble holding in the watery poop that often builds up behind the hard poop.

Constipation can be caused by a number of issues including gastrointestinal disorders such asIBS, certain medications, nutrition problems, and more.

偶尔便秘can happen, but speak to a doctor if you havelong-term bouts of constipation.


Hemorrhoidscan prevent the muscles around your anus from completely closing, allowing small amounts of mucus or poop to leak out.

Neurological diseases

Certain neurologic diseases — includingmultiple sclerosisParkinson’s disease— can affect the nerves of the rectum, anus, or pelvic floor, resulting in fecal incontinence.

Nerve damage

If damaged, the nerves that control your rectum, anus, or pelvic floor can interfere with muscles working the way they should.

Nerves can be damaged by a brain or spinal cord injury or even a long-term habit of heavy straining to poop.

Rectal prolapse

Rectal prolapseis a condition that causes your rectum to drop through your anus. This can keep your anus from closing completely, allowing small amounts of poop or mucus to escape.


直肠膨胀, a type ofvaginal prolapse是一个条件导致你的直肠隆起through your vagina. It’s caused by a weakening of the thin layer of muscle between your vagina and your rectum.

If your fecal incontinence is severe or frequent, see a doctor, especially if it’s causing social or emotional discomfort or affecting the quality of your life.

If you believe you have any chronic causes or more serious conditions that may lead to fecal incontinence, speak to a doctor about diagnosis.

According a2016 article, simple treatments are the first step. Medicine, diet changes, exercises tostrengthen pelvic floor muscles, andbowel trainingcan result in a 60 percent improvement in symptoms and stop fecal incontinence for 1 out of 5 people.

At-home treatments include:

Dietary changes

When you discuss your symptoms with your doctor, they can suggest different dietary changes if your leaky butt is a result of diarrhea of constipation.

Many suggestions will focus on fiber or liquid intake. For example, if your fecal incontinence is a result of hemorrhoids, your doctor may suggest drinkingmore liquids和eatingmore fiber.

OTC medications

A doctor may recommend over-the-counter (OTC) medications depending on what’s causing your fecal incontinence.

For diarrhea, they might suggest bismuth subsalicylate (Pepto-Bismol) or loperamide (Imodium). For constipation, they might suggest fiber supplements (such as Metamucil), osmotic agents (such as Miralax), stool softeners (such as Colace), or stimulants (such as Dulcolax).

Pelvic floor muscle exercises

Your doctor can recommendexercises这涉及拧紧和放松骨盆底肌肉,以增强肛门和直肠以及骨盆底的肌肉。

Bowel training

Bowel training(or retraining) involves training yourself to poop at certain times during the day, such as after eating a meal. This can train your body to have regular bowel movements.

Medical treatments:

For more serious fecal incontinence, your doctor may recommend one or more treatments such as:

  • 生物反馈疗法。This type of治疗使用传感器测量关键的身体功能。它可以用来帮助学习骨盆底练习或识别何时填补直肠或控制紧迫性。直肠球或肛门测量法有时也用于帮助训练。
  • Bulking agents.Non-absorbable bulking agents are injected to thicken anal walls.
  • Prescription medications.Your doctor may prescribe medications that are stronger than OTC options to address causes of fecal incontinence such as IBS.
  • Surgery.为了治疗肛门括约肌或骨盆底肌肉的伤害,您的医生可能建议括约肌成形术,colostomy,括约肌修复或置换,或对痔疮,直肠膨出或直肠脱垂的手术校正。

A leaky butt, better known as fecal incontinence, is a relatively common inability to control bowel movements resulting in poop leaking unexpectedly from your rectum.

Although it might seem embarrassing, talk to your doctor if you have trouble controlling your poop. There are a number of different causes that can all be treated by your doctor, often quite simply.